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0 enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Sponsored by the HITSP Education, Communications and Outreach Committee eTown Hall I HITSP’s.

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1 0 enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Sponsored by the HITSP Education, Communications and Outreach Committee eTown Hall I HITSP’s efforts to address HIT-related provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Webinar #5 June 18, 2009 | 2:00 – 3:30 pm (Eastern) Presenter: John D. Halamka, MD, MS, HITSP Chair

2 Slide 1 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Learning Objectives  During this 90-minute webinar, participants will: — Understand the relationship between the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and HITSP’s work — Discover how HITSP has re-focused the energies of its volunteers, staff, and leadership to meet ARRA requirements — Learn how HITSP specifications can help achieve the ARRA requirement for “meaningful use” of electronic health records by enabling health information exchange

3 Slide 2 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Agenda  What is HITSP?  What are ARRA and HITECH? — Federal Advisory Committees and High-Level Work Flow  Getting it done: HITSP re-focuses its energies into “Tiger Teams”  Key collaborations  Meeting an aggressive timeline – overview of schedule  Conclusion  Questions and Answers

4 Slide 3 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series To serve as a cooperative partnership between the public and private sectors for the purpose of achieving a widely accepted and useful set of standards specifically to enable and support widespread interoperability among healthcare software applications, as they will interact in a local, regional, and national health information network for the United States. Mission

5 Slide 4 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Overview  HITSP is a volunteer-driven, consensus-based organization that is funded through a contract from the Department of Health and Human Services — Created in 2005  HITSP develops Interoperability Specifications (IS) – documents that harmonize and recommend the technical standards that are necessary to assure the interoperability of electronic health records — Production to date:13 IS and 60 related constructs

6 Slide 5 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series  Patients  Consumers  Employers  General Practitioners  Outpatient Healthcare Providers  Government Agencies HITSP Stakeholders  Review Boards  Practice Guidelines  Residential Care Providers  Specialists  Payers  Suppliers  Hospitals

7 Slide 6 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series HITSP members agreed that a standard is a well-defined approach that supports a business process and... — has been agreed upon by a group of experts — has been publicly vetted — provides rules, guidelines, or characteristics — helps to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their intended purpose — is available in an accessible format — is subject to an ongoing review and revision process Standards Harmonization is required when a proliferation of standards prevents progress rather than enabling it. HIT Standardization

8 Slide 7 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series IS 01 Electronic Health Record (EHR) Laboratory Results Reporting IS 02Biosurveillance IS 03Consumer Empowerment IS 04 Emergency Responder Electronic Health Record (ER- EHR) IS 05 Consumer Empowerment and Access to Clinical Information via Media IS 06Quality IS 07Medication Management HITSP Interoperability Specifications (IS) Accepted Recognized

9 Slide 8 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series IS 08Personalized Healthcare IS 09Consultations and Transfers of Care IS 10Immunizations and Response Management IS 11Public Health Case Reporting IS 12Patient – Provider Secure Messaging IS 77Remote Monitoring HITSP Interoperability Specifications (IS) Released / Panel Approved

10 Slide 9 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Released Accepted Recognized Federal projects must use HITSP recognized standards Per Executive Order 13410 Panel approved for submission to HHS Secretary of HHS has accepted for a period of testing Secretary of HHS has recognized the IS for immediate implementation Status: Interoperability Specifications

11 Slide 10 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Provider, Population, and Consumer Perspective 10 Provider Perspective IS 01 - Electronic Health Record (EHR) Laboratory Results Reporting IS 04 - Emergency Responder Electronic Health Record (ER-EHR) IS 08 - Personalized Healthcare IS 09 - Consultations and Transfers of Care Population Perspective IS 02 - Biosurveillance IS 06 - Quality IS 10 - Immunizations and Response Management IS 11 - Public Health Case Reporting Consumer Perspective IS 03 - Consumer Empowerment IS 05 - Consumer Empowerment and Access to Clinical Information via Media IS 07 - Medication Management IS 12 - Patient – Provider Secure Messaging IS 77 - Remote Monitoring

12 Slide 11 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series What is ARRA?  Also known as the “economic stimulus package”  Signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009 What is HITECH?  A portion of ARRA referred to as the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act — TITLE XIII—Health Information Technology — TITLE IV—Medicare and Medicaid Health Information Technology  Contains numerous provisions related to Health Information Technology (HIT) and privacy with aggressive timelines for completion

13 Slide 12 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series 1. Privacy and Security 2. HIT Infrastructure 3. Certified Health Record 4. Disclosure Audit 5. Improve Quality 6. Individually Identifiable Health Information (IIHI) Unusable 7. Demographic Data 8. Needs of Vulnerable Eight Technology Priority areas for HIT in ARRA

14 Slide 13 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series HIT-related Provisions of ARRA / HITECH (continued)  Use of certified electronic health records to improve the quality of health care by: — promoting the coordination of health care and improving continuity of health care among health care providers — reducing medical errors — improving population health — reducing health disparities — reducing chronic disease — advancing research and education

15 Slide 14 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series ARRA / HITECH calls for “meaningful use of EHRs”  Not enough to implement EHRs – need to meaningfully use them to improve patient care and efficiency  National HIT Policy committee tasked with defining “meaningful use”  Working definition this year and evolution over time  HITSP is working with the HIT Standards Committee to help achieve meaningful use by providing harmonized HIT standards

16 Slide 15 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Federal Advisory Committees Formed under ARRA  HIT Policy Committee — makes recommendations to David Blumenthal, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, on an overall policy framework for the development and adoption of a national interoperable health information infrastructure, including standards for the secure and private exchange of patient medical information  HIT Standards Committee — makes recommendations to Dr. Blumenthal on standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria for the electronic exchange and use of health information

17 Slide 16 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series HIT Standards Committee & HITSP: Shared Members HIT Standards Committee 23 members HITSP 600+ technical experts John Halamka HITSP Chair HIT Standards Committee Vice-Chair Christopher Chute HITSP Volunteer HIT Standards Committee James Ferguson HITSP Board of Directors HIT Standards Committee John Klimek HITSP Volunteer HIT Standards Committee

18 Slide 17 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series  ARRA /HITECH includes an increased role for NIST  NIST responsibilities include — technical standards analysis — establishment of conformance testing infrastructure  HHS and NIST currently meeting to determine work structure — Plan due by mid-July  ONC and NIST determining to keep or recognize a program or programs for the voluntary certification of health information technology as being in compliance with applicable certification criteria — CCHIT is the current a Recognized Certification Body — Possibly others in the future National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

19 Slide 18 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Work Flow: A High-Level View SecretaryNational Coordinator Organizations conducting standards development or harmonization, certification criteria development, or composition of implementation specifications Pilot testing HIT Policy Committee HIT Standards Committee Recommendations National Coordinator

20 Slide 19 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series HIT Standards Committee – The Workgroups  HIT Standards Committee has organized into three workgroups  To assist the workgroups, ONC has added one HITSP volunteer and one HITSP staff member to each group — This will ensure that all workgroup members gain an understanding of HITSP's work to date Clinical Operations Clinical Quality Privacy/Security

21 Slide 20 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Getting It Done  The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) has asked HITSP to assist it in meeting its requirements for designating standards that support designated ARRA focus areas for healthcare, and ultimately, that support ARRA’s notion of “meaningful use” — HITSP paused its assigned 2009 work, and directed essentially all efforts toward this end — HITSP organized into focused, quick-moving “Tiger Teams” to accomplish the new task by July 15, 2009

22 Slide 21 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Tiger Teams Task  Leverage HITSP's “accepted” products to create new streamlined standards guides organized around the ARRA EHR interoperability requirements Objective  A more compact, easy to implement, flexible set of implementation guidance supporting meaningful use of EHRs and protection of privacy

23 Slide 22 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series 22 “Meaningful Use” From existing Interoperability Specifications, determine subset required for “meaningful use”

24 Slide 23 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Tiger Teams Focus Areas  A new EHR Centric Interoperability Specification to meet ARRA requirements  Security, Privacy & Infrastructure  Quality Measures  Data Architecture (Element, Template, and Value Set)  Exchange Architecture and Harmonization Framework  Clinical Research Tiger Team membership 232 technical experts

25 Slide 24 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Starting Point – ARRA Requirements and Tiger Teams

26 Slide 25 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series ARRA / HITECH Eight Priority Areas Eight Priority Areas for HIT in ARRA HITSP Phase 1 Tasks for ARRA 1 Security + Privacy 2 HIT Infrastructure 3 Certified Health Record 4 Disclosure Audit 5 Improve Quality 6 IIHI* Unusable 7 Demographic Data 8 Needs of Vulnerable EHR Centric Interoperability Specification Security and Privacy Service (Suite) Quality Measures project Supporting Deliverables Harmonization framework and information/ exchange architecture Data Element, Template, and Value Set * Individually Identifiable Health Information (IIHI) Unusable

27 Slide 26 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series ARRA Title IV (Division B) – Section 401 – Medicare Incentives HITSP Phase 1 Tasks for ARRA Meaningful Use to Include e-Prescribing Exchange of Information to Improve Quality of Care Reporting Clinical Quality Measures Certified EHR Defined EHR Centric Interoperability Specification Security and Privacy Service (Suite) Quality Measures project Supporting Deliverables Harmonization framework and information/ exchange architecture Data Element, Template, and Value Set ARRA / HITECH Meaningful Use

28 Slide 27 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series HITSP Capabilities* Current HITSP Tiger Team Work Centered around Business Progresses rather than Use Cases CLINICAL OPERATIONS (Care Delivery, Emergency Responder and Consumer Empowerment) Medication Management 1 – Issue Ambulatory and Long-term Prescriptions 27 – Issue Hospital Prescriptions Exchange of Clinical Data 3 – Communication of Structured Documents using CDA 4 – Communication of Unstructured Documents (CDA header only) 5 – Clinical Referral Request 6 – Retrieval of Medical Knowledge 26 – Query for Existing Data 28 – Secured web access to Documents 30 – Clinical Genomic Decision Support Exchange of Laboratory and Imaging Data 7 – Return Laboratory Results Message 8 – Communication of Laboratory Reports 9 – Communication of Imaging Information ADMINISTRATIVE and FINANCIAL 20 – Exchange Administrative Benefits/Eligibility Transactions 21 – Exchange Administrative Referral/Authorization Transactions 22 – Identification of Communications Recipient CLINICAL QUALITY AND PUBLIC HEALTH Quality Management 10 – Collect and Communicate Quality Measures for Hospital/clinician based Quality Information Collection and Reporting 11 – Quality Measure Specifications for Hospital/Clinician based Reporting Immunization 12 – Immunization Registry Update 13 – Immunization Registry Query 14 – Communication of Immunization Summary Case Reporting and Bio-surveillance 16 – Healthcare Associated Infection Reporting 25 – Retrieve Form for Data Capture 17 – Emergency Alerting 18 – Send and Receive Relevant Bio-Surveillance Data 29 – Hiding Identity – Pseudonimization Emergency 19 – Communicate Resource Utilization * The numbers 2,15, 23 and 24 were not used

29 Slide 28 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series  HIT Policy Committee  HIT Standards Committee  NIST  CCHIT  NHIN (Nationwide Health Information Network) — service definitions/ facilitating rapid implementation  Standards Development Organizations and Profile Development Organizations — HL7, IHE, NCPDP, LOINC, X12, etc. Key Collaborations

30 Slide 29 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Four Primary Schedules at Play  ONC schedule to meet ARRA provisions — Interim final rule development and published in Federal Register by December 31, 2009  HIT Policy Committee schedule — June 16th – preliminary definition of meaningful use released — August 26th – final definition proposed to HHS — Dec 31st – published to the federal register  HIT Standards Committee schedule — Assessment of current standards and gaps and a timeline by August 26th — Interim Final Standards published in Federal Register to support recommendations set by ARRA and HIT Policy Committee by December 31, 2009  HITSP Tiger Team schedule — Complete work effort and submit to HITSP for approval by July 8th, 2009 — Tiger Work Products will be presented in eTown Hall II August 27, 2009

31 Slide 30 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series GOAL: Design where the Puck needs to go It is not enough to follow the puck... or go in the direction of the puck... We are designing where the puck needs to go 2015 “It's an investment that will take the long overdue step of computerizing America's medical records, to reduce the duplication and waste that costs billions of healthcare dollars and medical errors that cost thousands of lives each year” — President Barack Obama, February 17, 2009

32 Slide 31 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Conclusion: HITSP is Foundational Support to ARRA  Standards harmonization maturity is not easily replicated; it has been forged through: — multiple years of consistent honing with millions of federal dollars — tens of thousands of hours of voluntary industry participation — extensive public scrutiny, critique with industry testing and adoption — collaboration with other standards related organizations  HITSP is performing this critical function credibly in support of ARRA — HITSP support of the newly-formed HIT Policy and Standards Committees  HITSP in the “Real World” – July Webinar

33 Slide 32 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Webinar 1 Advances in Sharing Information in Healthcare IT Thursday, January 15, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 7HITSP eTown Hall II with Dr. John Halamka Thursday, August 27, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 2Personalized Healthcare Interoperability Specification (IS 08) Thursday, February 12, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 8Medication Management Real World Sites Thursday, September 10, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 3Consultations and Transfers of Care Interoperability Specification (IS 09) Thursday, March 12, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 9HITSP EHR Centric Interoperability Specification Thursday, October 8, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 4NHIN Real World Sites Thursday, April 16, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 10Security, Privacy, and Infrastructure Thursday, November 12, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 5HITSP eTown Hall I with Dr. John Halamka Thursday, June 18, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 11Real World Sites – TBA Thursday, December 10, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern Webinar 6Health Information Exchange (HIEs) in the Real World Thursday, July 9, 2009 — 2:00-3:30 pm Eastern NOTE: Recent schedule changes reflect HITSP’s response to new efforts in HIT based on the ARRA Stimulus bill provisions. Further changes are possible due to priority changes and availability of speakers.  The 2009 Webinar Series    

34 Slide 33 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Discussion / Questions Welcomed

35 Slide 34 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series View the Complete Set of HITSP Deliverables

36 Slide 35 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Jessica Kant, HIMSSTheresa Wisdom, HIMSS Re: HITSP Technical Committees Michelle Deane, ANSI Re: HITSP, its Board and Coordinating Committees Join HITSP in developing a safe and secure health information network for the United States Visit or

37 Slide 36 HITSP – enabling healthcare interoperability 2009 Webinar Series Sponsor Strategic Partners

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