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A Regional Focus on Advancing Health MiHIA: Michigan Health Information Alliance, Inc. Kim Morley, MiHIA CEO Phone: 989-859-0706

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Presentation on theme: "A Regional Focus on Advancing Health MiHIA: Michigan Health Information Alliance, Inc. Kim Morley, MiHIA CEO Phone: 989-859-0706"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Regional Focus on Advancing Health MiHIA: Michigan Health Information Alliance, Inc. Kim Morley, MiHIA CEO Phone: 989-859-0706 e-mail:

2 MiHIA Vision & Mission Vision: To become the healthiest thriving community with the best quality and value in health care. Mission: To improve the health of people within our region through effective use of information and collaboration to establish our region as a community of health excellence through a comprehensive focus on population health, patient experience and cost of care.

3 MiHIA Common Purpose To improve the health of people within our region and establish a community of health excellence through focused effort and measurable improvement in the Triple Aim. Involvement in this important initiative will provide direct and indirect benefits to the area and its residents which include: - Increased appeal for business growth - Decreased health care burden on employers, state and local budgets, and individuals - Improve quality of life for citizens - Healthier and more productive communities - Enhanced ability for health systems and providers to meet tough health reform challenges for improved quality and cost containment/cost reduction

4 Who Is MiHIA?

5 Health Systems Civic Leaders Academic Institutions/ Schools Health Plans/ Insurance Providers Business/ Employers Health Departments Physicians/ Health Care Providers Community Partners Health and Health System Change Cost of Care Population Health The Triple Aim Patient Experience Faith Community Community Mental Health Health- Related NGOs Foundations Social Service Agencies

6 Health Systems Civic Leaders Academic Institutions Health Plans/ Insurance Providers Employers Health Departments Physicians Community Partners Health and Health System Change Cost of Care Quality of Care Patient Experience The Triple Aim Faith Community Foundations Health Related NGOs Community Mental Health Social Service Agencies MiHIA

7 MiHIA Goals: To accelerate regional progress of the Triple Aim POPULATION HEALTH GOAL: All 14 MiHIA counties to be ranked in the top half of the county health rankings by 2015. PATIENT EXPERIENCE GOAL: For both Saginaw and Lansing HHR’s to be ranked in the 1st Qtl by 2015. Focus on improving areas in the 3rd Qtl or 4th Qtl. COST OF CARE GOAL: That the cost of care for the region will not increase more than the CPI.

8 1. 9 partners in 33 school buildings 2. 50 worksites and 60 restaurants on board 3. 2 federally qualified health centers and 1 free clinic 4. Michigan Community Dental Clinic for uninsured and Medicaid eligible 5. Gladwin Hospital and City of Gladwin paved River Walk 6. Regional multi-media anti-tobacco educational initiative 7. Teen pregnancy rate has gone down; HPV vaccines have tripled 8. Prescription drug drop off locations increased from 2 to 11 9. Clare County: 82 to 75 10. Isabella County: 42 to 14




12 Saginaw Pathways to Better Health A. 750 referrals to date B. Target enrollment: 1,740 C. 17 Community Health Workers D. 6,000 client interactions E. 2013 Client Satisfaction Report 1. 88% were “happy” or “very happy” with services 2. 84% of respondents would recommend this service


14 2 Year Trend Year 2Year 1Year 2Year 1Year 2Year 1 Segment % of Population Year 2 Change Payment per Capita Year 2 Change Payment (millions) Year 2 Change Medicare17.6%16.7%6% $ 11,008 $ 10,7293% $ 1,503.2 $ 1,399.17% Uninsured11.0%11.4%-3% $ 80 $ 7211% $ 6.8 $ 6.46% Medicaid21.2%23.7%-10% $ 4,239 $ 4,1223% $ 696.2 $ 762.6-9% Employers Insured50.1%48.2%4% $ 7,125 0% $ 2,761.5 $ 2,682.13% TOTAL $ 6,883 $ 6,6184% $ 5,326.0 $ 5,167.83% MiHIA Region 773,797 780,869-1% $ 4,967.7 $ 4,850.22% CPI (consumer price index) rose 1.5% for 2013, after a 1.7% increase in 2012. This is lower than the 2.4% average annual increase over the last 10 years. (source: CPI Detailed Report-December 2013) Medical care commodities CPI unadjusted for 12 months ended December 2013 was 2.5%

15 i. MiHIA, University of Michigan, National Kidney Foundation of Michigan, SVSU ii. 1 of 3 Residents iii. Less than 1% are aware iv. Fully developed plan; replicable model v. Plan Impact 1. prevent 450 cases of Type II Diabetes 2. eliminate 4,860 missed work days 3. avoid $2.74 million in healthcare costs 4. avoid blood pressure and cholesterol medications for 330 people 5. add the equivalent of 600 years of perfect health 6. lower insurance premiums and taxes 7. increased earnings 8. increased standard of living 9. healthier friends and family members

16 MiHIA Priority Areas Regional Population Health Strategy Pre-Diabetes Initiative Choosing Wisely Time 2 Cost of Care Report Support merger of GLHIE and MHC Submit to be one of three sites in MI for the State Innovation Model (SIM)

17 Questions?

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