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INTECH’ April, the 28 th 2005 Mesh Parameterization Bruno Lévy, INRIA, project ALICE INTECH’ April, the 28 th 2005 Mesh Parameterization Bruno Lévy, INRIA,

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Presentation on theme: "INTECH’ April, the 28 th 2005 Mesh Parameterization Bruno Lévy, INRIA, project ALICE INTECH’ April, the 28 th 2005 Mesh Parameterization Bruno Lévy, INRIA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 INTECH’ April, the 28 th 2005 Mesh Parameterization Bruno Lévy, INRIA, project ALICE INTECH’ April, the 28 th 2005 Mesh Parameterization Bruno Lévy, INRIA, project ALICE

2 Overview 1. Geometry in the ALICE Project: Vision, Background and Goals, Vision, Background and Goals, 2. Parameterization (1998 - 2001), 3. Atlas (2002 - 2003), 4. PGP [Nicolas Ray] (2004 - …)

3 1.Vision From the 70’s …. To the 2000’s ….

4 1.Vision Computer Graphics and 3D modelling Meshesdiscrete Splinescontinuous ScientificVisualization ComputerGraphics NumericalSimulations CADCAM 3D Scanning 3D modelers Numerical Geometry

5 1.Vision The data representation problem

6 1. Background Digital Geometry Processing A new and competitive research areaA new and competitive research area Converting between object representations isConverting between object representations is still an open problem still an open problem [Henri Gouraud, Malcom Sabin] [Henri Gouraud, Malcom Sabin] Need for a mathematical method that ‘understands’ geometry

7 1. Goals Create a « geographic coordinate system »

8 u v  RI 3 RI 2 u u ( ( x x,, y y,, z z ) ) x x ( ( u u,, v v ) ) S Object space (3D) Texture space (2D) 2. Parameterization Notion of parameterization

9 RI 3 RI 2 u v PiPi PiPi u i,v i 2. Parameterization Notion of parameterization Survey: [Floater 04]

10 2. Parameterization Demo: Constrained Parameterization Constrained Parameterization [Siggraph 1998 and 2001]

11 2. Parameterization Application: Gridding Grid generation for flow simulators Earth Decision Sciences startup (Paris, Houston, Rio, Dubai) Product: Gocad 3D modeler

12 3. Atlas Notion of atlas Conformal Map : C =  || grad(u|T) - i.grad(v|T) || 2 T  T Least Squares Conformal Maps [Siggraph 2002]

13 3. Atlas Application: Maya and Blender Least Squares Conformal Maps [Siggraph 02] Alias|Wavefront MAYA 3D modeler Alias|Wavefront MAYA 3D modeler

14 3. Atlas – « Tetris » Packing [ Nicolas Ray] Application: DirectX Lost Area

15 3. Atlas – « Tetris » Packing [ Nicolas Ray] Application: DirectX

16 3. Atlas Applications: X-Mesh VSP-Technology startup Product: X-Mesh (Mesh Manipulation Library)

17 3. Atlas Demo: Normal-mapping

18 3. Atlas Application: Eden Games Courtesy of Eden Games Alone in the Dark

19 4. Periodic Global Parameterization (PGP) Create a « geographic coordinate system »

20 4. PGP The data: a scanned mesh

21 4. PGP Problems: arbitrary topology How can we handle closed surfaces ? How can we parameterize a cylinder ? Global Parameterization [Gu 2002]

22 4. PGP [Nicolas Ray]

23 4. PGP Affine and Complex Manifolds

24 4. PGP More geometry: Principal curvatures

25 4. PGP Integrated vector field K         .(p2-p1) Triangle integral

26 4. PGP Integrated vector field Edge equation Triangle equation

27 4. PGP Two problems What do we do for arbitrary topology ? How do we handle arbitrary vector fields ?

28 4. PGP Arbitrary topology cos(  ) cos(  )  sin(  )  U =         .(p2-p1) || 2

29 4. PGP Arbitrary Vector Fields Use local expression with rotated vectors

30 4. PGP Periodic Global Parameterization



33 4. PGP Overview of the algorithm Curvature tensor approx. [Cohen-Steiner 02] Vector field smoothing Periodic Global Parameterization Applications:Remeshing,T-Splines… Applications:Remeshing,T-Splines…

34 4. PGP Results Mesh-2-Spline conversion (demo)

35 4. PGP Results Remeshing


37 4. PGP results Remeshing

38 4. PGP Applications Microsoft Research Grant: Geometric Intelligence

39 Conclusions n Digital Geometry Processing: n A scientific challenge: –Solve the 3D representation problem ! n Many possible industrial applications –Video-games –CAD/CAM, reverse engineering –Oil exploration, FEM simulations

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