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LIITO 2006-2010 Renewing Business and Management Program Heli Kukko Technology Director The Finnish Funding Agency of Technology and Innovation LIIKE2.

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Presentation on theme: "LIITO 2006-2010 Renewing Business and Management Program Heli Kukko Technology Director The Finnish Funding Agency of Technology and Innovation LIIKE2."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIITO 2006-2010 Renewing Business and Management Program Heli Kukko Technology Director The Finnish Funding Agency of Technology and Innovation LIIKE2 Program Seminar The Academy of Finland 10 February 2006

2 Can we turn business knowledge into a stronger additional source of national competitive advantage?

3 The Agenda  Tekes’ renewing strategic emphasis  Underlying changes in business environment  Challenges in current business research  The LIITO program  Questions  Summary

4 New strategic emphasis on business competence  Focus from technology to technology & innovation  Service and business innovations included  New emphasis on developing business competences  Implemented through various means, e.g. LIITO program Commercialization of research results Start-up financing and business competence SME growth and internationalization Applied business research

5 Underlying changes in business environment  Competition becoming increasingly global  Shorter time to market  Value networks with new logics of value creation  Increasing need for strategic foresight  Increasing need for market and customer knowledge  More efficient implementation  Distributed management framework

6 Challenges in current business research  Serving the needs of companies  Research problem definition  Cooperation with the innovation system  Research resources

7 Research problem definition We have:  Academic problem definition  Backward looking  Discipline oriented

8 Research problem definition We have:  Academic problem definition  Backward looking  Discipline oriented We need:  Address companies’ business problems  Forward looking  Cross-disciplinary

9 More cooperation with innovation system  More cooperation with companies  More interuniversity cooperation  More international cooperation  New structures to support cooperation

10 Research resources  Little research funding

11 Research funding M€

12 Research resources  Little research funding  Little funding from companies

13 Funding by domestic and foreign companies M€

14 Research resources  Little research funding  Little funding from companies  Too many small and fragmented units

15 The LIITO program  Implementing Tekes’ new strategy  Focusing on challenges created by globalizing business environment  Influencing the challenges in business research

16 Mission statement  The LIITO program improves the international competitiveness of Finland-based companies by creating new business knowledge and new operations models  The LIITO program creates in Finland high quality applied business research that is carried out in continuous close cooperation with companies

17 Target group  Companies doing business or aiming at global markets  Growth companies and company networks  Universities doing business and management research  Also research in e.g. industrial design, business law and behavioral sciences  Independent of business branch

18 R & D focus  Creating new knowledge on business and management  Applied in new operations models and methods  Industry relevant research themes Strategic management Marketing and customer oriented management Innovation management Knowledge management Management of networks and partnerships

19 Encouraging cooperation  Applying funding criteria to improve cooperation  Funding to support international academic exchange  Program services to further cooperation oProgram seminars oThematic groups oInternational contacts  Cooperation with LIIKE2 program of Academy of Finland

20 Duration and funding volume  Planned duration 5 years from 2006 to 2010  Mid-term evaluation after 2 years  In 2005 3 M€ pre-funding for 10 research projects  Tekes funding 75-95% of project costs  Planned Tekes funding for universities total 27 M€  Planned Tekes funding for companies total 17 M€

21 Questions?

22 Summarizing LIITO program  Implementing Tekes’ new strategy  For universities and industry  Creating new industry relevant knowledge on business management  Focusing on applied business research  Aiding business renewal  Encouraging cooperation  Providing new resources

23 Thank you for your attention Additional information: Ilpo Ihanamäki Program manager Tekes

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