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Workshop to Accelerate the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) 18-21 August 2011, Delhi, India Ms. Saowalak.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop to Accelerate the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) 18-21 August 2011, Delhi, India Ms. Saowalak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop to Accelerate the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) 18-21 August 2011, Delhi, India Ms. Saowalak Thongkuay, Regional Development Officer, Disabled Peoples’ International Asia Pacific

2  1993-2002, the 1 st Asia Pacific Decade of Person with disability ;  2003-2012, the 2 nd Asia Pacific Decade of Person with Disability  October 2002, the high-level intergovernmental meeting held in Otsu, Shiga, Japan adopted as guideline for action the “Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier free and Rights-based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific” (BMF).  BMF promotes a paradigm shift from a charity-based to a rights-based approach to disability.


4 1. Reinforcing rights based approach to disability issues; 2. Promoting an enabling environment and strengthening effective mechanisms for policy formulation and implementation; 3. Improving the availability and quality of data and other information on disabilities for policy formulation and implementation; 4. Promoting disability-inclusive development; 5. Strengthening comprehensive community based approaches to disability issues for the prevention of the causes of disability and for the rehabilitation and empowerment of persons with disabilities.

5  2006 adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) and its Optional Protocol. ( 21 countries ratify, 7 ratify OP )

6 Concepts Non-discrimination, equality and other basic principles of human rights treaties Characteristics Civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights. Amplification of existing rights in disability terms. Accessibility as a stand alone article. International cooperation. Structures Preamble, 50 Articles, Objectives General.Principles, Definitions General Obligations, Guarantee of Equality and non-discrimination Guarantee of specific rights State Obligations, Monitoring Mechanisms Additional, Articles on Signing, Ratification, Entry, Reservations, Amendments, reservations, etc. Stakeholders Gov. that ratified the Convention, Focal points of the Convention., DPOs. Human rights commission, Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Development organizations, UN Agencies. Monitoring Mechanism National monitoring (focal point, independent commission) Global monitoring (Committee procedures, individual communications, general comments, concluding remarks of the Committee) Global attentions Get to know CRPD

7 Timelines of BMF, MDGs and CRPD Source: ESCAP

8 BMFConventionMDGs Legality Non- binding BindingNon-binding Focus Regional- specific Global Disability- specific Global Not disability- specific Time2012Eternal once effective Bound to 2015 Nature of the documents

9 Strategy AStrategy B TitleThe 3 rd DecadeNew Decade StructuresPreamble Principles and Policy directionsPrinciples Target and Action PlanPriority Areas for Action Mechanism for Implementation and Cooperation Action in the Priority Areas Review and EvaluationAction Requires

10 Strategy AStrategy B Preamble1. Definition of disability1. International efforts 2. International efforts2. Ratify CRPD without reservation 3. Improvement and failure of the 2 nd Decade 3. Empower and mainstreaming disability perspective 4. Introduce all CRPD4. Purpose New Decade 5. Detailed of strategies for international cooperation 5. Development of a new strategic framework to implement the decade 6. Active participation of PWDs and effective monitoring and review

11 Strategy AStrategy B Principle1.Social Perspectives1. Person-Center policy And Policy2. Disability and gender sensitive2. Sub Regional Mechanism Direction3. Disability identity3. Multi-secteral partnership 4.Full participation4. Independent living and 5. Rights of Minority with disabilityInclusive Development 6. CBS5. Capacity building 7. International cooperation and resource mobilization 6. Inclusive business development 8. Resource allocation to remote areaAnd network collaboration with DPOs 9. Systematic and financial support to SHGs, inter’ Exchange 7. Non discrimination 10. International cooperation fund 11. Sub Regional Mechanism meeting 12. National Disability Development Plan 13. Universal design 14. Disability Inclusive Development

12 Strategy A : Targets and Action PlanStrategy B: Priority Area for Action 1. Ratify CRPD without reservation, and Optional Protocol: 1. Recognition of fundamental human rights - GO should: Ratify, educate, translation and distribution CRPD. Develop and us Guide book) 2. Harmonies local law with the CRPD2. Accessibility - GO should: Law legislation and local law relate to CRPD. - Information communication technology, employment, education, transportation, built environments, healthcare and services, justice 3. Strengthen support to PWDs and SHO of PWDs.3. Promoting using appropriate teminologies - GO should: strengthen systematic and financial support for capacity building. 4. Protect the rights of women with disabilities4. Reforming domestic laws with reference to CRPD - GO should: Guarantee rights and full participation of women with disabilities, accessibility to social protection and poverty reduction program 5. Protect the rights of minorities with disabilities5. Capacity building of DPOs. - GO should: Implementation policy and service include the disability perspective in law, policy an system by 2017

13 Strategy A : Targets and Action PlanStrategy B: Priority Area for Action 6. Support children with disabilities to set their identity. 6. Budget allocation and the well being of persons - GO should: develop and expand programs, 2017 the participation of Children and Youth in policy 7. Raise Awareness on Persons with Disabilities7. Freedom from abuse against PWDs. - GO should: support DPOs’s consultation system to monitor disability portrayal in media. Independent mass media of DPOs and PWDs. 8. Realize Independent Living of PWDs.8.. PWDs without any distinction in both rural and remote areas. - GO should: Set Nation plan by 2014, service delivery system, eradicate all system and facility which discriminate PWDs. 9. Establish a disability-tailored social welfare system 9. Independent Living in community - GO should: by 2017, establish social protection system. By 2014, mandate social safety system, survey and research provide reasonable cost. 10. Strengthen human Rights education over PWDs10. Equal and full participants of PWDs - GO should: support SHO to conduct SHO, Trainees of human rights education over PWDs

14 Strategy A : Targets and Action PlanStrategy B: Priority Area for Action 11. Guarantee education rights of PWDs11. Implementation of the New Decade at regional level - GO should: guarantee equal opportunity, provide accessibility service in building and textbook. Disability perspective compulsory education system and reduce the ratio uneducated with disabilities. 12. Consider evacuation process for PWDs in case of disaster 12. Monitoring and Evaluation - GO should: develop and adopt emergency manual by 2014, evacuate PWDs system, accessible evacuation, diversity disaster preparedness for PWDs. 13. Improve accessibility for PWDs - GO should: work with PWDs to improve accessibility in build environment, measure to supply IT assistive devices, broadcasting accessibility and cooperate for an international joint research to increase accessibility. 14. Create Job for PWDs - GO should: reduce unemployment rate, job training and employment with accessibility, supervise discrimination company and support company hire PWDs

15 Strategy A : Mechanism for Implementation and Cooperation Strategy B: Action in the Priority Area 1. DPO Network: ESCAP and GO should,1. Recognition of fundamental human rights - Establish and support DPOs network: implementation and annual meeting. - Non discrimination law and policy based CRPD 2. Enhance international exchange and cooperation among DPOs. 2. Accessibility - GO should support DPOs. International exchange and cooperation in sub region. -Accessibility technology and informational accessibility including sign language interpreter and Braille transcription; - Promote decent work and employability of PWDs based on social model; - Inclusive educational system at all levels included training program of teacher; - Funding campaigns for accessibility in build environment and reasonable accommodation - Collaboration with DPOs and other experts in human rights field, provision of personal assistance care and medical services and capacity to DPOs to be self defend.

16 Strategy A : Mechanism for Implementation and Cooperation Strategy B: Action in the Priority Area 3. International Cooperation Fund for PWDs in AP3. Promotion of use appropriate terminologies. - Establish Asia Pacific Disability Cooperation Foundation collaboration which go, business, international development agency and SHOs. Fund for sub region implementation of CRPD and activities. - Appropriate terminology used in official documents definite by CRPD ; - Awareness rising. 4. Disability related Social Development goal in AP4. Reforming domestic laws with reference to CRPD - GO should: include disability issues into MDGs, Disability related social development goal in AP, ESCAP member allocate ratio of total budget to support disability issues, Create Asia and Pacific Disabled Persons Development Committee. - PWDs be majortityin a committee to harmonize domestic laws with the CRPD. 5. Capacity building of disabled persons ’ organizations - Full Participation of DPOs to design policies, programs and implementing 6. Budget allocation and the well-being of persons - 3% of GDP allocates to develop community services in rural and urban.

17 Strategy A : Mechanism for Implementation and Cooperation Strategy B: Action in the Priority Area 7. Freedom from abuse against persons with disabilities. - Law to prevent of abuses and monitoring body with DPOs. 8. PWDs without any distinction in both rural and remote areas - Mainstream disadvantage of PWDs 9. Independent living in community - - Forced hospitalization, intervention include long-term hospitalization and detention; - -Health service, social model service and PA Service 10. Equal and full participation of persons with disabilities at all levels - Political and Social Participation

18 Strategy A : Mechanism for Implementation and Cooperation Strategy B: Action in the Priority Area 11. Implementation of the New Decade at regional level - Implementation all level Involve multi- stakeholders - DPOs’ leadership and sub regional Mechanism as an active party to promote disabilities inclusive international cooperation; - Fund to make contribution for financing the employment of persons with disabilities; - Employ PWDs to work at UN ESCAP Bangkok and its five sub regional offices; - Reasonable accommodation should be provided at ESCAP office. 12. Monitoring and Evaluation - Quantitative and qualitative Data collection and research

19 Strategy A : Review and EvaluationStrategy B: Action Requires 1. Formulate and Evaluation1. Adaptation and report of action plan by country and by sub-region GO should: Formulate and proclaim action plan adopting the Strategy with full participation of DPOs. Receive evaluation on the implementation. 2. National Incheon Strategy Implementation Promotion Committee. 2. Regular reporting on implementing situation - Role of committee with Go to monitor, evaluate and promote the strategy. - Majority committee members should be PWDs. 3. Sub Regional Inchoen Strategy Implantation Promotion Meeting. 3. Monitoring Committee - Promotion Meeting composed of representatives from governments and PWDs, to monitor, evaluation and promote implementation at least once a year. 4. Periodic report on Implementation status4. Support exchanges and cooperation among DPOs - ESCAP organize a biennial meeting. GOs report the implementation status and action plan. Representative of Sub-Regional Meeting report the implementation status of the Incheon Strategy in sub region.

20 Strategy A : Review and EvaluationStrategy B: Action Requires 5. Mid-term evaluation.5. Creating Joint Fund for CRPD Implementation - Mid-term evaluation of Incheon Strategy should be conducted according to the result of the evaluation, the rest 5 year can be mandate. 6. Establish a network among ODA nations


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