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Reed Early Independent consultant June 9, 2013 Toronto.

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2 Reed Early Independent consultant June 9, 2013 Toronto

3 Part 1 QDA Methods Outcomes – learners understand the origin and current practice of QDA methods in general, grounded theory in particular, and possible applications of the methods.

4 1. Methods a. useful for inductive research b. useful in naturalistic inquiry c. qualitative methods growing consensus d. collection ↔ analysis ↔ collection

5 2. Qualitative Data (QD) a. open b. exploratory c. useful when questions not yet defined d. allows insights

6 3. Overview of QDA

7 4. QDA cycle

8 5. overview of process

9 6. Work plan of research process

10 7. Characteristics of QDA a. constructivist - many meanings b. context bound i.e. “cast of thousands" c. uses inflection i.e. "THIS was good." d. can be sorted in many ways e. QD by itself has meaning i.e “apple”

11 8. Sources of QD a. interviews b. focus Groups c. field observations (GPS data) d. survey comments e. historical records f. secondary data g. photos, paintings, songs...

12 9. Types of QD a. structured text writings, stories, survey comments, news articles, books etc b. unstructured text transcription, open interviews, focus groups, conversation c. audio recordings, as above, music d. visual recordings, graphics, art, pictures e. location specific data Google Earth, GPS

13 10. Principles of QDA a. Data entry (gathering) b. Comprehending (immersion) c. Synthesizing (sifting) d. Theorizing (sorting) e. Re ‑ Contextualizing (emerging theory)

14 11. Data entry (analogous demo) a. not easily mechanized b. important part of process c. often done by analyst d. concurrent with analysis e. transcribe thoroughly, ASAP f. write memos (reflect) g. coding (start with few)

15 12. Comprehending (immersion) a. begin while entering data b. start QDA immediately c. “live with it” d. line by line examination e. create new questions for collection

16 13. Synthesizing (sifting) “quotes” (decontextualize) a. use inductive categories b. find common threads c. compare transcripts d. aggregate stories

17 14. Theorizing (sorting) “coding” a. ask questions of the data b. find alternative explanations c. allow sufficient time d. be open to insights

18 15. Re ‑ Contextualizing a. develop theoretical “elegance” b. apply to other settings c. examine fit to literature/research d. describe emerging theory

19 16. Data Management Principles a. stay close to the data b. be sensitive to emergent theory c. allow recontextualizing d. it is a non ‑ linear process

20 17. QDA method options – everyday analogues Content Analysis - like movie ratings by the censorship bd Grounded Theory – like a mystery solved by ordinary citizens Matrix Analysis – like a map’s matrix of campsite services Phenomenology – like a movie documentary

21 18. Displaying results (computer methods) display code frequencies and charts (in QDA Miner) CodeCount% CodesCases% Case 1.1 Defines Mgmt Structure, Roles, Resp361.20%215.30% 1.1 Framework Contents421.40%235.80% 1.1 Key People Involved1193.90%5914.80% 1.1 Lines of Authority461.50%266.50% 1.2 Approval and Endorsement250.80%174.30% 1.2 Key Elements of Strategic Plan Exist722.40%369.00% 1.2 Plan Communicated551.80%266.50% 1.2 Plan Updated180.60%143.50%


23 Exercise 1: Quotes, Codes & Memos

24 19.Grounded Theory a. Primary documents (comprehending) immerse in the primary documents begin as data are collected read/view/listen to the data

25 b. Quotations (synthesizing) select and mark salient quotations/passages compare each line to other data

26 c. Coding (theorizing) assign codes in margin group, sort, categorize codes into families collect new data based on emerging theory, memos, codes

27 d. Memos (aids in all processes) record insights on memos or post-it notes ie: ideas for emerging theories, thematic ideas, linked memos (Exercise 1)

28 e. Network (re-contextualize) create network (mind map) add and arrange network nodes (quotes, memos and codes) collect more data as needed (Exercise 2)

29 Exercise 2: Grounded Theory and Network Mapping

30 f. Generate theory Make a matrix of themes (rows) by roles (cols) Fill in cells with either a selected quote or “*” to indicate missing data. Look for patterns, empty cells, areas of convergence. Generate an explanation and provide a short quote to support your "theory". (optional Exercise)

31 20. Methods Matched to Type of Data a. structured text content and matrix analysis etc b. unstructured text i.e. narratives, open interviews phenomenology, grounded theory etc c. audio i.e. interviews, anecdotes, “stories”, music matrix analysis, grounded theory etc d.visual i.e. graphics, art, pictures matrix analysis, grounded theory etc

32 21. Methods Matched to Principle Task a. describe content analysis … b. explain / predict matrix analysis … c. derive new ideas and insights phenomenology … d. test significance matrix analysis, quantitative … e. map theoretical relation grounded theory, mapping …

33 run crosstab (matrix) codes and variables (QDA Miner) Proj A Proj B Proj C Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Chi- squ are P value finding 1.1.x 213 9.9240.357 finding 1.2.x1 912 17.4470.042 finding 1.3.x1 5 1 10.6240.302 finding 1.4.x 121242 41.0160 finding 2.1.x31 2 1 20.7590.014 finding 2.2.x1 2 2.130.989 finding 2.3.x2021342 16.5140.057 Risks6221744 33.7090 Best Practice s 411364 49.1780

34 Alternate Exercise: Theorizing Using Matrix Analysis

35 Code network map (Atlas-ti)

36 Code Network Map Multi-Dimensional Scaling (QDA Miner Concept Systems)

37 Q&A Questions and answers

38 23. Some QDA Methods matched to Software 1. Content Analysis Word, QDA Miner, Excel, Atlas-ti 2. Matrix analysis NVivo, QDA Miner 3. Grounded Theory Mapping Atlas-ti, QDA Miner 4. Phenomenology - using mind maps Inspiration, Visio 5. Concept Mapping Concept Systems, QDA Miner

39 24. QDA software QDA Miner QDA Miner inclWordStat-SimStat (Provalis, CAN) Atlas-ti Atlas-ti Scientific Software (GER) NVivoNVivo (QSR, AU) Inspiration (USA) Concept Mapping (Concept Systems USA) MS Excel, SPSS (USA)

40 Handouts Handout 1. Summary of Manual and Software Qualitative Methods Handout 2. Website, Software and Internet Resources The above and these slides are available at

41 Don’t forget the workshop evaluation…

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