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E-Learning Metro Central Christelle Barkhuizen Albie Smith Osman Sadeck.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Learning Metro Central Christelle Barkhuizen Albie Smith Osman Sadeck."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Learning Metro Central Christelle Barkhuizen Albie Smith Osman Sadeck

2 Timeline 201420172030 2020 2012 2022 2015 Environment 1455 schools Computer labs Traditional classrooms Computers in classrooms Modified classrooms Mobile devices in classrooms Multi-media hubs Reconfigured classrooms Mobile hand-held, WIFI enabled devices anywhere Curriculum / Education CAPSCAPS Propriety software Traditional models Digital teaching & learning resources Integrated pedagogies Freeware Learning objects Evolving methodologies Online modules Self-determined e-Learning e-Education System NetworksNetworks WAN Broadband LMS Wireless LAN Cloud computing Internet Wired LAN networks Wireless networks e-Learning 1 000 000 Technology use for traditional tasks Use of digital resources to support learning Collaborative learning Self-paced / individualised mentored learning Online lessons / assessment & collaboration/communication e-Teaching 29 000 e-mentor/support e-Learning enabler Use of technology to present lessons Use of digital resources to enhance teaching/learning Blended f2f/on-line lessons e-lessons e-assessment Extended reach using technologies e-Administration CEMIS/SAMS CEMIS/SAMS integration Online business transacting – focus on data quality Online/Offline secure SAMS – focus on classroom/central policy driven curriculum e-admin Online SAMS integrate with National – focus on school finance management/ e- capacity building National Online SAMS – real-time data used for planning at school/Districts/Provincial/National with built in governance

3 e-Vision - Enablers Provincial WAN Provincial WAN Classroom Technology Multi-media Hubs Administration Classroom Technology Multi-media Hubs Administration Systems Services Digital Content Support Systems Services Digital Content Support Schools LAN Wi-Fi Schools LAN Wi-Fi e-Teaching e-Learning e-Admin e-Teaching e-Learning e-Admin Internet Orientation Training

4 201420172030 2020 2012 2022 2015 e-Learning 1 000 000 Technology use for traditional tasks Use of digital resources to support learning Collaborative learning Self-paced / individualised mentored learning Online lessons / assessment & collaboration/communication e-Teaching 30 000 e-mentor/support e-Learning enabler Use of technology to present lessons Use of digital resources to enhance teaching/learning Blended f2f/on-line lessons e-lessons e-assessment Extended reach using technologies Progressive Uptake - Phased Implementation

5 e-Learning Use Technology Digital Resources Teaching methods Use Technology Digital Resources Teaching methods Digital System Digital System e-Teaching Learners Use Technology Digital Resources Services Respond to teaching/learning methods Use Technology Digital Resources Services Respond to teaching/learning methods Teachers Personal AdministrationTeaching Learning Digital System  Digital System 

6 Training & Support Business Process e-Education A guideline of business processes for the attainment of the deliverables of e-Education and e-Learning March 2012 Training Menu - f2f/On-line System training: LMS 1.Moodle 1 : Basic (Orientation to system) 2.Moodle 2: e-Teaching and e-Learning (Create learning experiences/assessments) 3.Moodle 3: Management (Setup own Moodle Space for school) 4.Moodle 4: Administration (Administer own Moodle site) e-Content: Make Digital Resources 1.Hot Potato: Create web-based interactive activities 2.Screen casting: Quick how to teaching & tutorials videos with sound 3.Video and Sound editing: Creating and editing learning objects (Khan Academy) e-Learning: Pedagogy 1.Web Quest: Tasks using Internet Resources 2.Intel Teach: Student-focused integration 3.e-Pedagogy: Instructional design & methodologies

7 Training & Support Business Process e-Education A guideline of business processes for the attainment of the deliverables of e-Education and e-Learning March 2012 Target: all teachers to be trained in Basic Moodle by December 2016. (whole school staff – subject groups) Our support and training also extends in-house to SAs and IMG We keep a database to track individual progress in the training pathway District will provide the Moodle space for your school All schools should consider having a school website – if you need assistance to start up or want to change contact us We can advise on technical aspects, but the function rests with CeI

8 THANK YOU 082 719 8780 / 021 514 6967 021-514 6942 082 2020832

9 OBS Project – O ld B eige S ervers Business Process e-Education A guideline of business processes for the attainment of the deliverables of e-Education and e-Learning March 2012 Getting old technology operational again – OBS setup A cost effective way to “upgrade” your lab Cost less than R10 000.00 Buy a “strong PC box” – 32 GB memory, Windows 7 [specs from CeI] Thin Client setup (workstations boot-up from server) CAT/IT/CAD Three year cycle Head Office decide on schools to be refreshed. Head of Education approves schools.

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