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The Ottoman and Safavid Empires
Preview Starting Points Map: Asian Empires Main Idea / Reading Focus The Ottoman Empire Faces of History: Suleyman Map: The Ottoman Empire The Safavid Empire Map: The Safavid Empire
The Ottoman and Safavid Empires
Main Idea The Ottoman and Safavid empires flourished under powerful rulers who expanded the territory and cultural influence of their empires. Reading Focus How did the Ottomans build a powerful empire, and what were their cultural achievements? How was the Safavid Empire founded and enlarged, and what cultural elements did it combine?
The Ottoman Empire Mongol conquests of the 1200s ripped apart the Seljuk Turk empire. Small, independent Turkish states formed in the region. In the late 1200s, a great chieftain arose from one of the states and went on to found the powerful Ottoman Empire. Early 1300s, Anatolia bordered by declining Christian Byzantine Empire to west, Muslim empires to east; to north, Russia Turks of Anatolia mainly Muslim, nomadic, militaristic society Growth of the Empire Nomadic people, ghazis, “warriors for the Islam faith” Ghazi leader Osman I had built strong state in Anatolia by 1300 Osman, descendants came to be known as Ottomans to Westerners Ottomans Their power grew quickly, and by the mid-1300s the Ottomans controlled much of Anatolia.
Sultans Expanding Empire Military Might
Osman’s son, Orhan I, became second Ottoman ruler; declared himself sultan, Arabic for “ruler” Under Orhan, later sultans, Ottoman forces swept into Balkans, attacked Byzantine Empire 1361, took Adrianople, second most important Byzantine city; renamed Edirne, made it capital By early 1400s, Ottomans controlled much of Balkan Peninsula Expanding Empire Military key to Ottoman success Ottomans enslaved Christian boys from conquered areas Boys converted to Islam, trained as elite soldiers, Janissaries; loyal only to sultan Practice called blood tax by many Christians Ottomans also adopted gunpowder weapons Now possible to take cities defended by heavy walls Military Might
Invasion and Decline Despite strong military, Ottomans experienced setback Central Asian conqueror Timur attacked Because of leg injury, known as Timur the Lame; in Europe, Tamerlane In 1402 army crushed Ottoman forces at Battle of Ankara Timur soon withdrew Ottoman empire left in shambles Ruler dead Bloody power struggle followed, weakened empire
Fall of Constantinople
Expansion period Following period of decline, spectacular phase of expansion began Mid-1400s, reign of Mehmed II, strong military leader Mehmed II determined to take Constantinople, Byzantine capital Bosporus Strait Ottomans had captured lands around Constantinople, but not city itself Constantinople controlled Bosporus Strait, trade route between Asia, Europe Control of waterway provided great wealth, divided Ottoman Empire Mehmed the Conqueror 1453, Ottomans led major land, sea assault against Constantinople Used massive cannons to batter city’s walls; city fell after two month siege Byzantine Empire no longer existed; Mehmed became known as “the Conqueror;” claimed center of eastern Christianity for Islam
Pillaging the City Rebuilding the City
Mehmed made Constantinople his capital, named Istanbul Allowed soldiers to pillage city for three days Many residents killed or enslaved Then rebuilt Constantinople into Muslim city Rebuilding the City Mehmed had palaces, mosques built Turned Hagia Sophia, Orthodox Christian cathedral, into mosque Moved people from across empire to repopulate city Soon city again major trade center with people of many cultures
Height of the Empire Expansion and Threats Suleyman the Lawgiver
Expansion continued Met new threat in Persia—the Safavid Empire In 1514 Ottoman forces crushed Safavids at Battle of Chaldiran Next swept through Syrian, into Egypt in North Africa Soon after captured Mecca, Medina, holy cities of Islam Empire reached height under Suleyman I, known in West as Suleyman “the Magnificent” Expansion and Threats During Suleyman’s forty-six year reign, Ottoman forces pushed through Hungary up to Vienna Navy gained control of eastern Mediterranean, North African coast Impressive domestic achievements Reformed tax system, overhauled government bureaucracy, improved court system, legal code Suleyman the Lawgiver
Society and Culture Rule of Sultans Classes Religious Freedom
Ottoman sultan ruled over vast, diverse empire; had immense power, issued all laws, made all major decisions Numerous officials advised sultan—considered his slaves; had to be loyal to sultan, practice Islam, follow Ottoman customs Classes Privileged ruling class one of two classes—second class, everyone else Included people of many cultures, languages, religions Ottomans governed diverse subjects with tolerance Religious Freedom Non-Muslims had to pay heavy taxes, endure restrictions; did not have to serve in military—Muslims had to join military, but did not pay taxes Religious freedom allowed; some groups required to form millets, or religious communities; each millet followed own laws, chose own leaders
Inexperienced Sultans
Rich Culture Great Buildings Mixing of peoples created rich Ottoman culture, reached peak under Suleyman Magnificent mosques, palaces, many with Byzantine influence Mosque of Suleyman Sinan, master designer of Mosque of Suleyman, Istanbul Graceful solution of problem of combining round dome, rectangular building Empire’s Decline After Suleyman’s reign, empire declined One cause was method of dealing with heirs New sultans killed brothers to eliminate rivals until 1600s Inexperienced Sultans Heirs locked in royal palace; released to become sultan but had no experience Despite periodic reform efforts, series of weak sultans resulted Empire lasted to early 1900s
Why is Suleyman’s reign considered the height of the Ottoman Empire?
Analyze Why is Suleyman’s reign considered the height of the Ottoman Empire? Answer(s): because Suleyman expanded the empire, built bridges and mosques, and reformed the administration and laws of the empire
The Safavid Empire East of the Ottomans, Persian Muslims called the Safavids began building an empire around The Safavids soon came into conflict with the Ottomans and other Muslims. The conflict related to Islam’s split into rival Sunni and Shia sects. The Safavids were Shia; most other Muslims were Sunnis. 14-year old Esma’il, founder of Safavid Empire Father died fighting Sunni Muslims 1501, took up sword, joined by father’s supporters, led army in Persian conquests Growth of the Empire Gained control of what is now Iran, part of Iraq Took Persian title of shah, “king” of Safavid Empire Made Shiism official religion Advisers concerned Official Religion Sunnis majority in empire Blending of Shia religion, Persian tradition gave Safavid state unique identity Laid foundation for national culture of present day Iran Persian Tradition
Esma’il and Shiism ‘Abbas Ottoman Model
Shiism sharply distinguished Safavid state from Sunni neighbors, notably Ottomans to west, Uzbeks to northeast Esma’il dreamed of converting all Sunnis to Shiism Battled Uzbeks with some success; suffered crushing defeat by Ottomans in Battle of Chaldiran, 1514 Safavid army no match for Ottomans’ superior gunpowder weapons 1524, Esma’il died; later shahs struggled to keep empire together 1588, greatest Safavid leader, ‘Abbas became shah Reformed government, strengthened military, acquired modern gunpowder weapons ‘Abbas Copied Ottoman model, had slave youths captured in Russia trained to be soldiers Under ‘Abbas, Safavids defeated Uzbeks, gained back land lost to Ottomans Ottoman Model
Culture and Economy Golden Age Major Muslim Civilization
‘Abbas’ achievements produced golden age in Safavid culture Brought in Chinese potters to improve quality of glazed tile, ceramics Safavids created public spaces with graceful arches, lush gardens Colorful tiles, domes decorated mosques During 1600s capital of Esfahan one of world’s magnificent cities Major Muslim Civilization Culture helped economy; ‘Abbas encouraged traditional products Hand-woven Persian carpets became important industry, export Trade goods brought wealth, helped establish Safavid Empire as major Muslim civilization Safavid Empire lasted until 1722
Compare and Contrast How were the achievements of Esma’il and ‘Abbas similar, and how were they different? Answer(s): Both leaders focused on military. 'Abbas had more success in battle because he acquired gunpowder weapons.
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