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CHAPTER 4 Common Support Problems CTS 217: Computer Training & Support.

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1 CHAPTER 4 Common Support Problems CTS 217: Computer Training & Support

2 Chapter Objectives In this chapter, students will learn about:  Categories of common support problems  How to apply problem-solving processes to typical support problems 2

3 Common End-User Problems  Hardware problems  Software problems  User problems  Documentation problems  Vendor problems  Operating environment problems  Network problems 3

4 Hardware Problems  Installation and compatibility problems  Configuration problems  Malfunctions 4

5 Hardware Installation and Compatibility Problems  Hardware problems can occur:  During installation of new systems  During upgrades of existing systems  Incompatible components are unable to operate together in the same system  May be due to incorrect installation  Example: Incompatible RAM memory modules 5

6 Hardware Configuration Problems  Hardware configuration problems result when hardware component settings are incorrect for a specific environment  Were more common before Plug and Play standards  Example: Incorrect graphics display card settings 6

7 Plug and Play Standards  Plug and Play standards: industry-wide agreements among hardware and operating system vendors about hardware installation and configuration options  Specify the communication methods an operating system uses to recognize and incorporate hardware components into an operational system  Can help load appropriate drivers, but do not always automatically adjust software settings to take maximum advantage of new hardware’s capabilities 7

8 Hardware Malfunctions  Actual malfunctions are a small percentage of hardware problems  Can be reduced with a burn-in test period  A 48- to 72-hour period during which a new computer is operated continuously  Can discover obvious problems and identify components whose operation is:  Marginal  Temperature sensitive  Example: Inoperative keyboard keys 8

9 Hardware Malfunctions (continued)  Most likely to fail  Electromechanical devices that have moving parts  Examples: Hard disk drive; printer  Least likely to fail  Electronic components  Examples: CPU; RAM memory  Hardware diagnostic tools can help identify system burn-in and hardware malfunctions  Example: Hardware diagnosis utilities from PC- Diag 9

10 Effective Hardware Problem-Solving Steps 1. Check availability of updated device drivers 2. Use Windows troubleshooters 3. Check Windows device manager for problems 4. Examine README files 5. Search Internet for problem reports 10

11 Software Problems  Installation and compatibility problems  Configuration problems  Software bugs  Performance problems 11

12 Software Installation and Compatibility  Not all software installs automatically  Vendor solution: Installation software, a utility that aids in the installation of other software packages  Examines hardware configuration to determine whether hardware and software are compatible  Creates folders with correct path names  Sets configuration options in software to match hardware  Copies files to correct folders  Updates Windows Registry and other start-up files  Example: Applications software incompatible with new operating system version 12

13 Software Installation and Compatibility (continued)  Shareware  Evaluation or trial period of 10-45 days before purchase  May produce conflicts with other software  Freeware  Free for personal use (may charge for commercial version)  May not be exhaustively tested for compatibility and conflicts with other software  Open Source  Free for personal or business use  Designed and developed collaboratively by programmers  May carry OSI design certification 13

14 Software Installation and Compatibility (continued)  Conflict occurs when two software packages use systems resources (CPU, memory, peripheral devices) in different and incompatible ways  Result of conflicts:  Inoperable system  Poor performance 14

15 Software Configuration Problems  Result when software options are not set for the specific operating environment or hardware  May occur when users:  Install or upgrade new hardware or software  Attempt to use a software feature for the first time  Attempt to modify configuration information in the system Windows Registry or other startup files  Example: Installation of new application changes default file associations in operating system 15

16 Software Bugs  Bug: a major error in a program due to:  Programmers’ coding mistakes  Inability to anticipate every situation  Occur more often in custom-written programs and programs written for a limited market segment  Occur most often in infrequently used features of a program  Reduced through extensive beta testing  Example: Incorrect format of large dollar amounts in accounting program 16

17 How Vendors Fix Bugs and Upgrade Their Software  Patch: a replacement for one or a few modules in a software package that fixes known bugs  Usually designated by adding a digit or letter to a version number  Update: a bug fix software release  Repairs known bugs in a previous version  Some vendors offer automatic updates via the Internet to keep programs up to date 17

18 How Vendors Fix Bugs and Upgrade Their Software (continued)  Service Pack (or Service Release): c ontains both updates and patches to fix problems with a version of a program  New release: an updated version of a program  Contains new features the previous release did not have  New version: contains significant new features  Usually the result of a substantially rewritten program  Upgrade: a new version of an existing program  Sold at a lower price to owners of a previous version of the program 18

19 Example of Software Release Numbering  2.0 First release of a new version  May be offered as an upgrade for purchasers of version 1.0  2.1 An update release with new features  2.11 A bug-fix release; alternate: 2.1A  2.1 SR-1 An updated version with a service release installed  Some vendors use year of release as a primary version designation (e.g., Office 2007) 19

20 Installing Software Patches  Prior to installing a software patch or service pack  Verify that the patch applies to the software on a user’s system  Install patches in sequence specified by vendor  Make a backup copy of the original program  After installing a software patch  Keep a record of patches installed in case software needs to be reinstalled 20

21 How Vendors Fix Bugs and Upgrade Their Software (continued)  Workaround: a procedure or operation that accomplishes the same result as an original feature that does not work  Example: Same operation may be accomplished alternately via:  Keyboard command  Menu command  Toolbar icon  Shortcut keys 21

22 Software Performance Problems  System is operational but does not operate as efficiently as it can or should  Often involves the interaction between hardware and software 22

23 Software Performance Problems  Performance problems occur when a computer is:  Operational but performance is inefficient  Often result from a combination of hardware and software problems  Example: Slow read/write times on hard disk drive may be due to:  Lack of free space on drive  Fragmented files  Wasted space on drive  Insufficient RAM memory results in disk accesses  Malware infection 23

24 User Problems  Mistakes  Misunderstandings  Wrong products  Inadequate information or training  Forgotten information 24

25 User Mistakes  Account for significant percentage of common problems  Example: Inadvertent keystroke errors  Solution: Well-designed computer systems  Anticipate potential user mistakes  Alert the user  Provide corrective action 25

26 User Misunderstandings  Product features or limitations not well understood  Example: User expects a product to be able to perform tasks for which it was not intended 26

27 Wrong Products  Users may purchase or install the wrong product to accomplish a task  Examples:  Purchase of software package or hardware peripheral that is incompatible with existing system  Purchase of software without:  Understanding its capabilities and limitations  Knowledge of alternative program 27

28 Inadequate Information or Training  Many problems occur because a user has not been properly trained to use hardware and software  Quick start behavior: a tendency among computer users to:  Skip the installation manual  Attempt to get a new hardware or software component installed and operational as quickly as possible  Translates into waste and lost user productivity 28

29 Forgotten Information  Users forget important information such as:  User names  Passwords  PINs  Operating procedures  Solutions:  Reference sheets are an effective aid to recall procedures  Tip: Users should be encouraged to write down a reminder of their password instead of the password itself 29

30 Documentation Problems  Common sources of documentation problems  Poor organization  Incorrect information  Incomplete information 30

31 Components of Good User Documentation  Quick start guide  Tutorial guide for beginners  Reference manual for experienced users  Troubleshooting guide  Online help  Troubleshooting wizards 31

32 Vendor Problems  Common vendor problems  Tendency to oversell products (promise nonexistent features)  Misrepresent product features  Delivery of software with known bugs  Late delivery of products  Promise of purchase rebates  Vaporware : hardware or software products that are described in vendor ads or press releases but that don’t really exist 32

33 Operating Environment Problems  Problems with computing facilities  Electricity, lighting, air conditioning  Office furniture and equipment  Workplace ergonomics  Problems with the computing environment  Data backup and recovery  Security threats  Disaster and contingency planning  More on these problems in Chapter 9 33

34 Network Problems  Network problems are often a combination of  Hardware problems  Servers, hubs, routers, bridges, switches, gateways  Software problems  Operating systems  Workstation client software  Example: Use of network monitoring software to detect network bottleneck due to inadequate free space on server’s hard disk drive 34

35 Troubleshooting Resources on the Web  General troubleshooting    35

36 Troubleshooting Resources on the Web (continued)  Hardware troubleshooting     troubleshooting.html 36

37 Troubleshooting Resources on the Web (continued)  Software troubleshooting    Software_Problems 37

38 Troubleshooting Resources on the Web (continued)  Other resources     www.about/com/compute 38

39 Problem-Solving Applied to Typical End-User Problems Problem 1: Sounds Like Trouble Problem 2: The Problem with Modems Problem 3: Give Credit Where It Is Due Problem 4: Antivirus Protection Worth Every Cent You Pay for It Problem 5: The Path Not Taken Problem 6: The Nonresponsive Network Problem 7: The Big, Red, X 39

40 Chapter Summary Categories of common end-user computer problems 1. Hardware Problems a) Installation b) Compatibility c) Configuration d) Malfunction 2. Software Problems a) Installation b) Compatibility c) Configuration d) Software Bugs e) Performance 40

41 Chapter Summary (continued) Categories of common end-user computer problems 3. User Problems a) Mistakes b) Misunderstandings c) Wrong products d) Inadequate information or training e) Forgotten information 4. Documentation Problems a) Poor organization b) Incorrect information c) Incomplete information 41

42 Chapter Summary (continued) Categories of common end-user computer problems 5. Vendor Problems a) Oversell product features b) Misrepresent product features c) Delivery with known bugs d) Late delivery e) Promised rebates f) Vaporware 42

43 Chapter Summary (continued) Categories of common end-user computer problems 6. Operating Environment Problems a) Computing Facilities b) Computing Environment 7. Network Problems a) Network hardware b) Network software 43

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