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6th Grade Math Mrs. Levander.

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Presentation on theme: "6th Grade Math Mrs. Levander."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Grade Math Mrs. Levander

2 Grading Scale A B C D 64 Below F

3 Tests/Graded Work Returned graded assignments are to be kept in graded work section of your notebook until your are instructed to clean our your notebooks of end of 9 weeks

4 Classroom Rules/Expectations
Every student is expected to follow certain Classroom Expectations in addition to those listed in your Mount Pleasant Area School District Handbook

5 3 Expectations Honesty Responsibility Respect

6 Classroom Rules/Expectations
Always raise your hand Be respectful Follow directions Come to class prepared Stay on task Work quietly Be ready to learn

7 Disruptive Class Behaviors
Three Strike System If I speak to you 3 times about disruptive behavior, you will lose recess and I will call home If you receive 3 detentions for class disruption, you will receive a write up and call home

8 Other behaviors Other behaviors constitute write ups and detentions and are decided on a case by case basis.

9 Math Content Covered Percents Geometry
Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Fractions Mean, Median, Mode, and Range Measurement Ratios and Proportions Probability Perimeter, Area, and Volume Integers and Equations (pre-algebra

10 MATH Grades will be determined on a TOTAL Point System and will be based on:
Tests/Quizzes Homework Class activities/Projects Notebook Daily Participation Worksheets Math Minutes Pssa Practice

11 Grades are will be updated in Classroll each Monday by 10:00 AM

12 Tests/Quizzes All tests and quizzes will be announced
There will be a test at the end of Chapter, a Mid-term (open notes) and Final (open notes) Small quizzes will be given periodically throughout the year

13 Class activities/Projects
We will do a variety of class activities to practice our math skills We will complete one major project each 9 weeks Any activity that is graded will be announced

14 MATH NOTEBOOK You are required to keep a math notebook
It will be kept in 3 ring binder Notebook will be graded once a 9 weeks Each notebook quiz will be a minimum of 25 points and a maximum of 50 points

15 Homework All homework needs to be completed
All homework will be worth a minimum of 2 points (graded for completion) Some homework assignments will be graded (always announced)

16 Homework Homework should always be recorded in your planner
Homework will be given almost daily If homework is not done, it will drastically affect you grade If homework is incomplete you will get a zero IT WILL AFFECT YOUR GRADE.

17 Homework/Assignment Postings
Homework will always be posted on whiteboard in front of classroom Homework will be posted on my website by 3:30 pm each day

18 Daily Participation Participation points will include: Preparation
Contributions Attention to task Following classroom rules, procedures, and expectations

19 Daily Participation Participation points will be entered into twice a nine weeks. Participation points will total 100 points each nine weeks.

20 Math Minutes Math Minutes will be 20% of your Math Grade
Complete almost daily Graded 2-3 times per week at random

21 Pssa Practice PSSA Practice will be 20% of your Math Grade
Complete once or twice a week

22 Attendance is IMPORTANT!
If you are not here, you are missing very important CONTENT!!! You will get as many days are you were absent to make up work If you are absent on the day of a test, you will take it the next day.

23 Attendance On the day of your absence any homework and material needed will be sent to the office by 3:15.

24 Extra Credit Extra credit is incorporated in assignments, activities, tests throughout the year I will not allow additional credit unless you have 90% in homework completion and a 90% in daily participation

25 Spelling Mrs. Levander

26 Spelling A Lesson will be completed each week.
Pre-test will be given Mondays Post-test will be given Fridays Students who receive 100% on Pre-test will not have to take Post-test

27 Spelling Graded Material Weekly Tests Unit Tests
Sentence Completion Worksheets Homework Proof Reading Worksheet Mid-term/Final

28 Mrs. Levander’s Contact info: Phone: (724) ext 4201 (you will be directed to my voic ) PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS

29 6th Grade Math/Spelling-Mrs. Levander
I have reviewed and understand these rules/policies Print Student Name________________________________ Student Signature_________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________ Date________

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