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1 CompuLingua: Talking Technology Across the Borders Prof. Fiorenza Congedo Technical High School “G. Marconi” Verona, Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CompuLingua: Talking Technology Across the Borders Prof. Fiorenza Congedo Technical High School “G. Marconi” Verona, Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CompuLingua: Talking Technology Across the Borders Prof. Fiorenza Congedo Technical High School “G. Marconi” Verona, Italy

2 2 CompuLingua - an eTwinning partnership The partnership is registered and approved Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy

3 3 CompuLingua: eTwinning label Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy

4 4 CompuLingua: Italian best practices Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy

5 5 Schools, teachers and students Schools: two upper secondary technical and vocational schools for electronics and computer studies (Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy and Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt Leonding, Austria) ärnthaler Teachers: Fiorenza Congedo and Andreas Bärnthaler Students: 17-18 year old students Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy

6 6 The project Content and Language integrated - a learning project on Computer Science and English (used both for specific and general purposes) integrated to the school curriculum A whole school year project Students work in a virtual workplace Innovation in foreign language learning and teaching Students and teachers share curricular materials and resources Students will create a multilingual glossary to be web published A class exchange in March and April 2006 Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy

7 7 CompuLingua -TwinSpace Students work in their TwinSpace Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy

8 8 EUN Community - CompuLingua Collaborative Virtual Classroom Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy Students’ virtual classroom

9 9 CompuLingua: a multilingual glossary Students work in their virtual classroom Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy

10 10 CompuLingua - MagazineFactory Teachers and the students work as editorial staff in their virtual classroom and publish a web magazine. Technical High School “G. Marconi”, Verona, Italy Students’ Magazine

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