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High Performance Workshop/Charrette Energy Session 5.

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Presentation on theme: "High Performance Workshop/Charrette Energy Session 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Performance Workshop/Charrette Energy Session 5

2 Goals zEngineer whole-building systems that effectively integrate passive solar and efficiency strategies to optimize energy consumption such that minimal renewable energy sources can exceed remaining needs.

3 Benefits zProvide Enhanced Comfort zEnergy efficiency and effectiveness... yreduces operating costs yfrequently enhances productivity ymay be healthier yreduces environmental pollutants zUse of renewables... yreduces pollutants yreduces depletion of finite resources

4 What is “Cost-Effective”? zIs economical zProvides operational reliability and power stability zGives higher user satisfaction and lower HR costs zReduces environmental impact zIntegrates the energy efficiency and architecture

5 Key Principles zDevelop appropriate building siting, orientation, size zUse appropriate building envelope strategies zUse energy efficient lighting, appliances, equipment zOptimize mechanical systems zUse renewable/alternative systems zIntegrate all decisions zUse an iterative design integration process zEducate building users/facility managers zMonitor energy performance

6 Building Siting, Orientation, Size zIntegrate landscaping into energy strategies zOrient building to optimize solar and wind zBuild smallest building that will meet needs

7 Use Appropriate Building Envelope Strategies zGlazing/windows, placement and size zInsulation zRoofing design zSun control/shading devices zEffective daylighting through building geometry, glazing strategies, daylight control, and surfaces

8 Glazing Considerations zClimate zApplication zOrientation zTechnology z Heat Transfer z Solar Heat Gains z Daylight Transmittance z Visual Reflectivity z UV Transmittance

9 Insulation for the Walls and Roof

10 Structural Insulated Panel

11 Use Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances, Equipment zOccupancy sensors and energy efficient lighting controls zEfficient luminaires zEfficient appliances zEfficient pumps and motors zDaylighting

12 Daylit Buildings zEnhanced Visual Quality zConnection to Nature zReduced Energy Cost zReduced HVAC zEnvironmental Impact

13 Daylight Design Considerations zSources yWindows yOverhead zForm Givers yDaylight Control yForm yGlazing ySurfaces zElectric Light

14 Savings From Daylighting zEnergy Reduction: ykBtu/sq ft/year zPollution Avoided: ytons/ye ar zMoney Saved: y$k/year

15 Optimize Mechanical Systems z“Right size” HVAC systems zConsider part-load performance zShift or shave electric loads during peak demand periods zPlan for expansion, but don’t size for it zCommission the HVAC system zEstablish an O&M program

16 Use Renewable/ Natural Systems zPassive solar heating zActive solar water heating zBuilding integrated photovoltaics zNatural ventilation zEvaporative cooling zBuilding mass for natural heating and cooling

17 Integrate Decisions zConsider synergistic effects of decisions yincrease efficiency/reduce energy demand yconsider renewables and alternative sources yselect HVAC systems zUse an iterative process that revisits previous decisions

18 Educate Building Users and Facility Managers zPlace signs to encourage efficient energy use zPlace educational exhibits on energy efficiency in public areas zConduct workshops for families and employees on energy use and efficiency

19 Monitor and Benchmark Energy Performance zInstall individual facility meters zDocument energy savings

20 NREL Solar Energy Research Facility (SERF)

21 SERF: 45% Energy Cost Savings 10CFR435 Code Building ($405,000/year) SERF Actual Calibrated ($224,300/year) * excludes plug loads

22 SERF Energy Features zDirect/indirect evaporative cooling zHeat recovery zTrombe wall for Shipping and Receiving zVariable frequency and high-efficiency motors zDaylighting in offices zT-8 lighting on motion/ daylight controls zHighly reflective surfaces

23 LEED TM Energy & Atmosphere  Total Available Credits: 17  (P) Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning  (P) Minimum Energy Performance  (P) CFC Reduction in HVAC & R Equipment

24  Optimize Energy Performance New ExistingPoints Bldgs 20%10% 2 30%20% 4 40%30% 6 50%40% 8 60%50% 10 LEED TM Energy & Atmosphere 2-10

25 LEED TM Energy & Atmosphere zRenewable Energy 5%(1) 10%(2) 20%(3) zBest Practice Commissioning zElimination of HCFC’s and Halons zMeasurement and Verification zGreen Power 1-3 1 1 1 1

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