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How to Dictate Consult Note Nadim Lalani MD. Who took dictation in school?

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1 How to Dictate Consult Note Nadim Lalani MD

2 Who took dictation in school?

3 Dictation o the transcription of spoken text: one person speaks while the other writes down the words as they are spoken. o la dictée : a school exercise aimed at testing the mastery of orthography and grammar. o Some countries (e.g. France) hold dictation championships. o Call the 1-800 number for your Dell and imagine having to transcribe what that person is saying!

4 Why Bother? o Patient Safety [esp when changing regimen] o Improved patient care o Improved relations with colleagues o Feedback to consulting colleague o If you’re billing a consult you should be doing this. o Essentially a reflection of your professionalism.

5 ABC’s of a Dictation o Dial 944-4444 [or local 44444] o [British]computer will prompt you for Your College ID [basically your Alberta License # with no letter] Work type o 34 = emerg assessment Site Identifier o ACH = 91 o FMC =92 o PLC = 93 o RGH = 94 Patient Number o Pressing 2 starts & pauses o Pressing 3 rewinds [you can then record over mistakes] o Pressing 5 ends dictation

6 Mandatory Inclusions o YOUR first and last name o the first and last name of the attending physician. o the first and last name of the patient. o the ENTIRE 10-DIGIT patient number o Date of visit o Diagnosis/Results/Procedures o the first and last name of physicians copies need to be sent to.

7 The Art of La Dictee o How about “good morning... And thank you” [you’re talking to a person not a computer] o Spell out all names [and give specialties of MD’s] o Spell out all medical terms o Spell medications, give the dose and regimen o GIVE PUNCTUATION “ begin new paragraph. Period. Colon....&c.” o Visualise the note taking shape infront of you.

8 Questions?

9 Do’ not a be dictator bad

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