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Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 2011-2012 ALPINE RULE CHANGES & PRECISIONS 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 2011-2012 ALPINE RULE CHANGES & PRECISIONS 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 2011-2012 ALPINE RULE CHANGES & PRECISIONS 1

2 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 2

3 Rules Process 1.Proposals come : a)Out of Committee – Out of Sub-Committee b)Out of Working Group c)From NSA 2.Proposals must be written (template form FIS Web) 3.Approved by NSA submitting 4.Submitted in time to be included in Agenda 5.Discussed by Sub-Committee AT SPRING MEETING 6.Voted on or other recommendations 7.Sent to Alpine executive Board 8.Sent to Alpine Committee 9.Sent to Council Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 3

4 Rules Process Spring Meeting reserved for Rule Changes. Proposals circulated in advance to relevant Sub-Committees. Precisions for SH Fall Meeting – Precisions only where necessary/emergency Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 4

5 ALPINE RULES The current Printed Alpine ICR is 2008 No FIS Printing until June 2012 Web Version contains all changes to PortoRoz – June 2011 Very limited Precisions Fall changes to be confirmed by Council Nov 7th 5

6 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 6

7 ICR Spring Meeting 7 Southern Hemisphere Precisions Included in Web based ICR July 2011

8 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Current ICR 8

9 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Southern Hemisphere ICR 203 – Changes in Licence Transfer  Strict Council Review – Spring only  Personal Association with new Country  Residency  Passport  Written reasons for requested change ICR 607.3 – New Age Grouping  U14 – (K1)  U16 – (K2)  U18 – (Junior 1)  U21 – (Junior 2) 9

10 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Southern Hemisphere 10

11 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Southern Hemisphere 11

12 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Southern Hemisphere 12

13 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Southern Hemisphere ICR 701.1.1/2 – DH in Two Runs FIS Races – Men & Women – 350 to 450 m ICR 701.1.3 – 2 Run ENL races 300 – 400m ICR 702.2 &702.3 – Changes to description of character of DH – Control of Speed, Natural surfaces etc 13

14 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Southern Hemisphere 14

15 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Southern Hemisphere 15

16 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Southern Hemisphere ICR 1210 – New Section Team/Parallel ICR 1212 – New Section Nations Team ICR 1220 – New Section for Parallel Event Added to fit actual practice and to permit use at all levels 16

17 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Northern Hemisphere PRECISIONS Athlete input into Jury 205 Competitors have the right under the athletes declaration to inform the Jury of safety concerns they may have regarding training, warm-up or competition courses. Actual process under development but at WC Athletes Commission will designate a person from top 15 on start list who will be spokesperson. 17

18 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Northern Hemisphere ICR 221.6 Medical Services Deletes reference to “Rules” Recognizes variable geography, location, regulations Chief of medical to advise TD of any issue preventing primary medical plan from implementation. Note: Supposes there is a medical plan 18

19 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Northern Hemisphere 606.1 Bibs must conform to FIS Advertising Rules and Specs – all detail taken out of ICR 690 Gate Panels Reference to “Flags” changed to Panels Must meet FIS Specifications for Gate Panels New Specification effective November 2012 WC will meet new Specification 701.3.2 DH panels 0.75 X 0.50 (Nov 2012) 19

20 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Northern Hemisphere Childrens Vertical – season 2012-2013 801.1.3 – U14 and U16 – Max 160m 801.2.4 – U14 and U16 – 32% to 38% +/- 3 Dir Chgs 901.1.4 – U14 and U16 – Max 350m. U16 must be 2 Run 901.2.4 – Children 13% - 17% of vertical 1001.1.3 – Minimum – 250m – Max 450m 1001.3.4 – SG Direction Changes Min 8% - Max 12% Athlete Representative to be added to Alpine Executive Board 20

21 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director SANCTIONS & APPEALS Only 1 Alpine appeal in past 3 years. WC 2010-2011 Are Sweden Dispute between Athlete and Jury Large Monetary Fine Went to Alpine Appeals Board Went to FIS Court Consensus is Juries at all levels get it. 21

22 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Northern Hemisphere FUTURE PROPOSALS 1.NO STEPPING BACK IN GS/SG/DH  Safety  Issue re definition for full stop  Issue re Impact on lower levels 2.Establish deadline for entries Effects on quotas Fairness to roc Emulate COC/WC with fixed deadlines Prevent manipulation of entry. Double entry 3.Track Speed – correct measurement 22

23 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Northern Hemisphere FUTURE PROPOSALS - Athletes 4. Helmet – Create New Spec – Better G-Force over 300g (Current is 200g – WC 250g) 5. Slower Race Suits – Tests this season with new fabrics. Standard Manufacturer 6. Cut Proof Underwear – Test this season 7. Dianese – Creation of safety vest – airbag technology – tests this season 8. Adjustments to Course Setting Rules – DH/SG/GS – Coaches WG 23


25 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director CLASSIFICATIONS 2011- 2OI2 RULES OF FIS POINTS 25

26 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director Classifications 3.1Evaluation 2 nd week end of Nov to April 30 (Exception ENL) 4.2.1Base Points published mid June – Average of best 2 results in each event during past season will be used for Base List to – Details for calculation, one result only, injured status, protection and correction values 4.2.2 – Normal List – List 1 July 1 based upon BL 4.6.1 – Registration – Injury Protection Maximum FIS Points Level – 999.99 26

27 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director TD Reporting Article 8 Electronic Results go to: These are in xml format TD Report Electronic on line Email Results in pdf format go to Pdf files are only: Official Results, includes 1 st run start list TD Report signed (unless submitted on line) TTR plus if needed Injury Report/Sanctions 27

28 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director WORLD CUP 3.9 – All entries MUST BE via on-line registration ROC CANNOT accept anyother form 6.0 – Prize Money via Electronic Transfer Protection for injured racers returning – ability to start after 30 th under certain conditions. COC Canada USA quota – 50 in each Technical Race Maximum Quota – 100 28

29 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director EQUIPEMENT 29

30 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director EQUIPMENT 30

31 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director EQUIPMENT 6. For World Cup speed events (DH/Super G), the helmets must fulfil the following specific additional requirement: the maximum deceleration measured during the impact established based on the test described in the norm EN1077 Class A must be equal or lower to 230g (NB: according to standard EN 1077 Class A: equal or lower to 250g). The helmet must bear a specific label / marking of minimum 1sqcm applied by the manufacturer on the outside shell and stating “DH/SG” confirming that such requirement is fullfilled. Penalty – No Start 31

32 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director EQUIPMENT 32

33 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director EQUIPMENT The work of the FIS Equipment Group will continue to examine other “Driving Factors”identified as injury causes: 1.Stand height – DH 2.Binding Release Mechanisms 3.Boot stiffness 4.Equipement Set-up 5.Course/Snow Conditions 6.Course Setting – Fore-Runners (GPS/Inertia Sensors) 33

34 INSURANCE Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 34

35 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 35

36 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director 36

37 Canadian Snowsports Association Dave Pym Managing Director QUESTIONS 37

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