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Hey Mind – Mappers! NO DQ! 1.Share your mind maps with your table partners. 2.Introduction to Rates of Chemical Reactions Inquiry.

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Presentation on theme: "Hey Mind – Mappers! NO DQ! 1.Share your mind maps with your table partners. 2.Introduction to Rates of Chemical Reactions Inquiry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hey Mind – Mappers! NO DQ! 1.Share your mind maps with your table partners. 2.Introduction to Rates of Chemical Reactions Inquiry

2 Reviewing My Old Inquiries 1.Look at your 6 th and 7 th grade inquiries 2.On a piece of notebook paper create a “4-square” (see whiteboard) 3.Use your old inquiries and the scoring guide to describe what should be included in each section of an inquiry.

3 Reflection Questions 1.Describe how your writing has changed since 6 th grade. 2.Which is your strongest section? 3.Which of the 4 sections will be the easiest to improve? 4.Which of the 4 sections offers you the chance to grow the most in your scientific writing?

4 Inquiry Lab Report Section 1 Question Hypothesis Background Information that supports and explains your hypothesis Explanation of how your question relates to the real world

5 Section 2 Materials Procedure with NUMBERED steps Constants – what will you keep the same during all trials to create a fair test Safety Precautions Instructions included for how to collect enough data – be clear how many times to repeat the procedure

6 Section 3 DATA TABLE Title IV and DV Clearly Identified Units of measure are listed – METRIC GRAPH OF DATA Graph is appropriate type for the kind of data you collected Title Each axis is clearly labeled and includes units of measure Appropriate scale and intervals

7 Section 4 Restate the Hypothesis Was it supported? How well? Discussion of Data Patterns and relationships Mean? Median? Mode? Range? Explain Results – What does your data mean? – Connect your results to relevant scientific background information Sources of error Limitations to your tools, procedure etc. Suggestions for improvement A new question you could asked based on the results of this experiment

8 Our Reaction… 3 NaHCO 3 + H 3 C 3 H 5 O 7  Na 3 C 3 H 5 O 7 + 3 CO 2 + 3 H 2 0 Sodium bicarbonate + Citric Acid  Sodium Citrate + Carbon Dioxide (gas bubbles) + Water

9 Rate of Reaction (DV) What are some possible IVs that might cause a change in this DV?

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