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Interconnection Services BST Customized LSOG 6 Forms overview Sherry Porter March 23, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Interconnection Services BST Customized LSOG 6 Forms overview Sherry Porter March 23, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interconnection Services BST Customized LSOG 6 Forms overview Sherry Porter March 23, 2004

2 Interconnection Services BST customized LSOG 6 forms are located on the interconnection website under the Tools, Forms & Reports tab

3 Interconnection Services Selecting Forms & Templates will take the user to the Templates and Forms web page

4 Interconnection Services Selecting BST customized LSOG 6 Forms will direct the user to LSOG 6 Form web page The user should follow web instructions and download form flow controls before using the BST customized LSOG 6 forms.

5 Interconnection Services After reading web form instructions, downloading form flow controls, and establishing a Data folder the user is ready to begin completing forms and building data records.

6 Interconnection Services Completing and saving a record (The user should select the form they wish to complete)

7 Interconnection Services Selecting a RF (Form) will return (1 st time) a blank form to the user Note the record tool bar automatically creates the record number for the user

8 Interconnection Services The user is now ready to populate the form fields and save the record (for demonstration purposes we have populated a few fields on the form) After completing the form the user should select the save button to save the form record (Note: The web form will not save to Computer hard-drive. The record is saved on the web

9 Interconnection Services To create a new record the user should select the New button on the record tool bar. (Note: The form flow form automatically creates the new record)

10 Interconnection Services The user may populate the form and save the record by selecting the save button

11 Interconnection Services The next time the user accesses the RF form via the web, the form flow will automatically display the last record, to return to a previous record the user can depress the arrow keys to go back to previous records

12 Interconnection Services BellSouth Customized LSOG 6 Forms (Word Format) BellSouth® Customized LSOG 6 forms Available in Micro Soft ® Word format Lock/Un-Lock function Pull down menu selection available for some fields Can be stored on user hard-drive

13 Interconnection Services Sample BST customized LSOG 6 Form (Word Format)

14 Interconnection Services ELMS 6/LSOG 6 Form Overview **Note: This is a high-level overview of the changes associated with LSOG 6 forms, the list of changes is not intended to be inclusive and does not represent fields not supported by BellSouth which are displayed on the LSOG 6 forms. ELMS-EDI LSOG Mechanization Specification 6- Represents the LSOG Form Version Number LSOG-Local Service Ordering Guideline

15 Interconnection Services Significant Impacts Local Service Freeze Resale Private Line DID Directory Listings Wireless LNP Partial Migrations

16 Interconnection Services LSR Partial Migrations-ACT of P and Q will be eliminated and replaced with a new MI (Migration Indicator) field. LSCP-(Local Service Change Prohibited) New field on the LSR replaces SPEC for Local Service Freeze (LSF). MEU-(Multiple End User) New field on the LSR used for ordering DPA (Different Premise Address) MI- (Migration Indicator) New field on the LSR replaces ACT of P and Q identifies partial or full migrations NOR-(Number of Request) New field on the LSR associated with the RPON field P-(Product) New field on the LSR used to identify the platform product for DID/DOD/PBX RESID-(Response Identifier) This field is currently mapped electronically will now be valid on the manual ordering form SLI-(Sub-Loop Indicator) Identifies the type of sub-loop ordered and is valid for manual ordering only TOS-Opened up 4 th character of this field, and added new 2 nd character TOS of Q for DID REQTYP-Added new REQTYP K for Resale Private Line (Manual Ordering only)

17 Interconnection Services EU AAI-(Additional Address Information) replaces SADLO LD1-(Location Designator 1) replaces BLDG-EU LD2-(Location Designator 2) replaces Floor-EU LD3-(Location Designator 3) replaces Room-EU LV1-(Location Value 1) New field associated with LD1 field LV2 (Location Value 2) New field associated with LD2 field LV3 (Location Value 3) New field associated with LD3 field ELT- (End User Listing Treatment) replaces ERL EUA-(End User Activity) New field works with MEU

18 Interconnection Services Resale Private Line New REQTYP=K New Form- (Manual Ordering only) approximately 140 new fields

19 Interconnection Services DID/DOD/PBX New Form/Screen The new form/screen incorporates all 3 platforms for ordering (Resale, UNE-P, and UNE (Stand alone Port) Combines PBX and DID on one form Unique REQTYP N (for all 3 ordering platforms) Platform determined by P field on LSR Unique TOS for DID and PBX New 4 th character of TOS to identify hotel/motel and hospital service Form/Screen divided into sections for trunks and telephone number activity

20 Interconnection Services DL DSCR Form- eliminated, caption fields combined with DL form PLS-(Prior Level Status) new field replaces INSI and HS PLINFO-(Prior Level Information) new field replaces INTEXT and INADDR PLTN-(Prior Level Telephone Number) new field replaces HTN, HNSTN, INTN and INNSTN FAINFO-(File After Information) new field replaces SEQTEXT, SEQADDR, SEQTEXT1 and SEQADDR1 FATN-(File After Telephone Number) new field replaces SEQTN and SEQTN1 LD1, LD2, LD3-(Location Designator 1, 2, 3) new fields replaces DDALO LV1, LV2, LV3-(Location Value 1, 2, 3) new fields associated with LD1, LD2 and LD3 AAI (Additional Address Information) new field replaces DDADLO CITY-new field replaces DDALOC STATE-new field replaces DDAST ZIP-new field replaces DDAZC

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