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1 Knowledge Management : information sharing in risk culture creation, a matter of change management. Pitfalls to avoid, results to expect Jean Francois.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Knowledge Management : information sharing in risk culture creation, a matter of change management. Pitfalls to avoid, results to expect Jean Francois."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Knowledge Management : information sharing in risk culture creation, a matter of change management. Pitfalls to avoid, results to expect Jean Francois DAVID Consultant, Expert près la Cour d’Appel de Versailles

2 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 2 Why such a project ? Context  An uncertain context were new critical stake appear and develop for meat packing industry: Food safety BSE and animal by-products collection and elimination  Results of an assessment of corporate liability in animal by-products Crisis are preceded by forerunners events Incidents (operation, management), gaps however small, from rules may have a key role in development of corporate crisis  A strong conviction : Need for information sharing La nécessité d’un partage d’informations Need for an elaborate knowledge management system

3 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 3 Objective : Act upon a specific domain though a community of practitioners  Project content List an register incidents and minor gaps Analyse those events Set action plant aimed to prevention  Objectives : Avert mis functions and minor events which are fore runners of a major crisis (cf. next scheme)

4 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 4 Objective : Prevention and weak signals management Petty gaps Numerous occurence Critical event Crisis Risk control is applied along the whole scale of gaps and mis fucntionning Suppression or shrinkage of crisis

5 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 5 Scope and approach

6 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 6 The steps Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

7 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 7 As-is situation  Ten plants scattered in France :  Wide span of methods in environmental management Une grande diversité dans les méthodes de recensement et de description  Wide span in ranking incidents and in complying with corporate values Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

8 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 8 Method : gathering information – questionnaire based inquiry  An inquiry launched among plant managers disclosed : Practices :  Several opinions on sources of occupational casualties  Several ways and means of collecting information and deciding reactions Accidents reporting :  Different modes of ranking  An under estimations of risks associated to disregarding regulations  Corporate culture :  Estimation of direct & indirect costs and hindrance for corporate performance  Uneven ranking of incidents  Human & financial stakes Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

9 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 9 A common tool to collect and review  Common Template for event analysis  Scope of analysis : key words  Mode of analysis : linked with plant processes (common processes across the whole corporation)  Concatenation in a common document Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

10 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 10 Analyse and compare : Prepare Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

11 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 11 Analyze and compare : execute Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

12 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 12 Behavioural challenge  Drop worst practices and adopt best ones  Draft a genuine hazards prevention program  Erase “will never happen to me”  Correction is neither criticism nor a penalty Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

13 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 13 Results :  Behave compliantly with corporate rules and public regulations  Get watchful employees  Improve dialog about corporate performance : quality versus rough quantity  Initiate a rating approach concerning health and environmental hazards  Link with strategic goals  Identify common corporate objectives : shared through a common knowledge base Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

14 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 14 Common convictions  Progress : Share solutions and bests practices :  Success factors : Measure & analyse Feed back  Hindrance to overcome Historic practices Human relations and tacit corporate criteria Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

15 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 15 Hindrance appeared :  Look & feel of questionaire  Questions asked  Ways of treatment and concatenation Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

16 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 16 Gain from information sharing  Building a community of interest : a good partner is not a dumb partner  Those who have nothing to declare evolution of community opinion : From « all right » To « Have no progress in perspective » Understand As-is situation Analyze compare FixFeed back

17 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 17 ANNEX - Method : Cause & effect diagram (Ishikawa Tree or fish bone diagram) 1  Step 1 : I note, I declare Record accidents (as usual) Record gaps, near misses, non compliances  Step 2 : I declare what I know  Who (employee, individual)  What : task La tâche  How : Organisation (team, shift)  When : shift, step in the process Front to each of those items, I write down identified cause or relations

18 SRA Europe Ljubliana September 12 2006 18 ANNEX - Method : Cause & effect diagram (Ishikawa Tree or fish bone diagram) 2  Step 3 : I organise information & data (events, situations) :  To draw up the logical chain of incident or accident pour reconstituer la logique de l’incident ou l’accident  To find out causes, not obvious at first glance

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