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500 100 200 300 100 300 200 300 200 100 200 500 300 200 100 400 Half Lif e Energy Transformation Energy Potpourri Heat Radio- activit y.

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2 500 100 200 300 100 300 200 300 200 100 200 500 300 200 100 400 Half Lif e Energy Transformation Energy Potpourri Heat Radio- activit y

3 If a radioactive material has a half life of 10 years, what fraction of the material will remain after 30 years? Half Life for $100 A. 1/2 B. 1/4 C. 1/8 D. 1/16

4 C. One eighth 1/8 Back to Game

5 Radon-222 has a half life of 4 days. If ¼ of the original sample remain, how much time has passed? Half Life for $200 A. 1 day B. 16 days C. 8 days D. 4 days

6 Back to Game C. 8 days

7 Half Life for $300 The half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years. How much of an 80g sample will remain after 17,190 years? A. 40 g B. 80 g C. 20 g D. 10 g

8 Back to Game D. 10 grams Because 3 half-lives have passed

9 Half Life for $400 An original sample of the radioisotope fluorine-21 had a mass of 80.0 milligrams. Only 20.0 milligrams of this original sample remain unchanged after 8.32 seconds. What is the half-life of fluorine- 21? A. 1.04 s B. 2.08 s C. 4.16 s D. 8.32 s

10 Good Answer! Back to Game C. 4.16 s

11 Half Life for $500 U-235 has a half-life of 704 million years. A sample of rock was found to contain ¼ of the U-235 atoms present when it formed. What is the approximate age of the rock? A. 1.4 billion years B. 704 million years C. 352 million years D. 2.8 billion years

12 Back to Game A.1.4 billion years (2 half-lives passed)

13 Energy Transformation for $100 What do a toaster, a hair dryer, and an iron have in common? A. They convert electrical energy to heat energy. B. They convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. C. They convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. D. They convert heat to electrical energy.

14 Back to Game A. They convert electrical energy to heat energy.

15 Energy Transformation for $200 Which best describes the energy transformation that takes place in the picture below? A. Light to Heat B. Mechanical to Chemical C. Chemical to Light D. Electrical to Light

16 Back to Game C. Chemical to Light

17 Energy Transformation for $300 A pendulum bob swings back and forth in an arc. Which describes the energy conversion process in one swing of the pendulum from left to right. A. Kinetic energy to chemical energy to potential energy B. Kinetic energy to potential energy back to kinetic energy C. Potential energy to kinetic energy back to potential energy D. Potential energy to kinetic energy to electromagnetic energy

18 Back to Game C. Potential energy to kinetic energy back to potential energy

19 Energy Transformation for $400 Which best describes the energy transformation that takes place in the picture below? A. Mechanical to Light B. Heat to Sound C. Heat to Mechanical D. Sound to Light

20 Back to Game B. Heat to Sound

21 Energy Transformation for $500 Heterotrophs consume food to obtain energy for biological processes. During exercise, the chemical energy in food is transformed into what other forms of energy? A. Potential and electrical energy B. Electromagnetic and heat energy C. Mechanical, kinetic, and heat energy D. Potential, electromagnetic, and heat energy

22 Back to Game C. Mechanical, kinetic, and heat energy

23 Radioactivity for $100 The three main types of nuclear radiation are alpha, beta, and gamma. List the three types of radiation from highest penetrating power to lowest penetrating power?

24 Back to Game Gamma, Beta, Alpha

25 Radioactivity for $200 What is a problem commonly associated with nuclear power facilities? A. A small quantity of energy is produced. B. Reaction products contribute to acid rain. C. It is impossible to control nuclear fission. D. It is difficult to dispose of wastes.

26 Back to Game D. It is difficult to dispose of wastes.

27 Radioactivity for $300 An alpha particle is the same as a A. Helium nucleus B. Hydrogen nucleus C. Beta particle D. Gamma ray

28 Back to Game A. Helium nucleus

29 Radioactivity for $400 The final elements produced by radioactive decay differ from the original radioactive elements because the nuclei of the final elements are always A. more stable. B. increased in mass. C. half as radioactive. D. positively charged.

30 Back to Game A. more stable.

31 Radioactivity for $500 Which would penetrate a car door made of aluminum? A.Alpha particles B.Beta particles C.Gamma rays D.Helium nuclei

32 Back to Game C. Gamma rays

33 Energy for $100 Nuclear fission produces energy when __ A.Two atomic nuclei combine B.An atomic nucleus splits C.A chemical reaction occurs D.Helium transmutes into hydrogen

34 Back to Game B. An atomic nucleus splits

35 Energy for $200 Turbines from a hydroelectric dam convert what type of energy into electrical energy? A.Chemical B.Sound C.Mechanical D.Light

36 Back to Game C. Mechanical

37 Energy for $300 Two 1kg apples hang from a tree branch, one near the top of the tree and the other on a lower branch. Which apple has the most gravitational potential energy?

38 Back to Game The apple near the top of the tree

39 Energy for $400 Which of the following is an example of light energy being converted into chemical energy? A. The sun unevenly heating Earth’s surface B. Water evaporating and condensing in the water cycle C. Plants producing sugar during the day D. Lava erupting from volcanoes for many days

40 Back to Game C. Plants producing sugar during the day

41 Energy for $500 How can you increase the kinetic energy of a pickup truck without increasing the truck’s speed?

42 Back to Game Increase the truck’s mass

43 Heat for $100 The transfer of heat by the movement of air currents in Earth’s atmosphere is an example of — A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. fusion

44 Back to Game B. convection

45 Heat for $200 Between points 2 and 3, energy is being used to — A. melt ice B. heat water C. evaporate water D. heat water vapor

46 Back to Game A. melt ice

47 Heat for $300 A man who was sleeping wakes up because he hears the smoke alarm go off in his house. Before opening the bedroom door, the man feels the door to see whether it is warm. He is assuming that heat would be transferred through the door by — A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. compression

48 Back to Game A. conduction

49 Heat for $400 Ms. Markas takes a thermos bottle filled with hot coffee to work each day. The thermos bottle keeps the coffee hot by A.Using a battery powered heating element B.Collecting solar heat energy C.Recirculating hot air inside D.Slowing heat transfer

50 Back to Game D. Slowing heat transfer

51 Heat for $500 Suppose four pieces of metal, with masses 10g, 100g, 500g, and 1kg, are heated. According to the equation Q=mc  t, which piece of metal requires the most heat energy to go from 10 o C to 20 o C?

52 1 kg piece of metal (remember 1 kg = 1000 g)

53 How much do you want to risk?

54 What are 3 things you can do to help make sure you do well on your GHSGT?

55 1.Pay attention in class and study 2.Get plenty of rest 3.Eat a good breakfast

56 Which team won?

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