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Introduction to Innovate UK Huw Jones, Technology Strategy Board Stephen McGowan, UK Trade & Investment.

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2 Introduction to Innovate UK Huw Jones, Technology Strategy Board Stephen McGowan, UK Trade & Investment

3 Event Background Innovate UK – a new multi-sector, networking event for business – combines the Technology Strategy Board’s Innovate and UK Trade & Investment’s TechWorld Born out of UKTI & TSB’s ambitions to accelerate growth through business-led innovation and international trade Brings together 4,000 people from UK and international business, Government and academia to do business Takes place on 11-13 March, 2013, at the Business Design Centre, London

4 Our Aims Provide opportunities for technology companies to grow through innovation, international trade and investment Enable UK and international business, academia and government to share knowledge, access thought-leadership, obtain information, showcase innovation and find collaborative partners Create an event experience that represents the best elements of TechWorld and Innovate 11 Achieved in a three day event including one to one meetings, seminars, workshops, an exhibition and keynote sessions featuring leading business and ministerial representatives

5 The opportunity We want to work with the industry to make Innovate UK the best event possible The organisations in this room have a huge reach across the UK’s industry sectors. With your expertise, contacts and networks we can ensure we put on the best event possible - an outstanding exhibition and a stellar list of delegates More detail to follow later on how you can help drive UK economic growth by getting behind Innovate UK

6 International Gala dinnerInnovate ‘hang out’ Breakfast meeting Market & Technology Opportunities Keynote stage Awards Seminars Exhibition 1 to 1 meetings Informal networking Research for Growth Conference 1 to 1 meetings Exhibition Start up/ Scale up Conference 1 to 1 meetings Round tables Small exhibition Monday 11/3 Tuesday 12/3 Wednesday 13/3 Event overview

7 Plenty of networking too! A three day event at the Business Design Centre An engaging, cutting edge multi-sector innovation & trade event focused on the following priority areas: Agrifood, Future Cities, Digital Services, Energy, Health, High Value Manufacturing, Transport and Space A conference and seminar programme which concentrates on the sharing of case studies and best practice, encouraging a transfer of knowledge to drive the innovation & trade opportunities – provided by business for business Exhibition with 160 exhibition stands which highlight the brightest and best from across the priority eight sectors.

8 Three day plan Monday Research for Growth: Commercialising the UK’s research base Tuesday Market and technology opportunities Wednesday Global Growth: starting up and scaling up

9 The audience

10 Ways to get involved Nominate a member of your organisation to be part of Innovate UK as a speaker Promote Innovate UK to companies that might wish to get involved as speakers, delegates or exhibitors Follow @InnovateUK on Twitter Join the Innovate UK _connect group Share your case studies Promote the event on your website, Twitter or LinkedIn Let your members know about the early bird discount Secure a place for a senior director at your organisation to attend

11 Want to know more? Come and find us! Find out about exhibiting or speaking – speak to Laura or Oscar Find out about media and marketing – speak to Hollie or Anastasia Find out how you can support the campaign – speak to Claire or Jessica


13 Marketing approach Advocates Campaign advocates that can bring the brand to life, provide endorsement and generate content for outreach Direct channels Targeted communication that demonstrates the benefits of the event to each audience Ongoing dialogue Ongoing buzz in the media & online providing multiple audience touch points. This buzz will build awareness of and profile for Innovate UK and climax at the event itself Partnerships Relationships with third parties that provide routes to the audience and third party endorsement

14 Floor plan

15 What’s in it for you? Networking opportunities with 4,000 attendees including: 160 exhibitors and innovators Government organisations The research community Your chance to get behind UK innovation and drive the economy forward


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