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Nasser, Communists, and the Muslim Brotherhood Ming, Olivia, Amy, Amy, Casey, and Gio.

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1 Nasser, Communists, and the Muslim Brotherhood Ming, Olivia, Amy, Amy, Casey, and Gio

2 Who Is THIS Guy?

3 Who is Gamal Abdel Nasser? ●Born 15 Jan. 1918, died 28 Sep. 1970 (Born in the Bakos neighborhood of Alexandria, Egypt) ●Served in World War II ●Second president of Egypt ●Lead Egyptian Revolution of 1952 ●Advanced Arab Nationalism and inspired anti-colonial and pan-Arab revolutions in Algeria, Libya, Iraq and Yemen ●Proclaimed Prime Minister in 1954 ●Elected President 1956 (Second president of Egypt) ●Remained in power until his death

4 What did Nasser stand for politically? ●Nasser fought against the new israel in 1948 ● Before Nasser, Egypt had been ruled by King Farouk o British-supported Government ●Dissatisfactions with Farouk’s appeasement (concerning control of Canal Zone) erupted in clashes along the border in 1951 o riots, etc... ●1952 Egyptian army officers fronted by General Neguib and lead by Nasser overthrew King Farouk o Free Officers ●Nasser’s popularity came from his objectives for Egypt o Reunite Arab people & restore dignity to the region  -military, political and economic independence as well as create a self-sustaining Arab bloc  -Complete evacuation of British troops from Canal Zone (1956)  -Procurement of Modern arms via Soviet controlled Czech.  -Refusal to sign the Baghdad Pact  -Support radical movement in Africa

5 The Muslim Brotherhood ●Religious, political, social movement ●Largest political force in Egypt ●About 600,000 supporters ●Hassan al-Banna March 1928 ●Success in Freedom and Justice Party ●Mohamed Morsi overthrown within year of election ●Members imprisoned/killed ●Egyptian court banned Brotherhood and associations ●Denounces violent protests

6 What did people have against the Muslim Brotherhood? ●Selective about its leaders ●Only about 600,000 supporters of 80 million Egyptians ● Anti Non-Muslim o After Mohamed Morsi elected, he forbade Muslims to greet Christians on Easter  "Jesus did not die and was not crucified, but rather Allah gave him protection from the Jews and raised [Jesus] up to Him... which is why we do not greet anyone for something we strongly believe is wrong...." ●Main goal was to acquire power over Egypt

7 Communists -Much of Egypt feared communist control as well as a Western-sponsored revolution -Most Communist groups did not support the revolution (Exception: Democratic Movement For National Liberation) -August, 1952 Communist-led riots damaged reputation -Communist philosophy seen as irreconcilable with Arab traditions

8 Why Egypt Chose Nasser The Muslim Brotherhood ●Too much Paranoia within the system o The Purge wasn’t received well by authorities- assassinated its leader and shamed activists ●Alienated the politicians essential to solve Egypt's problems ●The party declared war against the bureaucracy it needed to govern it Nasser’s Party ●Military Strategy o Fought in WWII, founded a secret revolutionary organization “The Free Officers” o Overthrew King Farouk’s regime June 23, 1952 o Major General Muhammad Naguib led movement ●Naguib made president until 1956 ●Used effective tactics- appealed to the population ●Made Egypt Socialist Arab state ●Lead Egypt away from Communist and Democratic-capitalist systems of the Cold War ●June 1956, Nasser supplanted Naguib Communism *Scared of “Iron Curtain” *Didn’t support interests of the Egyptian people

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