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Creating Trauma-Informed Systems Susan Ko, PhD Director, Service Systems National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Trauma-Informed Systems Susan Ko, PhD Director, Service Systems National Center for Child Traumatic Stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Trauma-Informed Systems Susan Ko, PhD Director, Service Systems National Center for Child Traumatic Stress

2 NCTSN Service Systems Program Increase awareness about the impact of child traumatic stress and the intersection of culture and trauma. Build strategic partnerships. Provide education / training. Develop products to address gaps in knowledge and skills across a wide range of child-serving service systems (e.g., schools, child welfare, health care) and the general public (e.g., parents/families).

3 Major Accomplishments Developed a conceptual framework for how to create trauma- informed systems: submitted Creating Trauma-Informed Child- Serving Systems paper in Professional Psychology Research and Practice (in press). Strategic and systematic dissemination of existing products. –Cops, Kids Domestic Violence: Protecting Our Future. –Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress Toolkit for Health Care Providers. Developed and launched Service Systems Briefs Series.

4 Ongoing Activities School Committee: Trauma Educational Toolkit. Child Welfare Committee: Policy guide for child welfare administrators; Training toolkit for child welfare agencies; Resource parent training materials; Guide to trauma mental health for child advocacy centers; Trauma profile and referral tool. Released an RFP for a mini-grant in under-funded priority areas (i.e., creating trauma-informed systems, cultural competence, youth and family engagement): 12 proposals were funded $5000 each. Projects will be complete by August 2008.

5 Upcoming Activities Develop distance learning Speaker Series with a focus on child-serving systems beyond mental health (e.g., schools, child welfare, juvenile justice). Launch a Learning Collaborative focused on systems (e.g., child welfare).

6 Key Program Staff Susan Ko, PhD Director, Service Systems 310.235.2633 x234 Cally Sprague, MA Program Coordinator

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