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160-120 Days of poor AQ – 1558 Schools 91-105 Days of poor AQ – 343 Schools 76-90 Days of poor AQ – 3335 Schools 61-75 Days of poor AQ – 1888 Schools.

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4 160-120 Days of poor AQ – 1558 Schools 91-105 Days of poor AQ – 343 Schools 76-90 Days of poor AQ – 3335 Schools 61-75 Days of poor AQ – 1888 Schools **Schools not heavily impacted: 5523

5 Total Number of Asthma Hospitalizations


7 -According to the Rand Corporation, in 2009, there were 343 public schools that had a daily attendance under 90%.

8 Sources: Environmental Protection Agency. “Air Compare- County Comparisons.” California Breathing. “Asthma Profiles: County Comparison Charts.” Rand Corporation. “Enrollment Statistics.” Rand Corporation. “Average Daily Attendance.” Rand Corporation. “Annual Per Pupil Spending by District.” California Department of Education. “Public School Database.”

9 Skills Used: -Slide 3: inset map -Slide 7: aggregating attribute fields - “Perc_ada < 90” - Percent average daily attendance < 90% -Slide 6: creating indices - “ Co_perc_ad * co_enrollment = avg_ada” - (average % daily attendance) * (county enrollment) = (average number of kids per day in attendance) - co_enrollment – avg_ada = avg_absences - (county enrollment) – (avg. number of kids per day in attendance) = (avg. number of daily absences) -Slide 7: point graduated symbol -Slide 7: geocoding -Slide 4: geocoding and graph

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