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Page 1 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC 1995: Establishment.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC 1995: Establishment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC 1995: Establishment of the BCRC as a unit within SLOVAK ENVIRONMENTAL AGENCY – CENTRE OF WASTE AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 19 CEE countries 1997 activities started 15 workshops (training), 8 projects 1 project in progress

2 Page 2 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC Implementation of the Basel Convention into national legislation Training courses and workshops Supplementary projects to the workshops and comprehensive studies Assistance and advisory services Promotion and public awareness

3 Page 3 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Basel Convention Regional Centres (BCRCs) At present 14 Regional Centres in operation: Latin America and the Caribbean: Argentina, El Salvador, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay Africa: Egypt, Senegal, South Africa, Nigeria Asia and Pacific: China, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), SPREP Central and Eastern Europe: Russian Federation, Slovakia

4 Page 4 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BASEL CONVENTION REGIONAL CENTRE BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC PRIORITY AREAS Adoption and implementation of BC into national legislation Setting up environmentally sound HW management systems Introduction of the waste management information system at a national level Technologies for environmentally sound treatment and disposal of HW Promotion of public awareness Control system for HW movement

5 Page 5 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia COOPERATION WITH OTHERS MEAs Stockholm Convention Rotterdam Convention International Pesticides Forum WTO GEN

6 Page 6 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BCRC BRATISLAVA TRAINING COURSES June 1997 to May 2004: 13 training courses 1.Implementation of the Basel Convention into the National Legislation (June 1997) 2.Identification of Hazardous Wastes (October 1997) 3. The Information Management System on Wastes (December 1997) 4.Enforcement of the Basel Convention Principles (March 1998) 5.Public Awareness Programmes (June 1998)

7 Page 7 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BCRC BRATISLAVA TRAINING COURSES 6.Cleaner production and Waste Minimisation ( September 1998) 7.Methods of Waste Disposal with Focus on Incineration ( November 1998) 8.Control of the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes (May 1999) 9.Implementation of the Basel Ban Amendment - Danish Project (March 2000) 10.Comparative Analysis of International Waste Lists and Control Systems (June 2002)

8 Page 8 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Business Plan 2003-04 Background documents 10-Year Strategic Plan for implementation of the Basel Convention National priorities 11. Cleaner production - Waste Minimization Training (November 2003) 12. Strengthening of Co-operation based on Chemicals and Hazardous Wastes Conventions ( March 2004) 13.Regional Workshop on the Preparation of a Regional approach for the ESM of POPs as Wastes for Selected CEE countries (May 2004)

9 Page 9 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia 2005-06 Business Plan Category One: Capacity Building of the Regional Centre Category Two: Implementing the Obligations of the Convention Category Three: The Environmentally Sound Management of Basel Convention Priority Waste Streams

10 Page 10 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Capacity Building of the Regional Centre Development, maintenance and Operation of BCRC Bratislava Web Page

11 Page 11 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Implementing The Obligations of the Convention Regional Workshop Aimed at Promoting Ratification of the Basel Protocol on Liability and Compensation for Damage resulting from Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal Warsaw, Poland, January 18-20,2006

12 Page 12 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Implementing The Obligations of the Convention The participating countries presented their national legislation on environmental liability The Main Comments and Difficulties with Ratification Financial limits and insurance

13 Page 13 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia The Environmentally Sound Management of Basel Convention Priority Waste Streams Biomedical and Health Care Wastes Development and Establishment of a Lubricating Oil Management System

14 Page 14 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Recent activities Legal assistance for the elaboration and adaptation of national legislation for the effective implementation of the Basel Convention in Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia and Republic of Serbia and Montenegro

15 Page 15 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Regional Workshop aimed at ESM in Used Oils Attendance: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Poland, Serbia and Montenegro and the Slovak Republic. The main objective of the workshop was to present current situation in the management of waste lubricating oils in CEE countries and their efforts to improve it taking into account relevant Basel Convention technical guidelines and the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Waste.

16 Page 16 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Regional Workshop aimed at ESM in Used Oils Specific objectives of the workshop were as follows: to present results of a project in Bosnia and Herzegovina ”Background analysis for development and establishment of a lubricating oil management system in BIH” to present the waste oil management in Slovakia and EU (Spain) to exchange information and experience among CEE countries

17 Page 17 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Background Analysis for Development and Establishment of a Lubricating Oil Management System in Bosnia and Herzegovina Assessment of current local lubricant industry Collection of data on imports and exports of lubricants Collection of information on lubricant sales Estimates of consumption and used oil generation Consideration of current lubricants use and disposal practices Analysis of available used oil treatment facilities Assessment of current environmental impacts and risks related to lubricant use Establishment of database/inventories of major users of lubricants, i.e. used oils generators

18 Page 18 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Background Analysis for Development and Establishment of a Lubricating Oil Management System in Bosnia and Herzegovina Next steps: 1.Development and implementation of legislation and implementing regulation lubricant manufactures/importers responsibility source separation of used oils subsidies/incentives and financial support for collection and disposal of used oils 2.Preparation and distribution of instructions/ guidelines for environmentally sound storage, use and handling of new and used lubricants

19 Page 19 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Background Analysis for Development and Establishment of a Lubricating Oil Management System in Bosnia and Herzegovina Cont. 3. Establishment of efficient reporting, monitoring and inspection system 4. Organisation and provision of necessary training to key institutional personnel 5. Implementation of well designed public awareness campaigns

20 Page 20 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Strategy on The Management of The Health Care Waste Strategy on the management of the health care waste FYR of Macedonia To map out the current situation in the area of biomedical and healthcare waste management; To analyse the current situation and to propose realistic actions to solve problems existing in the country; To develop a strategy to implement a national HCWM to improve the situation in the field on biomedical and healthcare wastes management.

21 Page 21 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BP 2007-08 The overall objective of the Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC) in Bratislava is to strengthen and further develop the capabilities of countries in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region in implementing the Basel Convention and managing hazardous wastes in an environmentally sound manner. This objective will be realised through dissemination of information into region, through assistance for individual country and through regional or sub-regional projects.

22 Page 22 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Specific objectives Assist countries to achieve objectives of National Implementation Plans of the Stockholm Convention on POPs; Assist countries to implement Council Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE); Improve the information in the region regarding separate collection of small household appliance under the Council Directive on WEEE; Assist with hazardous waste legislation development;

23 Page 23 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Specific objectives Assistance to accession and pre-accession countries in harmonization of national legislation with EU regulations; Reporting obligations to European Commission; Mutual sharing of information on waste legislation status in individual countries; Illegal traffic problems - training of customs and border police officers and environmental inspectors.

24 Page 24 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BP 2007-08  disseminating information into region  organising regional workshops  assistance to individual countries with projects  realisation of regional projects aimed at ESM in priority waste streams  initiating a partnership with the industry and private sector  initiating a partnership with key stakeholders in the CEE region  engaging in BCRC network  seeking a sustainable financial funding

25 Page 25 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Regional Needs Assessment The CEE region specified the following activities:  POPs waste management  Used oil management  Health care waste strategy  Electrical and electronic waste  Ship dismantling  Used batteries  Illegal traffic  Legislation

26 Page 26 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Proposed regional projects  used oil management;  used batteries management;  preparation of the health care waste management strategy;  waste containing POPs management;  obsolete stocks of pesticides management  electric and electronic waste management;  ship dismantling.

27 Page 27 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BP 2007-08 Environmentally sound management of waste oils in B&H Development and establishment of a lubricating oil management system in FYR Macedonia Strategy on the management of the health care waste in FYR Macedonia

28 Page 28 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BP 2007-08 Workshop on criteria and procedures for acceptance of waste at landfills regarding the relevant EU legislation The main objective of the project is to exchange information from implementation of EU legislation in the area of waste landfilling in countries of the region served by the BCRC Bratislava and to acquire new experience in the field of analytical control of wastes from EU member states where the legislation has been followed for a longer time. the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 implementation of the Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste as well as the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 (a provision of information and possible solutions)

29 Page 29 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Categorisation of POPs waste The project gives an emphasis on the co-operation between the Basel Convention and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. The aim of the project is:  a strategy on identification of wastes containing chemical pollutants listed in SC, particularly POPs pesticides;  a strategy for detection of waste amounts that contain chemical pollutants listed in SC, particularly POPs pesticides;

30 Page 30 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia Categorisation of POPs waste  a proposition for an amendment of the existing legal documentation in the individual country in the area of POPs wastes categorisation;  a workshop to survey the situation in the area of POPs pesticides in the CEE region and to exchange information between the CEE countries.

31 Page 31 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia POPs wastes in the agriculture sector The project gives an emphasis on the co-operation between Basel Convention and Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. The aim of the project is:  executed up to date inventory control of old POPs pesticide resources;  established system (information or database) of old POPs pesticide resources in the individual countries, served by BCRC Slovakia;  executed inventory control of possible solutions on use of solids on a hexachlorobenzene basis.

32 Page 32 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia POPs wastes in the agriculture sector  analysis of environmentally best technologies for disposal of POPs pesticides and selection of BAT taking into account the economic and environmental efficiency as well as social acceptance for conditions of SR, eventually for CEE countries  identified potential burden of population and elements of environment on the basis of executed inventory control  a workshop to survey the situation in the area of POPs pesticides in CEE region and for an information exchange between CEE countries.

33 Page 33 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia The Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment from Private Households The main objective of the proposed project is to assist the Central and Eastern Europe countries in the implementation of certain provisions of WEEE Directives. Specific objectives of the proposed project are as follows:  to analyse the definition of WEEE from private households, in particular the nature and quantity of WEEE from commercial, industrial, institutional and other sources which is similar to that from private households, and to propose the method of clear classification of WEEE.

34 Page 34 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia The Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment from Private Households  to define the obligations of a holder of taken-back electrical and electronic equipment more precisely and to determine the moment, when the taken-back electrical and electronic equipment becomes the waste electrical and electronic equipment  to raise public awareness and to motivate citizens to separate WEEE, especially small household appliances which currently ends-up in a mixed municipal waste.

35 Page 35 Bratislava Oct 3 - 5, 2006 Dana Lapešová BCRC Bratislava, Slovakia BP 2007-08 Thank you for your attention. More detail information about BCRC Bratislava: or directly at:

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