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Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Second Grade Gifted Child Find Procedures 2013-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Second Grade Gifted Child Find Procedures 2013-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Second Grade Gifted Child Find Procedures 2013-14

2 Why? n Mandatory (1999 ALSDE/OCR resolution) n “All second grade students will be observed as potential gifted referrals using a gifted behavior checklist provided by the State Department of Education.” n The purpose of second grade screening is “to ensure that all students are given the opportunity to be considered for gifted services; no matter what population or socio-economic group; as well as students with disabilities and limited-English proficiency.”

3 In the beginning… n Observation of students for gifted characteristics. –Teachers should begin to watch for gifted characteristics in their students as soon as they get to know them.

4 Beware of Bias n Give each child equal consideration on each behavior characteristic. n Be aware of your biases. Recognize your biases and make allowances for them. n Remember to rate the students against their classmates of this year, not against a “perfect” child!

5 Getting Started n List the names of all students in your class on the class roster in alphabetical order. (Last name, first name) n Familiarize yourself with the traits/aptitudes and behaviors listed on the TABs Classroom Observation Form.

6 TABs Characteristics n Motivation n Interests n Communication Skills n Problem-Solving Ability n Humor n Inquiry n Leadership n Reasoning n Imagination/ Creativity n Insight

7 Completing the Form n Consider one category at a time. n Compare each student with the other students in your class during a similar experience or in a same environment. n Most students will be Average (3), a few will be Above Average (4) or Weak (2). Usually only one student will earn a Superior (5) or Developing (1).

8 TABs Form Continued n Then you will move on to the category of Interests and follow the same pattern. n Most classrooms follow a bell-shaped curve. You should only have one or two students per category who would be assigned a Superior (5).

9 TABS Form Continued n Think of it this way: If you were to put the students in line by height, one student is going to be the tallest and one will be the shortest. Everyone else will fall between those two. n The TABS form works the same way. One student will be the best in a category; one student will be the worst in the category. Everyone else will fall between the two.

10 TABs Form Completion n Seek out information from other staff members who may know a child. Each person involved must sign the TABs form. n Once you have completed observation and scoring of all 10 gifted characteristics, total the score for each child. Write the total in the correct column. Please check your addition.

11 Finishing the Form n For any child who received a 4 or 5 on a particular characteristic, attach an annotation of a few sentences explaining how the child exhibits that particular characteristic. (This helps if we need to collect more information on a child!) n Dr. Romey must sign off on all TABs forms. Therefore, please do not wait until the last minute to complete it.

12 Quadrant Form n The final step of the Child Find process is to complete the Second Grade Gifted Child Find Quadrant Form. n Read the statements in the quadrants, and enter each child’s name in one of four areas. A student who receives 105 or below on the NNAT should NOT be placed in Quadrant 1 or Quadrant 2. n Indicate the race of each child next to the name.

13 Quadrant Form continued n Tally top two quadrants ONLY by race at bottom of form. n Fill out demographic information on special-education “orange cards” for each student in top two quadrants n Return form to Dr. Romey by Dec. 6, 2013.

14 NNAT Information n Gifted teachers will present in classrooms October 3 and 4. n NNAT Administration –All second grade students will take the NNAT during the week of October 15th. –Please be sure to include an alphabetized class roster (Last name, First name) with your NNATS when you complete them. –When you receive NNAT scores, check over TABs forms to change any child with a 124 or higher on NNAT to 5’s on Reasoning and Problem Solving.

15 Gifted Referral Screening Team n Students in TOP TWO Quadrants WILL BE REFERRED. At GRST meeting, the following data will be evaluated by Gifted Teacher, Classroom Teacher, and Administrator: – Any applicable test scores (SAT, OLSAT, NNAT) –TABs Behavior Rating Scale –STAR reading or math Percentiles –Appropriate Work Samples

16 After Screening  If students “pass screening,” the following events will happen:  Individual testing (if necessary)  Eligibility Determination Team meeting

17 The Matrix

18 Work Samples n For 2 nd Grade Screening, the ALSDE has indicated what types of work samples they require. n A gifted specialist will consult in 2 nd grade classrooms to complete and collect the samples. –Transformations (squiggles) –Writing Samples –Figural Analogies (NNAT practice is practice for this as well. We will leave this activity for students to complete with teachers.)

19 Important Dates n 10/3-10/4: GT teachers present in 2 nd grade classrooms n Week of 9/30: second work sample due n Week of 10/14: Administer NNAT n 10/22: Completed NNAT’s due to GT teachers with alphabetized roster n 11/13: NNAT score report sent to 2 nd grade teachers n 12/3: TABs report sheet should be completed n 12/6 Quadrants due to Dr. Romey

20 Important Dates n 1/7: referral packets to 2 nd grade teachers; notification letters sent home with students n 1/21:Teachers return all referral forms and additional to GT teacher –Signed notification of referral/consent –Referral form with highlighted areas completed –Copies of STAR reports/SAT/OLSAT scores

21 Questions? n E-mail Dr. Elizabeth Romey at n All courier mail for 2 nd grade screening to: Dr. E. Romey /Central High School

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