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Sentence Structure Lesson

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1 Sentence Structure Lesson
Clauses and Phrases Sentence Structure Lesson

2 What is a Clause? A subject and predicate working together I am.
Reading is fun. I study hard so I get good grades. Mike went to the park and Shelly cleaned.

3 What is a phrase? A group of words related to the subject or predicate. Hiding under the table, the dog knew he was bad. Mickey Mouse, the world’s best animal character, enraged the student.

4 Conjunctions Join words, clauses, and phrases. Examples
Rob and I went to the movies. She is good at singing and great at dancing. We ordered pizza but we couldn’t pay for it.

5 Conjunctions After If When Although Nor Whenever And As Or So Where
Wherever Because Since While Before Though Yet But For Unless Until

6 Practice Identify Phrases
Instructions: Identify the underlined phrase or clause. 1. Steven’s book, which made Oprah’s Book Club this month, is not in any stores. a. prepositional phrase    b. participial phrase    c. gerund phrase     d. infinitive phrase 2. While preparing for the speech, Joe couldn’t help but worry about his entrance. a. prepositional phrase    b. participial phrase    c. gerund phrase     d. infinitive phrase 3. Ahmad wants to visit Quebec, but he will need to wait for his next vacation. 4. Hoping for a miracle, the doctors continued the surgery. 5. Our boss supports donating time to charity.

7 7. After the banquet, the cooks will take a well-deserved break.
6. Melanie hoped to find a cure for the disease, but she tried to be realistic. a. prepositional phrase    b. participial phrase    c. gerund phrase    d. infinitive phrase 7. After the banquet, the cooks will take a well-deserved break. 8. Joey is hoping for a change to play pool with his uncle. 9. The dog that Sam chose from the litter seems to be healthy. 10. Sam Smith, who recently spoke to the youth group, excels at motivating young people.

8 Dependent Clauses Cannot stand by themselves.
Do not express a complete thought. Conjunction + Subject + Predicate Examples Unless you want to go. Because I care. And you lose your cool.

9 Independent Clause Can stand by itself or with a dependent.
Expresses a complete thought. Subject + Predicate (no conjunction) Examples I ran. Fractions are fun. Pizza tastes good.

10 Make Independent Clauses
Even if you’ve never been skiing before. When I got home from school. While Jan and I went to the park. How Many Clauses? Tito sang, and then Jermaine sang, and finally Janet sang. Cleaning out his book bag, the student noticed an old PB&J sandwich.

11 Practice Phrases & Clauses

12 Practice Dep. & Ind. Clauses https://depts. dyc

13 Practice Clauses Write each sentence. Underline the subjects.
Circle the predicates. Write how many clauses are there.

14 1 2 I like cookies and cakes but ice-cream is my favorite.
Tom, my neighbor’s brother, helped me catch the newspaper boy and scold him.

15 3 When Janet and I went to the park, it started raining so we went home. 4 Reading is fun but doing math problems is boring so I hate math.

16 5 Craig, my old friend, did not pick up the phone when I called because he was busy. 6 We are going to take a trip to Europe because we want to see its beautiful cities.

17 Phrase or Clause? 1. at the store 2. Gina came into the store 3. although I could not play 4. The running water 5. from earlier centuries 6. before a hurricane occurs 7. during the rainy season 8. I took a quick jog 9. after I walked the path 10. through the winter months

18 11. to do the paper route 12. jumping the rope 13
11. to do the paper route 12. jumping the rope 13. since airports need room 14. throughout the room 15. will have finished

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