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Discriminative Feature Optimization for Speech Recognition

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1 Discriminative Feature Optimization for Speech Recognition
Bing Zhang College of Computer & Information Science Northeastern University

2 Outline Introduction Problem to attack Methodology Implementation
Region-dependent feature transform Discriminative optimization of the feature transform Implementation System description & results Conclusions

3 Introduction Speech recognition Speech feature extraction
Goal: transcribe speech into text Performance measurement: word error rate (WER) Typical approach: Training: statistically model the acoustic and linguistic knowledge Recognition: search for the most probable word sequence using the models Speech feature extraction Reason: raw signals cannot be robustly modeled due to high-dimensionality, therefore compact features have to be extracted Two stages of feature extraction: speech analysis  cepstral coefficients speech feature transformation In this thesis: A better feature transformation approach is developed to reduce the WER of the speech recognition system

4 Introduction (cont.) A typical speech recognition system Word Sequence
Acoustic Model Language Model Search Engine Feature Extraction Word Sequence Speech Signal Features Word Sequence Features Acoustic Model Language Model

5 Language Model N-grams
Models the conditional probability of any word given N-1 words in history The product of N-gram probabilities can be used to approximate the probability of a sequence of words P(w1, w2, …, wk) ≈ P(w1 ) P(w2 | w1) P(w3 | w1, w2) … P(wN | w1, …, wN-1) … P(wk-1 | wk-N, ..., wk-2) P(wk | wk-(N-1), ..., wk-1) Special cases: Unigram: P(wi) Bigram: P(wi | wi-1) Trigram: P(wi | wi-2,wi-1)

6 HMM-based Acoustic Model
Repository of unit HMMs (Hidden Markov Model) Each HMM is a probabilistic finite state machine with outputs at each hidden state Transition probabilities Observation probabilities (modeled by a mixture of Gaussians for each state) Each HMM represents a basic unit of speech, e.g., phoneme, crossword/non-crossword multiphones HMM state-clusters: specify which HMM states can share which parameters Pronunciation dictionary: phonetic spelling of the words Diagonal covariance Gaussian distributions are usually assumed

7 Example of an HMM HMM Start 1 2 3 4 End Observations o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6

8 Example of an HMM Start 1 2 3 4 End o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 Start 1 2 4 End
b1(o1) b1(o2) b2(o3) b3(o4) b3(o5) b4(o6) o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 a22 a44 a12 Start 1 2 4 End a24 b1(o1) b2(o2) b2(o3) b2(o4) b4(o5) b4(o6) o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6

9 HMM-based Acoustic Model
Repository of unit HMMs (Hidden Markov Model) Each HMM is a probabilistic finite state machine with outputs at each hidden state Transition probabilities Observation probabilities (modeled by a mixture of Gaussians for each state) Each HMM represents a basic unit of speech, e.g., phoneme, crossword/non-crossword multiphones HMM state-clusters: specify which HMM states can share which parameters Pronunciation dictionary: phonetic spelling of the words Diagonal covariance Gaussian distributions are usually assumed

10 Acoustic Training Maximum likelihood (ML) training
Objective: maximize the conditional likelihood of the observed features given the model Algorithm: Expectation-maximization (EM) Discriminative training Objective: train the model to distinguish the correct word sequence from other hypotheses Criterion Minimum phoneme error (MPE) Representation of hypotheses: lattices Algorithm: Extended EM SIL this is a test sentence sense the quest guest

11 Feature Extraction Speech analysis Speech feature transformation
Deals with the problem of extracting distinguishing characteristics (e.g., formant locations) of speech from digital signals Examples: MFCC (Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients), PLP (perceptual linear prediction) Resulting features: cepstral coefficients Speech feature transformation Applied on top of the cepstral coefficients Transform the cepstral features to better fit the model help the HMM to model the trajectory of the cepstral features fit the diagonal covariance assumption of the Gaussian components Cepstral coefficients: coefficients of the inversely transformed log power spectrum

12 Commonly Used Feature Transforms
LDA (linear discriminant analysis) Transform the features to maximize the distance between different classes while keeping each class as compact as possible Assumes the all classes have equal covariance HLDA (heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis) Remove the equal covariance assumption of LDA Find the feature transform that maximizes the likelihood of the data with respect to the acoustic model in the transformed space Others HDA (heteroscedastic discriminant analysis) MLLT (maximum likelihood linear transform) What kind of classes?

13 Drawbacks of Traditional Feature Transforms
Inaccurate assumptions about the acoustic model LDA assumes equal-class covariance HDA & LDA ignore the diagonal covariance assumption Linear transform Linear transform has limited power for feature extraction Using more powerful transforms can be risky when the criterion does not correlate with the WER The criteria do not correlate with the WER Performance degrades on high-dimensional input features Experimental results in the thesis Performance degrades on highly-correlated input features Example on the next slide

14 Example If projected to 1-D
The data has linear dependency between two dimensions such that: Z=2X Z Z If project to 2D, then the right figure (maybe rotated if diagonal Gaussian is assumed) will be the result. If project to 1D, then HLDA will map all samples to a single point. LDA would avoid that, but the result can be very sensitive to random errors since the denominator is almost zero. Y X X If projected to 1-D HLDA will map all samples to one single point LDA will fail to find the answer at all because the covariance matrix of each class is singular

15 A Better Approach Region-dependent transform
Nonlinear Computationally inexpensive to train Discriminative training of the feature transform Criterion correlates well with the WER Detailed acoustic model in feature training This slide goes after the analysis LDA, HLDA, etc, and followed by the discussion of discriminative training criteria & the region dependent transform

16 Region Dependent Transform (RDT)
fN r2 r1 rN RDT: Divides the acoustic space to multiple regions e.g., r1, r2, …, rN Applies a different transform based on which region the input feature vector belongs to e.g., f1, f2, …, fN To avoid making hard decisions when choosing which transform to apply, the posterior probabilities of the regions are used to interpolate the transformed results:

17 More Details of RDT Input features: long-span features
A long span feature vector is formed by concatenating the cepstral features from consecutive frames, centered at the current frame Advantage: contains information about the acoustic context of the current frame Division of the regions: global Gaussian mixture model (GMM) Trained via unsupervised clustering Each Gaussian component in the GMM corresponds to a region Region-specific transforms In general, they can be any projections of long-span feature vectors In this thesis, linear projections are studied

18 Special Cases of RDT RDT RDLT MPE-HLDA fMPE# SPLICE Mean-offset fMPE#
Generic projection RDLT Linear projection MPE-HLDA fMPE# SPLICE Mean-offset fMPE# Only one region Only offset Rotation matrix plus offset P is not region-dependent Note (#): fMPE also includes a context-expansion layer, which does not fit this categorization. (see thesis for details)

19 Projections vs. Offsets in RDT
Transform # Uniq. proj. # Uniq. offset WER (%) LDA+MLLT - 25.9 RDT 1 24.9 1000 24.6 24.0 22.3 We use RDT & RDLT interchangeably from now on The projection and the offset in RDT: Different regions can share the same projections and/or offsets. So the unique number of projections/offsets can be less than the number of regions. Projection Offset

20 Optimization Criterion of RDT
Minimum Phoneme Error (MPE) criterion Gives significant gains when used to train the HMM Correlates well with WER Can be rewritten as a function of the feature transform: WER MPE Score - About the accuracy score: the total number correct phonemes in the hypothesis, so the maximum is the total number of phonemes in the reference - Transition to the next slide: the updating rules of the HMM O, Or: original feature vectors; λ: the HMM; FRDT: the feature transform; α(Wrk): the accuracy score of hypothesized word sequence Wrk

21 HMM Updating Methods In MPE, the HMM depends on the transformed features, so we should define how it is updated When we choose the HMM updating methods, the concern is to make the trained transform be more generic, i.e., reusable for different training setups including: both ML and MPE training different types of HMMs If we can make the feature transform focus on separating the data, this goal can be achieved To ensure that, the HMM should better describe the data rather than anything else

22 HMM Updating Methods (cont.)
If the HMM is updated discriminatively, e.g., under MPE Some Gaussians in the HMM will model decision boundaries, being away from the mass of the data The feature transform will be misled from separating the real data The resulting transform is less generic This method is OK if there is only one HMM to train If the HMM is updated under ML The Gaussians will stay on the data The feature transform will also focus on the data The resulting transform is more generic This method is preferred if there are different HMMs to train We assume ML updating of the HMM in this thesis

23 Example Discriminative Model ML Model Before transform After transform
Since the model is already discriminative, nothing needs to be done here.

24 Training the Feature Transform
The transform is trained using a numerical optimization algorithm Derivative of MPE with respect to the transform Two terms in the derivative MPE depends on the transformed features directly  direct derivative MPE depends on the transform through the HMM, which in turn depends on transformed features  indirect derivative Two passes of data processing The first pass computes the direct derivative using lattices The second pass computes the indirect derivative using reference transcripts

25 Reference transcripts
Training Procedure Iterative update of RDT using numerical optimization RDT Train/Update HMM Compute MPE Derivative Update Original features Apply Transform Projected features Reference transcripts Lattices

26 Implementation Feature transform network
A directed acyclic network of primitive components Design goals: reuse primitive components (e.g., linear projection, frame-concatenation) reuse the algorithm that applies the transform or computes the derivative easy to extend to other transforms efficient usage of CPU time & memory Impact: enables numerical optimization of any differentiable components including but not limited RDT simplifies the BBN system by providing a unified representation of various transforms added flexibility to the front-end processing in the BBN system Cepstra Concatenation Projection Gauss. Mixture RDT

27 RDT and the State-of-the-art System
The state-of-the-art system at BBN Two sub-systems Speaker-independent (SI) system Speaker-adaptive (SA) system Two phases of training ML (initialize MPE training) MPE Three pass decoding Three tied-mixture acoustic models How RDT interacts with the system Trained once, used in three types of acoustic models Integrated with speaker adaptation Explain SCTM, STM, etc. Interaction: 1. Trained once, used in three  choose proper model to use in training (size, etc) 2. Combined with SD transforms  alternative training procedure

28 RDT in Speaker-independent (SI) Training
Bootstrapping SI training baseline SI training with RDT LDA+MLLT Initial Transform RDT Training RDT & HMM ML Training ML-SI HMM Lattice Generation Here only shows one of the HMM. The other two are similar, except that the RDT is not reestimated Lattices MPE Training MPE-SI HMM

29 Experimental Setup Data Analysis RDT
Training: English Conversational Telephone Speech (CTS), 2300 hours SWB+Fisher Testing: Eval03+Dev04, 3 hours SWB-II, 6 hours Fisher Analysis 14 Perceptual Linear Prediction (PLP) cepstral coefficients and normalized energy Vocal Tract Length Normalization (VTLN) RDT 15-frame long-span features projected to 60 dimensions initialized from LDA+MLLT 1000 regions, one linear projection per region crossword state-cluster tied model (SCTM), 7K clusters. number of Gaussians per state-cluster in the HMM varies in different experiments

30 SI Results (ML) Transform ML Model WER (%) 12-GPS 44-GPS 120-GPS
LDA+MLLT 25.9 23.7 22.5 12-GPS RDT 22.3 22.1 21.9 44-GPS RDT - 21.6 20.8# Description Two RDTs were trained using the HMMs with 12 Gaussians per state-cluster (GPS) and 44 GPS, respectively For decoding, several ML crossword SCTM models with different sizes were trained using either LDA+MLLT or RDT Only the lattice-rescoring pass was run in decoding for simplicity (#): After other two models (STM, SCTM-NX) were retrained, the WER was further reduced to 20.4%, i.e., 9.3% relatively better than the LDA+MLLT result 20.8 -> 20.4 means that the ML STM & SCTM-NX models also benefit from the RDT, which means the transform is reusable as expected

31 SI Results (MPE) Transform MPE Model WER (%) 12-GPS 44-GPS 120-GPS
LDA+MLLT 22.1 21.1 20.4 12-GPS RDT 21.2 20.8 44-GPS RDT - 20.3 19.6# Description Same as the ML experiments, except that the final models were trained under MPE (#): After other two models (STM, SCTM-NX) were trained, the WER was further reduced to 19.2%, i.e., 5.8% relatively better than the LDA+MLLT result

32 Speaker Adaptation Speaker adaptation (figure)
Assumption: the speaker-dependent models are linearly transformed from an SI model Variations MLLR: assume that only Gaussian means are transformed CMLLR: both means & covariances are transformed  equivalent to applying the inverse transform to features while keeping model fixed Speaker-Adaptive Training (SAT) The SI model is not optimal for adaptation SAT tries to estimate a better model that when transformed gives the best likelihood of the data SI Model A(2) S(2) Model A(1) S(1) Model S(3) Model S(N) Model A(3) A(N) The deep colored shapes represent the actual models The light-colored ones represents the estimated models, due to the lack of data and the linearity of the SD transforms SI is not optimal: for example: SI model has large variance, while SD models have smaller variance Think of the SAT model as the model of a neutral speaker, instead of the model of all speakers

33 RDT in Speaker-adaptive Training (SAT)
Straightforward approach Train SI RDT SI RDT & HMM Use SI-RDT transparently Simple But RDT is not optimized for SAT CMLLR Estimation SD Transforms ML SAT ML-SAT HMM Here the SD transforms are inverse of the A’s in the previous slide MPE Training MPE-SAT HMM

34 RDT in Speaker-adaptive Training (SAT)
Train SI RDT Iterative approach (SA-RDT) SI RDT & HMM Alternately update RDT and the speaker- dependent (SD) transforms Back-propagation is used to compute the derivative, since SD transforms are applied on top of RDT RDT is optimized for SAT CMLLR Estimation SD Transforms ML SAT ML-SAT HMM Update RDT SA RDT & HMM MPE Training MPE-SAT HMM

35 Adapted Results Transform SAT-ML WER (%) SAT-MPE WER (%) LDA+MLLT 20.2
18.5 SI-RDT 18.8 17.6 SA-RDT 18.0 17.2 Description Same training & testing data, state-cluster and LM as the unadapted experiments 10.9% relative WER reduction for the ML system 7.0% relative WER reduction for the MPE system

36 Alternative Procedure for SA-RDT
Simplified SA-RDT SI LDA+MLLT & HMM CMLLR Estimation Similar to the original SA-RDT But the speaker-dependent transforms are estimated using the baseline model & features SD Transforms ML SAT ML-SAT HMM Update RDT SA RDT & HMM MPE Training MPE-SAT HMM

37 Adapted Results Transform SAT-ML WER (%) SAT-MPE WER (%) LDA+MLLT 21.5
20.6 SA-RDT1 20.8 19.7 SA-RDT2 20.5 19.2 Description 500 hours of training data Another set of SD transforms were used before LDA/RDT SA-RDT1 was using the simplified procedure SA-RDT2 was using the original procedure The simplified procedure gave 2/3 of the gain by training the RDT only once

38 Conclusions Original work Impact Region-dependent transform
Improved discriminative feature training that leads to more generic feature transform Improved SAT procedure using RDT Impact RDT encompasses several other feature transforms, including MPE-HLDA, SPLICE and the core of fMPE and mean-offset fMPE The method gives significant WER reduction: 7% relative reduction to the SAT-MPE English CTS system The method is potentially helpful for exploring novel acoustic features We do not have to worry about the negative effect when we add new features to the input of the feature transform, because the training will decide whether to use the new features and how to use them based on a criterion that is correlated to WER

39 Publications B. Zhang, S. Matsoukas, J. Ma, and R. Schwartz. Long span features and minimum phoneme heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis. In Proceedings of EARS RT-04 Workshop, 2004. B. Zhang and S. Matsoukas. Minimum phoneme error based heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis for speech recognition, In Proceedings of ICASSP, 2005. B. Zhang, S. Matsoukas and R. Schwartz. Discriminatively trained region-dependent transform for speech recognition. In Proceedings of ICASSP, 2006. Nominated for the Student Paper Award Awarded the Spoken Language Processing Grant by the IEEE Signal Processing Society B. Zhang, S. Matsoukas and R. Schwartz. Recent progress on the discriminative region-dependent transform for speech feature extraction. In Proceedings of ICSLP, 2006.

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