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AAC&U/ Minnesota Collaborative Pilot (MCP) Project: Artifacts and Assessment Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 1.

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Presentation on theme: "AAC&U/ Minnesota Collaborative Pilot (MCP) Project: Artifacts and Assessment Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAC&U/ Minnesota Collaborative Pilot (MCP) Project: Artifacts and Assessment Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 1

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3 Talk Overview This talk about SMSU’s role in the AAC&U initiative titled the Minnesota Collaborative Pilot (MCP) will: 1.describe the project’s history & its goal; 2.explain what artifacts are being requested & how they will be used; 3.explain how this project benefits SMSU faculty & the campus community; 4.explain how SMSU faculty can play a major role in the pilot project’s success; 5.present and discuss the project’s timeline. Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 3

4 Project History & Key Players 4 Multi-State Collaborative (MSC) Project 9 states: CT, IN,KY,MA,MO,MN,OR,RI,&UT 67 colleges, community colleges, & universities

5 Minnesota Collaborative Project (MCP) Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 5 10 Participating schools: SMSU St. Cloud State North Hennepin C.C. Minneapolis Com. & Tech. C. U-M Morris Augsburg Gustavus Adolphus Hamline St. Olaf St. Scholastica

6 MSC & MCP Goals Gather student artifacts (papers & tests) from participating campuses that demonstrate evidence of learning related to AAC&U VALUE rubrics This year’s focus will be on these AAC&U student learning outcomes: – written communication, – critical thinking, & – quantitative reasoning Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 6

7 Artifacts Being Requested A random sample of 100 artifacts for each of the three student learning outcomes for a total of 300 artifacts Students must be enrolled in a Bachelor degree program Students must have completed a minimum of 75% total credits to be graduated as of the end of the 2014 spring semester (i.e., juniors and seniors) Artifacts must be from the fall 2014 semester. Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 7

8 How Artifacts Will Be Used Identifying information will be removed Artifacts will be rated by raters selected from participating institutions Individuals and individual schools WILL NOT be identified in public reports of data Data will ONLY be reported in aggregate Individual institutional data will be returned to the campus IF the campus asks for it Individual institutional data WILL NOT be retained at the state or multi-state level Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 8

9 Project Benefits for Faculty 1.Have a say in the national conversation about assessing student work 2.Learn more about direct assessment of student work using VALUE rubrics 3.Learn more about the ways VALUE rubrics reinforce our LEP learning outcomes 4.Re-use student work collected for our own campus-wide assessment of LEP outcomes and/or for program review 5.Demonstrates to HLC reviewers SMSU faculty commitment to high-quality, sustainable assessment of student learning, particularly of LEP Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 9

10 Project Benefits for Campus 1.Publicly affirms our commitment to improve the quality of student learning 2.Helps elevate the importance of the work our students regularly produce on our campus 3.If we request that our data be returned, we can use that data to look for trends that can be useful for all kinds of planning including curricular and programmatic (e.g., program reviews) Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 10

11 Roles for Faculty 1.Provide feedback : EVERYONE will do that today 2.Volunteer to be 1 of 30 faculty to provide an assignment sheet (or test) & 10 artifacts for 1 of the following areas: 1.Written Communication 2.Critical Thinking 3.Quantitative reasoning 3.Apply to be a faculty rater 4.Apply to be project coordinator for next year (focus: information literacy, ethical reasoning, and intercultural competence) 5.EVERYONE (even if you are opting out) should complete and TURN IN the faculty interest form at the end of today’s session Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 11

12 Project Timeline Highlights Today: Receive faculty feedback on sampling plan August-September Project briefings with IRB, LEP, & CIA committees Get 30 Faculty Volunteers Submit sampling plan to MCP & revise, if necessary Late September-Mid October Generate random sample and contact faculty volunteers Put out calls for raters & next project coordinator Late October-November CIA reviews rater & coordinator applications; coordinator notifies candidates Collection of artifacts begins DECEMBER 1: ALL ARTIFACTS DUE December 1-14: Coordinator uploads artifacts Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 12

13 Questions & Group Activity 1.Participate in Q & A 2.Form a team of 8 to 10 3.Select a team leader 4.Team leaders: ask your group for feedback on the sampling protocol AND record that feedback 5.Team leaders: ask faculty to complete the faculty interest form 6.Team: turn in your work and go to break Aug. 19, 2014 Professional Development Day 13

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