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Be sure to review the PowerPoint notes on my classroom web page to help you review for the game!

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2 Be sure to review the PowerPoint notes on my classroom web page to help you review for the game!

3 Misc. Verbals Mood Voice Verb, Participle or Gerund? 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

4 QUESTION: What is the underlined word? Traveling might satisfy your desire for new experiences. ANSWER: gerund

5 QUESTION: What is the underlined word(s)? Susie hopes to win the approval of her mother by switching her major from fine arts to pre- med. ANSWER: Infinitive

6 QUESTION: What is the underlined word? The spinning top collided with the chair leg ANSWER: participle

7 QUESTION: What is the underlined word? Exasperated, she made the decision to leave immediately. ANSWER: participle

8 QUESTION: What is the underlined word? You might get in trouble for faking an illness to avoid work. ANSWER: Gerund

9 QUESTION: What mood is the following sentence? I love it when it rains. ANSWER: Indicative

10 QUESTION: What mood is the following sentence? Would you like to get some ice cream? ANSWER: Interrogative

11 QUESTION: What mood is the following sentence? Go to bed. ANSWER: Imperative

12 QUESTION: What mood is the following sentence? He ran the race as if he were being chased by a monster. ANSWER: Subjunctive

13 QUESTION: What mood is the following sentence If this day would end I could relax. ANSWER: conditional

14 QUESTION: What voice is the following sentence using? Sarah ate her dinner. ANSWER: Active

15 QUESTION: What voice is the following sentence using? The snack was eaten by the baby. ANSWER: Passive voice

16 QUESTION: What voice is the following sentence using? The marker was used by Nick. ANSWER: Passive

17 QUESTION: What voice is the following sentence using? Michelle lost her bike. ANSWER: Active

18 QUESTION: What words often indicate that passive voice is being used? ANSWER: You can recognize passive-voice expressions because the verb phrase will always include a form of be, such as am, is, was, were, are, or been. HOWEVER the presence of a be-verb, however, does not necessarily mean that the sentence is in passive voice.

19 QUESTION Are the underlined word(s) a verb, gerund or participle? Michael ran to his brother, hugging him and crying. ANSWER: Verb (don’t be tricked! These are not gerunds - since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies some positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would, for example: subject, direct object, subject complement, and object of preposition. Hugging and crying does not in this sentence.

20 QUESTION: Are the underlined word(s) a verb, gerund or participle? The little girl cried as she heard the howling wind. ANSWER: Participle

21 QUESTION: Are the underlined word(s) a verb, gerund or participle or infinitive? All I wanted to do is to run away. ANSWER: Infinitive

22 QUESTION: Are the underlined word(s) a verb, gerund or participle? If you live in Alaska, you will become accustomed to cold weather. ANSWER: TRICK! – this is a prepositional phrase, remember infinitives follow this pattern --- to + verb = infinitive. Cold is not a verb!

23 QUESTION: Are the underlined word(s) a verb, gerund or participle? The dog wagged his tail. ANSWER: verb

24 QUESTION: Change this sentence to use imperative mood: Can you believe it’s 100 degrees outside? ANSWER: It is 100 degrees outside.

25 QUESTION: What mood does the following sentence use? I wish it were Christmas today. ANSWER: Subjunctive

26 QUESTION: Change the following sentence to use passive voice: Katie ran the race. ANSWER: The race was ran by Katie.

27 QUESTION: Change this sentence to use imperative mood: I went to bed early. ANSWER: Go to bed early.

28 QUESTION: Change this sentence to use active voice: The ball of yarn was chased by the cat. ANSWER: The cat chased the ball of yarn.

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