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PROPRIETARY James Bearman AJ Brinker Dean Bryson Brian Gershkoff Kuo Guo Joseph Henrich Aaron Smith Daedalus Aviation Conceptual Design Review: “The Daedalus.

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Presentation on theme: "PROPRIETARY James Bearman AJ Brinker Dean Bryson Brian Gershkoff Kuo Guo Joseph Henrich Aaron Smith Daedalus Aviation Conceptual Design Review: “The Daedalus."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROPRIETARY James Bearman AJ Brinker Dean Bryson Brian Gershkoff Kuo Guo Joseph Henrich Aaron Smith Daedalus Aviation Conceptual Design Review: “The Daedalus One”

2 PROPRIETARY April 17, 20082  Current Configuration  Mission and Requirements  Advanced Technologies  Carpet Plots and Sizing  Design Trade-Offs  Structural Considerations  Aerodynamics  Performance  Cost  Logistics

3 PROPRIETARY April 17, 20083 Advanced Avionics Geared Turbofans Lifting Canard Supercritical Airfoil Upper Surface Blown Flaps Composite Structure

4 PROPRIETARY April 17, 20084

5 PROPRIETARY April 17, 20085 Daedalus One Mission  Provide a versatile aircraft with medium range and capacity to meet the needs of a commercial aircraft market still expanding in the year 2058  Incorporate the latest in technology to provide reliability, efficiency, while fulfilling the need for an environmentally friendly transportation system  Possess the ability to operate at nearly any airfield 5

6 PROPRIETARY April 17, 20086 Mission Profiles Mission One Schaumburg to North Las Vegas 1300 nmi Mission Two South Bend to Burbank 1580 nmi Mission Three West Lafayette to Urbana-Champaign to Cancun 1200 nmi Mission Four Minneapolis to LAX 1330 nmi 6

7 PROPRIETARY April 17, 20087

8 PROPRIETARY April 17, 20088  Composites  Stronger, lighter aircraft  Artificial Intelligence/Automated Pilot  Reduction in flight crew  Automatic flight control, collision avoidance  Fly by Light  Weight savings over copper wire  Faster response

9 PROPRIETARY April 17, 20089  Capability to increase C Lmax to 7  Wing C Lmax (clean) ≈ 1.54  Takeoff C L (w/ upper surface blowing) ≈ 4 --Nicolai, Fundamentals of Aircraft Design, 1976

10 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200810  The Geared Turbofan  Current predictions say: “The Geared Turbofan engine will deliver a 12 percent reduction in fuel burn, 50 percent reduction in noise and emissions, and 40 percent reduction in maintenance costs over today's commercial engines.” –  By 2038 we believe it will achieve over current technology: ▪ 30% reduction in fuel burn ▪ 75% reduction in noise and emissions ▪ 50% reduction in maintenance costs

11 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200811  Thrust per engine - 25,000 lbs  SFC per engine - 0.42/hour  Fan Diameter - 8 ft.  Bypass Ratio - 8

12 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200812  Geared Turbofans reduce CO2 produced by more than 12% compared to today’s engines  Reduce cumulative noise levels about 20dB below the current Stage 4 regulations

13 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200813  Low wing with Geared Turbofans mounted at the leading edge  Easy location for engine maintenance ▪ Geared Turbofan engines reduce maintenance costs by 40% over today's commercial engine  No complicated powered lift devices

14 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200814  Generation  Takeoff weight generated through RDS  Initial starting point ▪ T/W=.23 ▪ W/S=84  Carpet Plot Range ▪ T/W=0.23 - 0.414 ▪ W/S=84 - 160  Varied Wing Sweep (and saved 5,000 lbs)

15 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200815  Constraints Used  Fuel Burn per Seat-Mile  Field Length with OEI  Cruise Speed 0.75M  Constraints Not Used  Takeoff Ground Roll  Field Length All Engines Operational  Landing Ground Roll

16 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200816

17 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200817  Carpet Plots  Approximated Design Point  RDS  Primary Method of Sizing  MATLAB Code for Component Weight Breakdown

18 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200818 Taxi Takeoff & Climb Step Cruise For Best Range Descend & Hold Land & Taxi Climb- Miss Approach Cruise Descend & Hold Land & Taxi  Maximum Range Mission (1,800 nmi)  Typical Commercial Mission Profile  Maximizes Aircraft Range  Fuel Reserves (200 nmi)  Extended Loiter Time  Flight Diversion to Another Airport

19 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200819  Input Parameters  W/S – 120  T/W – 0.32  AR – 14  Λ wing – 10°  λ wing – 0.4  (C L ) TO – 4  Weights  GTOW – 87,100 lbs  W e – 34,700 lbs  W f – 24,600 lbs  Payload – 27,800 lbs  W e / W o – 0.40  W f / W o – 0.28

20 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200820  Structures ~ 20,000 lbs  Wing ~ 8,300 lbs  Fuselage ~ 7,200 lbs  Canard ~ 600 lbs  Vert. Tail ~ 600 lbs  Landing Gear ~ 3,300 lbs  Propulsion ~ 8,100 lbs  Engines ~ 7,000 lbs  Fuel System ~ 900 lbs  Systems ~ 200 lbs  Equipment ~ 7,000 lbs  Controls ~ 2,800 lbs  Avionics ~ 2,100 lbs

21 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200821 Daedalus One

22 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200822

23 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200823  108 Seats, Single Class  Seat Pitch: 32 in  Seat Width: 20 in  Aisle Width: 24 in  2 Galley Areas: 35 and 16 ft 2  2 Lavs: ~20 ft 2

24 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200824  Initial design: High Wing Low Canard  Current Design: Low Wing High Canard ▪ Reason: Landing gear placement, better accessibility for ground service, easier to maintain with lower wing  Wing Sweep Study: Result 10°  Varied Sizing Based on 10° sweep and 20° sweep ▪ Reason: Find the most weight efficient aircraft  Upper Surface Blowing  Placed engines above the wings near leading edge ▪ Reason: Increase lift especially for takeoff and landing

25 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200825  Initial Design: Tri-tail  Current Design: Single Tail ▪ Reason: Reduced weight, sizing proved 3 Tails not needed  Forward Wing Extension ▪ Reason: Allows more fuel, helps move Center of Gravity forward  Elliptical Fuselage ▪ Reason: Allow for more comfortable passenger cabin

26 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200826

27 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200827

28 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200828

29 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200829  Main Wing-Super Critical 20712  Representative (custom airfoil to be developed)  Data obtained from analysis in Fluent  12% thick airfoil  Allows for high cruise speed via controlling shock formation

30 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200830  Zero lift angle of attack ≈ -5°  Max C l ≈ 1.7  Stall Angle ≈ 18°

31 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200831  Canard and Tail-Super Critical 20012  Data obtained from analysis in Fluent  Symmetric airfoils are standard for vertical and horizontal tails

32 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200832  Zero Lift Angle of Attack ≈ 0 °  Max Cl ≈ 1.18  Stall Angle ≈ 15°

33 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200833 Stall Limit Absolute Ceiling Service Ceiling q Limit

34 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200834

35 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200835 GTOW W 0f + reserves OWE + payload OWE WeWe W e + trapped fuel

36 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200836  Canard  S canard : 300 ft 2  Elevator Area Ratio: 1/3  AR: 4  Sweep: 15°  Taper Ratio: 0.4

37 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200837  Vertical Tail  Sized for One Engine Out at Takeoff  S tail : 310 ft 2  Rudder Area Ratio: 1/3  AR: 2  Sweep: 15°  Taper Ratio: 0.4

38 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200838  RDT&E Cost: $24.4B USD (2008)  Cost per aircraft: $49M USD  Sale Price: $54M USD  Break Even Point: 455 Aircraft  Operating Cost: $11.5M USD/Yr  $0.0616/seat-mile USD  Jet A: $2.50/Gal

39 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200839 Jetway Tow Baggage Fuel Water Baggage Galley Electric Lav

40 PROPRIETARY  108 Passenger Capacity  1800 nmi Range  2700 ft Takeoff Ground Roll  Affordable Acquisition Cost  Reasonable Operational Cost  Opens new markets  Enhances service to existing markets  Improves reliability and ease of air travel  Allows air travel industry to expand beyond current limits April 17, 200840


42 April 17, 200842

43 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200843

44 PROPRIETARY April 17, 200844

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