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T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E.

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Presentation on theme: "T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E."— Presentation transcript:

1 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

2 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

3 Great is He who’s the King of Kings
(Altos) Great is He who’s the King of Kings And the Lord of Lord’s He is wonderful!

4 (Sopranos) Hallelujah He is Wonderful!

5 Hallelujah Salvation and-a Glory Honor and Power He is Wonderful!
(Tenors) Hallelujah Salvation and-a Glory Honor and Power He is Wonderful!


7 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

8 Power, Power Wonder working power In the Blood Of the Lamb

9 Power, Power Wonder working power In the Precious Blood Of the Lamb

10 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

11 He has done great things
Bless His Holy Name!

12 And all that is within me
Bless the Lord Oh my Soul And all that is within me Bless His Holy Name

13 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

14 Hallelujah Thine the Glory
Hallelujah Amen Revive us again

15 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

16 Hallelujah

17 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

18 Thank You Lord I just want to

19 I just want to take a little time right now and thank you Lord for all you’ve done for me

20 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

21 Jesus Je sus

22 Father Fa ther

23 Spirit Spi rit

24 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

25 Making Disciples Who Connect, Grow & Serve!
Matthew 20:28 (28) just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

26 Making Disciples Who Connect, Grow & Serve!
Matthew 20:28 **At TTOP we want disciples who: CONNECT WITH GOD! In WORSHIP Genesis 22: I and the lad will go over there; and we will worship and return to you! In PRAYER Psalm 86: 7 In the day of my trouble I shall CALL upon You for You will answer me! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

27 Making Disciples Who Connect, Grow & Serve!
Matthew 20:28 **At TTOP we want disciples who: GROW In GRACE! **We need to recognize: The STAGES of our DEVELOPMENT 1 Peter 2:2 like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that you may GROW in respect to your salvation! The SYMPTOMS of our DYSFUNCTION Hebrews 5: 12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

28 Making Disciples Who Connect, Grow & Serve!
Matthew 20:28 HEARING without ACKNOWLEDGING: This leads to DRIFTING! Hebrews 2:1 For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it! UNDERSTANDING without OBEYING: This leads to DOUBTING! Hebrews 3:7 Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts Take care, brethren that there not be in any one of you and evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God RECEIVING without SERVING: This leads to DULLNESS Hebrews 5:11 Concerning Melchizedek we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

29 Making Disciples Who Connect, Grow & Serve!
Matthew 20:28 **At TTOP we want disciples who: SERVE FOR GOD’S GLORY! A PURPOSE we need to PRIORITIZE! Ephesians 2: 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them A PATTERN we need to PERSONALIZE! Matthew 20: 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many! A MINISTRY to the BODY! A MISSION to the WORLD! T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

30 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

31 Spirit of the Living God
Fall fresh on me (2 times)

32 Melt me Mold me Fill me Use me

33 Spirit of the Living God
Fall fresh on me

34 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

35 Come just as you are Hear the Spirit call Come and see, come receive Come and live forever

36 Life everlasting Strength for today Taste the Living Water
And never thirst again

37 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

38 Over the mountains and the sea,Your river runs with love for me,and I will open up my heart and let the Healer set me free

39 I'm happy to be in the truth,and I will daily lift my hands for I will always sing of when Your love came down.

40 I could sing of your love forever
(4 times)

41 T R U T H Tabernacle of P R A I S E

42 TRUTH Tabernacle of PRAISE
This week at TRUTH Tabernacle of PRAISE

43 more information available @ the Communication Center
Fall T.R.U.T.H. Groups His Needs/Her Needs – Pastor Bobby 2pm The Invisible War – Larry Fowler 5:30pm Believing God – Michelle Means 5:30pm more information available @ the Communication Center

44 Trunk OR Treat! Side Parking Lot and Front Lawn
Wednesday, October 7pm Decorate your trunk & hand candy out! ~ or ~ Have a game inside your trunk for the kids! Side Parking Lot and Front Lawn Need 2 Grills and Grillers!   Free Hot Dogs! Free Drinks! Details available thru Community Connection Classes

45 meet in the church parking lot
saturday 10:00 a.m. meet in the church parking lot

46 Sermon available online @ or order for $5 @ the Communication Center
or order for the Communication Center Have a blessed week!

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