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F.E.T.S. Mechanical Engineering Update by P. Savage 13 th August 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "F.E.T.S. Mechanical Engineering Update by P. Savage 13 th August 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 F.E.T.S. Mechanical Engineering Update by P. Savage 13 th August 2008

2 The design of the first tank internals is complete. Motor chassis Door chassis Detector

3 The detector Faraday cup is isolated from ground (against which the current will be measured). Thin fabricated copper jacket is at 2kV to accelerate the beam and to enhance the magnetic field. 100 Amp turns onto soft iron yoke. Soft iron (permeability = 600) dipole is at ground potential.

4 The motor chassis Linear motors for horizontal motion Linear motors for vertical motion Rotary motors x4 Mirrors Differential pumping detector tunnel Counter-balance weights

5 The door chassis Mount to tank door Mount to tank base Telescopic ball slides Mounting points for motor chassis

6 New one-piece rail mounts with pockets to guide screw jack transverse position. Being made by Daresbury, due for delivery on 17 th September. Modified first tank support Screw jacks being modified by AC Precision Cross braces being made at Imperial Re-used from old design

7 Next jobs Frames for LEBT mounting system arrive at Imperial tomorrow. Rails, rail runners, screw jacks and feet already here. System must then be aligned and delivered to RAL. Design LEBT beam pipe sections including drift space vacuum vessel Cost estimate: Beam pipe sections x3 = £2250 Bellows = £500 Drift vessel = £7500 Pepperpot vessel = £3500 Pepperpot support = £2000 ------------------------------------ £15750

8 Mount with simple MiniTec style frame, equipped with rails set at old FETS pitch so that existing alignment system can be re-used. Upstream flange mates to beam pipe exiting LEBT and downstream flange accepts pepperpot system. Next jobs

9 Jobs list Detector finished, parts for first tank internals being manufactured now. End September LEBT frames will be delivered on 14 th August Assemble with rails, align and deliver to RAL. Complete tank stress analysis report for Jeremy Balchin. Calculations are done (except weld stresses), needs bringing together Begin conceptual design of LEBT beam pipe, vac vessel and pepperpot vessel. Rail alignment being done at RAL by Jim Loughrey in September. Everything is in place for this to happen Meet Serge Mathot at CERN Prepare Assemble first tank support and take to RAL 18th September Conduct first tank pump test (on/offline). Mount first tank Cage to be drilled Assemble internals and fit them into tank at RAL. Assemble, test, dismantle, anodise, re-assemble, take to RAL Cooling calc for RFQ RF power in is known – but what are losses? Info for Phil’s gantt chart Mastercam X2 trial – import vane, use material for gun drilling test. Laser enclosure CMM job for MICE

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