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Chapter 10: Systems Development

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1 Chapter 10: Systems Development
Succeeding with Technology: Second Edition

2 Succeeding with Technology
Objectives Describe the systems development life cycle, who participates in it, and why it is important Discuss systems development tools Understand how systems development projects are investigated Succeeding with Technology

3 Objectives (continued)
Describe how an existing system can be evaluated Discuss what is involved in planning a new system List the steps to implement a new or modified system Describe the importance of updating and monitoring a system Succeeding with Technology

4 An Overview of Systems Development
Systems development process Typically called a systems development life cycle (SDLC) Systems investigation and analysis Looks at the existing system and determines if it can and should be improved Succeeding with Technology

5 An Overview of Systems Development (continued)
Systems design and implementation Modifying an existing system or developing a new one Maintenance and review Makes sure that the new or modified system is operating as intended Succeeding with Technology

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7 Participants in Systems Development
System stakeholders Individuals who will benefit from systems development project Users Individuals who will be interacting with the system on a regular basis Managers People most capable of initiating and maintaining change Systems analyst Specializes in analyzing and designing systems Succeeding with Technology

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9 Why Start a Systems Development Project?
Creative analysis Investigating new approaches to existing problems Critical analysis Being skeptical and doubtful Questioning whether or not the current computer system is still effective and efficient Systems development process Begins with gathering information on users’ needs Succeeding with Technology

10 End-User Systems Development
The development of computer systems by Individuals outside of the formal computer systems planning and departmental structure Systems developed by end users Range from the very small to those of significant organizational value Succeeding with Technology

11 Tools and Techniques for Systems Development
Systems development tools Can greatly simplify the systems development process Include Computer-aided software engineering tools Flowcharts, decision tables Project management tools, prototyping, Outsourcing, and object-oriented systems development Succeeding with Technology

12 Computer-Aided Software Engineering
Employs computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools CASE tools Automate many systems development tasks Allow more than one person to work on the same system at the same time via a multiuser interface Succeeding with Technology

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Flowcharts Reveal the path from a starting point to the final destination Can display various amounts of detail When developing a system General flowchart describes the overall purpose and structure of the system Succeeding with Technology

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Decision Tables Can be used as an alternative to or in conjunction with flowcharts In general, a decision table displays The various conditions that could exist The different actions that the computer should take Succeeding with Technology

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19 Project Management Tools
Purpose is to plan, monitor, and control necessary development activities Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Creates three time estimates for an activity The shortest possible time The most likely time The longest possible time Gantt charting A grid that lists activities and deadlines Succeeding with Technology

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Prototyping The creation of a preliminary model or version of a major subsystem Iterative approach to systems development Each phase of the SDLC is repeated several times (iterated) Succeeding with Technology

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Outsourcing Use of outside company to take over portions of its workload Guidelines to make outsourcing a success Keep tight controls on the outsourcing project. Treat outsourcing companies as partners Start with smaller outsourcing job Create effective communications channels between the organization and the outsourcing company Succeeding with Technology

23 Object-Oriented Systems Development
An extension of object-oriented programming Can be used during all phases of systems development Organizations Have saved time and money using the object-oriented approach to systems development Succeeding with Technology

24 Systems Investigation
Overall purpose Determine whether objectives of existing system satisfy the goals of the organization Attempts to answer the following questions What primary problems might a new or enhanced system solve? What opportunities might a new or enhanced system provide? What are the potential costs? What are the associated risks? Succeeding with Technology

25 Succeeding with Technology
Feasibility Analysis Technical feasibility Concerned with whether or not hardware/software can be acquired or developed to solve the problem Economic feasibility Determines if the project makes financial sense Legal feasibility Determines whether laws or regulations may prevent or limit a systems development project Succeeding with Technology

26 Feasibility Analysis (continued)
Operational feasibility Measure of whether or not the project can be put into action or operation Schedule feasibility Determines if the project can be completed in a reasonable amount of time Succeeding with Technology

27 Succeeding with Technology
Systems Analysis Attempts to understand how the existing system helps solve the problem identified in systems investigation Overall emphasis To gather data on the existing system and the requirements for the new system To consider alternative solutions to the problem and the feasibility of the solutions Succeeding with Technology

28 General Analysis Considerations
Formalized analysis procedure involves Collecting appropriate data Analyzing the data Determining new system requirements and project priorities Succeeding with Technology

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Collecting Data Purpose To seek additional information about problems identified during systems investigation Techniques Interviews Direct observation Outputs Questionnaires Other Data Collection Methods Succeeding with Technology

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32 Requirements Analysis
Purpose To determine user, stakeholder, and organizational needs Tools and techniques Asking Directly Critical Success Factors Joint Application Development Rapid Application Development Succeeding with Technology

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Systems Design Overall purpose To select and plan a system that meets the requirements needed to deliver the problem solution Results A new or modified system Succeeding with Technology

34 Generating Systems Design Alternatives
First step of design Investigate alternatives for all components Request for information (RFI) Asks a computer systems vendor to provide information about its products or services Request for quotes (RFQ) Asks a computer systems company to give prices for its products or services Request for proposal (RFP) Generated during systems development Succeeding with Technology

35 Systems Implementation
Includes Hardware acquisition Software acquisition or development User preparation Hiring and training of personnel Site and data preparation Installation, testing, startup, and user acceptance Succeeding with Technology

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37 Succeeding with Technology
Acquiring Hardware Most people and organizations acquire hardware and computers by Purchasing, leasing, or renting computer resources from a computer systems vendor “Pay as you go computing” Organization pays only for the computer power it uses Succeeding with Technology

38 Selecting and Acquiring Software: Make, Buy, or Rent
Program specification Description of what the software must accomplish Algorithm Step-by-step sequence of computer instructions Syntax errors Errors in the use of the programming language syntax Logic errors Errors in the programming logic Succeeding with Technology

39 Acquiring Database and Telecommunications Systems
A database is one of the most important parts of system development Many projects involve a database May require both hardware and software acquisition Telecommunications is one of the fastest growing business applications Succeeding with Technology

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User Preparation Readying users and stakeholders for the new or modified system Can include Marketing Training Documentation Support Succeeding with Technology

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Site Preparation Location of the new system needs to be prepared For a small system May mean rearranging the furniture Larger systems May require special wiring and air conditioning Succeeding with Technology

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Data Preparation Converting manual files into computer files Data conversion May be required to transform the existing computerized files into the proper format Permanent data Must be placed on a permanent storage device Succeeding with Technology

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Installation Placing computer equipment on the site and making it operational For a small systems development project May require making room on top of a desk for a new PC Plugging it into a wall outlet Following the manufacturer’s instructions to turn it on Succeeding with Technology

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Testing Unit testing Developing test data that will force the computer to execute every statement in the program System testing Requires the testing of all programs together Volume testing Ensures that entire system can handle a large amount of data under normal operating conditions Succeeding with Technology

45 Succeeding with Technology
Testing (continued) Integration testing Ensures that new programs can interact with other major applications Acceptance testing Ensures that new or modified system is operating as intended Succeeding with Technology

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Startup Direct conversion Stopping the old system and starting the new one on a given date Phase-in approach New system is slowly phased in, while old one is slowly phased out Pilot startup Running a pilot or small version of the new system along with the old Succeeding with Technology

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48 User Acceptance and Documentation
User acceptance document Agreement signed by user that a phase of the complete system is approved Documentation Includes all materials that describe the new or modified system Succeeding with Technology

49 User Acceptance and Documentation (continued)
Systems documentation Describes the technical aspects of the new or modified system User documentation Describes how the system can be used by noncomputer personnel Succeeding with Technology

50 Systems Maintenance and Review
Final steps of systems development Involves checking, changing, and enhancing the system Succeeding with Technology

51 Reasons for Maintenance
New requests from stakeholders, users, and managers Bugs or errors in the program Technical and hardware problems Corporate mergers and acquisitions Governmental regulations that require changes in programs Succeeding with Technology

52 The Financial Implications of Maintenance
For older programs Cost of maintenance can be up to five times greater than cost of development Average programmer Can spend from 50% - over 75% of his/her time maintaining programs Succeeding with Technology

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54 Succeeding with Technology
Systems Review Final phase of the systems development life cycle Analyzing systems to make sure that they are operating as intended Two types of review procedures Event-driven review Time-driven review Succeeding with Technology

55 Succeeding with Technology
Summary Phases of the SDLC Investigation, analysis, design Implementation, maintenance, review Common system development tools and techniques CASE tools Flowcharts Decision tables Systems investigation First step in the development of a new or modified computer system Succeeding with Technology

56 Succeeding with Technology
Summary (continued) Systems analysis The examination of existing systems Systems design Prepares detailed design needs for new system or modifications to the existing one Systems implementation Includes hardware acquisition, software acquisition or development, and user preparation Systems maintenance Involves checking, changing, and enhancing the system Succeeding with Technology

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