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‘How statistics are being used to impact on service delivery’ Rory Farrelly Director of Nursing NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Scottish Government Annual.

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Presentation on theme: "‘How statistics are being used to impact on service delivery’ Rory Farrelly Director of Nursing NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Scottish Government Annual."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘How statistics are being used to impact on service delivery’ Rory Farrelly Director of Nursing NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Scottish Government Annual Stakeholder Conference 1 November 2010


3 Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Acute Services Division
Covers a population of 1,191,000 and has an annual budget of £1.4bn (08/09).

4 Acute Hospitals Within Glasgow – Acute sites Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Stobhill Hospital Victoria Infirmary Southern General Hospital Western Infirmary Gartnavel General Hospital Mansion House Lightburn & Drumchapel 1 Children’s Hospital Royal Hospital for Sick Children

5 Hospitals Within Clyde – 3 Acute sites Royal Alexandra Hospital
Inverclyde Royal Hospital Vale of Leven Hospital In addition West of Scotland Beatson Cancer Centre

6 Services Provided A&E service Acute Medicine General Surgery
Orthopaedics Vascular Urology ENT Obstetrics/Maternity Ophthalmology Care of the Elderly

7 Services Provided Stroke Renal Paediatrics Plastic Surgery / Burns
Neurology Neurosurgery Cancer Services Diagnostics Minor Injuries Day Surgery

8 Facilities Beds 4292 Acute Inpatient beds 289 Paediatric beds
179 Obstetrics beds Theatres 77 IP theatres 21 Day case theatres

9 Activity A&E attendances – 453,236 Inpatient activity - 276,800
Day Case activity – 137,982 New Outpatient Attendances ,232

10 Patient Experience Questionnaire
Inpatient Between October 2008 and September 2009 Number questionnaires sent out 18,974 Response rate 47% Provisional results - September 2010

11 Survey asked Patient Experience around:-
Admission The Hospital and Ward Environment Care and Treatment Staff Leaving Hospital Medicines

12 Priorities Ensure safe and effective working practice
Enhance the patient experience Shared aspirations, objectives, values and priorities All staff contribute to leadership on health improvement and tackling inequalities Focus on service improvement and empowering frontline staff to assist in this. Clear objectives, accountability and a performance management framework

13 Leadership at all levels
Role model Visible Identifiable Accessible Approachable Authoritative Communicator

14 NHS GGC Acute Division Leadership Accountability & Responsibility
Governance Structures Steering Group (Non Executive Director) Action Plan (SMART objectives)



17 Positive Results

18 Sample of Highlights

19 Sample of Lowlights

20 Part of the National Picture

21 Priority Areas

22 Priority Areas In the Emergency Department I was told how long I would have to wait. I was happy with the food and drink I received. I was given help with arranging transport. I was bothered by noise. I knew who was in charge of the ward. There was enough time to talk to the doctors. Nurses gave me clear expectations about any operations and procedures (e.g. What would happen, how I could expect to feel).

23 Maximising Impact At practice level At Board level At national level

24 Sustaining Action As a Board we have a local plan which sets out its approach to quality and reflects the importance of patient experience? How will patient experience be embedded into improvement and decision making? Monitoring improvement over time – Quality Measurement Framework – Quality Outcome Measures Participation Standard (Scottish Health Council) Board Annual Reviews Internal/Local Quality Committees

25 Beyond Survey!! Long Term Conditions (LTC) module will be developed to support Boards in pursuing the ambitions and aims for LTC laid out in the Quality Strategy “Closing the Gaps – addressing the hard to reach groups” Immediacy of data – triangulation of survey data with local data, reviewing alternative technology solutions. Improvement capacity and capability Supporting use of qualitative methods for developing more detailed understanding - ‘Story’ Links to extranet and other improvement systems Alignment/integration with all quality improvement programmes

26 Where Next for NHS GGC Inpatient survey will be re-run in 2010-11
Procurement of approved contractor to completed Roll out in early January 2011

27 Any Questions?

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