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 Nationalism  Revolutions of 1848: Liberalism and Nationalism Split  Re-emergence of France’s power.

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5  Nationalism  Revolutions of 1848: Liberalism and Nationalism Split  Re-emergence of France’s power

6  Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)  Revolutionary democrat  Republican

7  Revolutionary  Military leader  guerilla fighter

8  nobleman  conservative  Prime minister of Sardinia-Piedmont  Right-hand man King Victor Emmanuel II (1849- 1861)

9  Nephew of Napoleon  Re-emerging French Empire  Made a deal with Cavour :  France promised Nice and Savoy (from Piedmont)  Sardinia promised Lombardy and Venetia (from Austria)


11 1859Austria goes to war against Sardinia- Piedmont (and France) 1860Napoleon bails, but Austria cedes Lombardy 1860Plebescites in Tuscany, Parma, and Modena May 1860 Garibaldi and thousand Red Shirts go to Sicily 1861Kingdom of Italy declared (King Victor Emmanuel)


13  Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898)  Prussian diplomat  1862 became Minister-President


15  William I, King of Prussia (r. 1861-1888)  Schleswig-Holstein (1864)  Austro-Prussian war of 1866 ◦ The Seven Weeks’ War

16  Leopold von Hohenzollern  Paris Commune  January 18, 1871: Second German Empire (Reich) declared in the Palace of Versailles, Hall of Mirrors


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