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Published byAudrey Harmon Modified over 9 years ago
by Kate Zemlyankina Group 11-3 Financial-economical lyceum
“The Use of the Gerund in the English Language and the Ways of its Translation into Ukrainian” by Kate Zemlyankina Group 11-3 Financial-economical lyceum Teacher: Klachkova Maria Antonivna
The Word “Gerund” English is one of few languages in the world that have the gerund in their grammar. The word “gerund” sounds strange and incomprehensible for the Ukrainian learners of English and creates certain difficulties in its interpretation.
The objectives of the work
to analyse and compare the non-finite forms of the verb, to study the forms and functions of the gerund, to analyse the ways of rendering gerunds into Ukrainian. Working at our topic we used methods of theoretical research such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and also some methods of empirical knowledge such as study of literature, analysis of information.
The Verbals The gerund as a grammatical form relates to the verbals or the non-finite forms of the verb. Like the finite forms of the verbs the verbals have tense and voice distinctions, but their tense distinctions differ from those of the finite verb.
Types of Verbals There are three verbals in English: the participle, the gerund, and the infinitive. In the Ukrainian language there are also three non-finite forms of the verb, but they do not fully coincide with those in the English language (дієприкметник, дієприслівник, інфінітив).
The gerund is a verbal that ends in
General Notion about Gerund The gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses an action or a state of being.
Practical Use of the Gerund
The wide use of the gerund seems to be the most characteristic feature of Modern English, which distinguishes it not only from the Ukrainian or Russian languages, but also from such European languages as French and German, with which the English language has very much in common in the sphere of the verb. For example, we usually say: I enjoy swimming. The film is worth seeing. In the night it started raining.
Double Nature of Gerund
The nominal characteristics of the gerund: The gerund can perform the function of a subject, an object and a predicative. The gerund can be preceded by a preposition. Like a noun the gerund can be modified by a noun in the possessive case or a possessive pronoun. The verbal characteristics of the gerund: The gerund of transitive verbs can take a direct object. The gerund can be modified by an adverb. The gerund has tense distinctions; the gerund of transitive verbs has also voice distinctions.
Forms of the Gerund There are four forms of the gerund in English: the Indefinite Gerund Active, the Indefinite Gerund Passive, the Perfect Gerund Active and the Perfect Gerund Passive. Forms of the Gerund Active Passive Indefinite Perfect writing having written being written having been written
Syntactic Functions of the Gerund
The gerund may be used in various syntactic functions, such as: subject (підмет), predicative (іменна частина присудка), object (додаток), attribute (означення), adverbial modifier (обставина). 1. The gerund as a subject. Talking mends no holes. (proverb) – Розмови не допомагають у біді. 2. The gerund as a predicative. Are you for or against staying here? – Ти за чи проти того, щоб залишитися тут? 3. The gerund as a prepositional indirect object. He didn’t succeed in passing the exam. – Він не склав іспит. 4. The gerund as an attribute. I have no intention of discussing this question. – Я не маю наміру обговорювати це питання. 5. The gerund as an adverbial modifier. He talked without stopping. – Він розмовляв без зупинки.
Gerund Phrase A Gerund Phrase is a group of words consisting of a gerund and some modifiers that function as the direct object, indirect object, or complement of an action or a state expressed in the gerund. Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier then what we're trying to do. finding (gerund) a needle (direct object of the action expressed in the gerund in a haystack (prepositional phrase as adverb)
Gerundial Complex The Gerundial Complex is a construction in which the verbal element expressed by the gerund is in the predicative relation to the nominal element expressed by a noun or a pronoun. I don’t like your going off without any money.
Gerund and Participle Unlike the participle the gerund may be preceded by a preposition, it may be modified by a noun in the possessive case or by a possessive pronoun; it can be used in the function of a subject, an object and a predicative. In the function of an attribute and of an adverbial modifier both the gerund and the participle may be used, but the gerund in these functions is always preceded by a preposition.
Gerund and Verbal Noun Gerund Verbal Noun
1) The gerund has a double character — nominal and verbal. The verbal noun has only a nominal character. 2) The gerund is not used with an article. The verbal noun may be used with an article. 3) The gerund has no plural form. The verbal noun may be used in the plural. 4) The gerund of a transitive verb takes a direct object. The verbal noun cannot take a direct object, it takes a prepositional object with the preposition of. 5) The gerund may be modified by an adverb. The verbal noun may be modified by an adjective.
Gerund or Infinitive? The fact that certain verbs in English can be followed either by the gerund or by the infinitive creates additional difficulties for translation. It is believed that the difference between these two forms is of aspective nature, the gerund representing an action in progress and the infinitive representing an action as a fact. Besides, the gerund is believed to denote a general action, the infinitive – a concrete one.
Ways of Translation There is no gerund in the Ukrainian language and the English gerund is rendered into Ukrainian in different ways: by a noun, by an infinitive, by a verbal adverb and by a subordinate clause. a) by a noun. Dancing had not begun yet. - Танці ще не почалися. b) by an infinitive. She had tea with Cipriano before leaving. - Перед тим, як піти, вона випила чаю з Чипріано. c) by verbal adverb. On seeing Bella he stopped and beckoned her to him. - Побачивши Беллу, він зупинився та покликав її до себе. d) by a subordinate clause. He regretted now having come. - Тепер він шкодував, що прийшов.
Conclusion We chose the topic of our work because we consider it to be relevant nowadays. Studying at school, we don’t pay enough attention to such an important aspect of the English grammar as the gerund. Many students have troubles in using and translating it into Ukrainian. Our research work may be of great help to the learners of English in avoiding difficulties and improving their knowledge concerning this grammatical unit.
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