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Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid.

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1 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust

2 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Project Objectives A research project to identify the employment and training needs of transgender individuals as no such data as yet exists. The training of transgender individuals with a view to increasing their basic skills such as lifeskills, literacy and IT. The training of transgender individuals in the equal opportunities legislation that currently exist in Maltese law, primarily the Equality between Men and Women Act which also includes the role of the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality in order to empower the individuals concerned and facilitate access to social rights.

3 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Project Objectives The training of ETC/Trade Union officials as well as HR Personnel within the private and public sector in order to facilitate increased awareness of both the needs and rights of transgender individuals as well as the obligations of employers with regards to equal opportunities legislation. The publication of resources for employers and transgender individuals that aim to inform both of their respective rights and obligations as well as establish guidelines on the promotion of inclusive workplaces.

4 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Research with Employers Online survey sent to over 1,000 private and public entities having over 20 employees. Only 67 replies despite follow up emails and phone calls of which 43 where complete. In-depth interviews with 15 private and public entities and trade unions.

5 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Respondents 9.2% from a Government Institution 6.2% from a Parastatal Company 85.6% from the Private Sector. 59.7% Maltese owned companies 17.9% Foreign owned 5.9% Local/foreign partnership 16.4% Unknown

6 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Number of Employees 43.5% 0 – 50 25.8 % 50 – 100 11.3% 100 – 150 19.4% over 150

7 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Diversity in Workforce Diverse workforce in relation to race/ethnic origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation, age and gender.

8 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Important Factors 1.540.00%1.60%50.80%47.60% Employee retention 1.40.00%4.80%30.20%65.10% Employee satisfaction 1.556.50%3.20%29.00%61.30% Profits 1.290.00% 28.60%71.40% Productivity 1.130.00% 12.70%87.30% Efficiency Rating average Not Important at all Not very important ImportantVery important

9 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Equal Opportunities Policy 21 (31.3%) respondents did not answer the question. Of the 46 who responded 77.6% have an equal opportunities policy which, however in 71.7% of the cases is not written. 95.3% of those having an equal opportunities policy include gender.

10 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Transgender Issues 69.6% of respondents would allow pre-op trans persons to use bathroom facilities appropriate to their gender identity; 89.1% would allow post-op transsexuals to use bathroom facilities appropriate to their gender identity; 57.1% do not have gender neutral toilets; Only 46 out of 67 answered this question.

11 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Use of Leave/Sick Leave for GRS 10.9% would allow trans employee to make use of sick leave only; 28.3% would allow him/her to make use of annual leave only implying that they do not see gender reassignment as a necessary medical procedure; 60.9% would allow the employee to make use of both leave and sick leave entitlements.

12 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Unpaid Leave for GRS Out of 45 respondents: –77.3% would grant unpaid leave if this was needed for GRS; –22.7% said that they would not.

13 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Protection from Harassment Out of 43 respondents: –58.1% stated that employees who are about to undergo GRS need added protection from harassment from their colleagues. –42.5% said that they would need added protection from harassment from clients.

14 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Reaction to Trans Status How would you react as soon as you learnt that one of your employees would like to undergo gender reassignment surgery ? Out of 44 respondents: –40.9% would be compassionate, –38.6% would consider it as a common problem to which they would have to seek a common solution, –2.3% stated that it is against their moral principles –no one said that they would be shocked –18.2% stated that they would react in some other way

15 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Competence in Trans Issues 16.70%83.30%Dealing with a transgender client 26.20%73.80%Dealing with bullying / harassment by clients 17.10%82.90%Dealing with bullying /harassment between the staff 35.00%65.00%Explaining to the other staff about the issue NoYes

16 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Equality Issues 97.6% of the respondents stated that they would treat a transgender person presenting him/herself for an interview equally and on par with other interviewees. 9.8% of the respondents had scheduled training on LGBT issues while 14.6% had scheduled training on any other ground of discrimination. 74.4% of the respondents stated that by law they are bound to provide protection to transgender individuals.

17 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Uniforms and Dress Codes Would you accept a pre-operation transsexual dressing in clothing which is appropriate to his/her assumed gender? – 40% would accept this, –27.5% said that they would not –32.5% said that they do not know. In the event that the staff wears a uniform: –51.3% would provide a uniform of the assumed gender, –17.9% would not –30.8% stated that they do not know

18 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust In-depth Interviews Conducted with HR managers of companies from various sectors As a general comment – the bigger the company the more tolerant management is Lack of awareness of trangender issues – for many there was no distinction between gay and lesbian and transgender There is more tolerance towards gay and lesbian individuals since these are less ‘visible’

19 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust In-depth interviews Lack of tolerance towards the use of toilets and uniforms of assumed gender This was not so in the company of an international hairdressing franchise Many compared gender reassignment surgery to cosmetic surgery, therefore they would not accept sick leave to be taken

20 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Some Recommendations Provide training on LGBT issues to union officials and workers’ representatives so that they will be well equipped to deal with these issues Work closely with LGBT organisations – they have the necessary expertise and experience Develop a section dealing especially with LGBT issues – this will help to make the issue more visible and create a reference point for complainants

21 Structural Funds Programme for Malta 2004-2006 Project co-financed by the European Union Social Fund Co-financing rate: 75% European Union. 25% Sigrid Rausing Trust Dr Charmaine Grech Gabi Calleja 32, Parish Street, Mosta MST 2021, Malta Tel/Fax: +356 2143 0009 Mob: +356 9925 5559 Email: Website:

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