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AER 710 Aerospace Propulsion

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1 AER 710 Aerospace Propulsion
Instructor: Dr. David R. Greatrix Dept. of Aerospace Engineering Ryerson University Phone: ext. 6432 Office: ENG 145 Counselling hours: posted

2 Teaching Assistants Sections 1 & 2: Arthur Lin,
Daniel Finistauri,

3 Additonal Logistics Lectures in ENG 102, Wed., 2 pm – 4 pm
ENG 106, Fri., 9 am – 10 am Labs: experimental air rocket and turbojet performance evaluation (KHE 21), schedule will be announced on Blackboard ; possible additional hardware demos to be done as well, if time allows In remaining available lab hours of the semester, tutorial problems, project advice, etc., covered in lab hours by teaching assistant : Mon., EPH Sct. 4 Tues., EPH Sct. 2 Fri., POD 361 Sct. 3 Fri., KHE 118A Sct. 1

4 Logistics (cont’d) Evaluation: 1 Indiv. Proj. Report 15%
- counselling hours posted on my door (Tues. 9-10; Wed., 1-2; Fri., 10-11), but I’m flexible; phone/ me ahead of time, or come by my office (ENG 145), and if I’m available, I’ll see you Evaluation: Indiv. Proj. Report 15% 2 Group Lab Reports 10% Fri., Mar. 2, 9 am Term Test, 50 min. 25% Univ. will sched. in April Final Exam, 3 hr % No official course textbook; recommended books are useful for project and filling in gaps in understanding Tests are open lecture notes + practice problem/soln. set + regular calculator

5 Logistics (cont’d) Tests: partial marks for logical procedure shown + for correct interim values Project may involve computer programming and/or spreadsheet analysis, at your discretion Zero marks for late project and lab report submissions

6 Logistics (cont’d) For hardware lab groups, will allow for self-selection for people in the same section up to the deadline of noon, Fri., Jan. 20. Maximum of 4 in proposed groups. After that, I’ll place remaining students into existing or new groups, as required. Hardware lab reports are due one week later, by 4 pm, in my drop box

7 Outline of Course: Introduction Propellers Internal Combustion Engines
Gas Turbine Engines Chemical Rockets Non-Chemical Space Propulsion Systems

8 Wright Flyer I Delta II

9 Introduction to Aerospace Propulsion
The course will cover in varying degrees of detail the variety of aerospace propulsion systems that have been developed over the last 100+ years Most of the course will focus on gas turbine engines (turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, turboshafts), as is traditional for an undergraduate propulsion course Let’s review some useful information, before getting into details on specific systems

10 Design Issues From past courses like Flight Mechanics and Aircraft Performance, one understands the importance of thrust delivery for meeting critical flight mission elements, e.g., high thrust for takeoff for fixed-wing airplanes, medium to low thrust for economic cruise at altitude Flight vehicle performance guidelines help to dictate propulsion system expectations, e.g., max. static thrust to weight (F/W) of 0.3 to 0.4 for conventional fixed-wing airplanes

11 Design and Certification
For conventional propulsion system development, one would progress from concept introduction, to preliminary design, to advanced design, to prototype building/testing, to certification The country’s transport authority (Transport Canada) will evaluate the propulsion system’s compliance with the established regulations in regards to safety, performance, manufacturing, etc., before granting a type certificate that allows for general production of that system

12 Integration of the Propulsion System to the Flight Vehicle
The given propulsion system will need to be integrated to the flight vehicle that is was designed for, and the resulting performance of the flight vehicle should meet or exceed expectations for the overall process to be considered successful For example, in the case of turbofan engines, for easier maintenance, cleaner aerodynamics, etc., one commonly sees a pod-mounted approach for mating the engine to the wing and/or fuselage of a commercial transport airplane:

13 Rolls-Royce Trent 900 turbofan

14 Sometimes, the integration can be a bit more complicated:
DC-10 L-1011

15 F-15 P&W F100 low-bypass turbofan

16 Quick Thermodynamics Review
, ideal gas equation of state , enthalpy of gas , ratio of specific heats , speed of sound in gas , flow Mach number

17 Isentropic Flow

18 Combustion Most of the higher performance propulsion systems that will be looked at in this course will be using chemical combustion as the means for generating heat energy, energy that will ultimately be converted into the delivery of thrust via mechanical rotation (propeller, fan) or exhausting a high-speed jet Alternatives to the combustion approach exist, for some flight applications

19 Combustion: Flame Structure
Heat released (and chemical combustion products produced) when fuel molecules come together and react with oxidizer molecules above a threshold (auto-ignition) temperature Premixed laminar flame, first category; process of combustion is driven predominantly by pressure Turbulent diffusion flame, second category; process of combustion is driven predominantly by mixing Commonly in propulsion system combustors, flame is a combination of the above two

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