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Past Simple vs Present Perfect

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1 Past Simple vs Present Perfect

2 Past Tense vs Present Perfect
Declarative sentence: subject + 2nd form of the verb Negative sentence: subject + did not (didn´t) + infinitive Question: Did + subject + infinitive Short answer: Yes, I did./ No, I didn´t.

3 Past Tense vs Present Perfect
Declarative sentence: Subject + have + 3rd form of the verb Negative sentence: Subjet + have + not + 3rd form of the verb Question: Have + subject + 3rd form of the verb Short answer: Yes, I have./ No, I haven´t.

4 Exercise 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the verb.
1. I _______________ my glasses so I can´t see anything now. (LOSE) 2. John ______________ to the Czech Republic five years ago. (MOVE) 3. I ________________ to Italy twice. (BE) 4. Last summer I _____________ a wonderful holiday in Japan. (SPEND) 5. Kate _______________ always ______________ to be a teacher. (WANT) 6. They ____________________ the movie yet. (SEE) 7. I _______________ you in the theatre on Monday. (SEE) 8. Peter ___________ never ______________ a motorbike. (DRIVE) 9. I _______________ a new house with garden and swimming pool last year. (BUY) 10. We _______________ a test from biology last week. (WRITE)

5 Solution 1. I have lost my glasses so I can´t see anything now. (LOSE)
2. John moved to the Czech Republic five years ago. (MOVE) 3. I have been to Italy twice. (BE) 4. Last summer I spent a wonderful holiday in Japan. (SPEND) 5. Kate has always wanted to be a teacher. (WANT) 6. They have not seen the movie yet. (NOT SEE) 7. I saw you in the theatre on Monday. (SEE) 8. Peter has never driven a motorbike. (DRIVE) 9. I bought a new house with garden and swimming pool last year. (BUY) 10. We wrote a test from biology last week. (WRITE)

6 Exercise 2 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the verb.
1. I _____________ to the cinema last week to see the new American comedy about teenagers. (GO) 2. She ___________ never ________________ American comedy. She thinks it is stupid. (WATCH) 3. Henry _____________ always _____________ to become a doctor. (WANT) 4. I _____________ until midnight yesterday. I had to finish it before the deadline. WORK) 5. We __________________ to Scotland yet. (NOT BE) 6. I __________________ a lot to pass the exam. (STUDY) 7. We ______________ in a restaurant on the corner yesterday at 7 o´clock. (MEET) 8. I _______________ my vocabulary so I don´t have where to write new words now. (LOSE) 9. Look! Susan _____________ a photograph of me with an elephant last summer. (TAKE) 10. I ______________ in London since I was five years old. (LIVE)

7 Solution 1. I went to the cinema last week to see the new American comedy about teenagers. (GO) 2. She has never watched American comedy. She thinks it is stupid. (WATCH) 3. Henry has always wanted to become a doctor. (WANT) 4. I worked until midnight yesterday. I had to finish it before the deadline. (WORK) 5. We haven´t been to Scotland yet. (NOT BE) 6. I have studied a lot to pass the exam. (STUDY) 7. We met in a restaurant on the corner yesterday at 7 o´clock. (MEET) 8. I have lost my vocabulary so I don´t have where to write new words now. (LOSE) 9. Look! Susan took a photograph of me with an elephant last summer. (TAKE) 10. I have lived in London since I was five years old. (LIVE)

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