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May 6-7, 2010 Company Confidential Pg 1 Stratfor’s Fiscal Imperatives Offsite Meetings May 6-7, 2010 Jeff Stevens / Darryl O’Connor.

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1 May 6-7, 2010 Company Confidential Pg 1 Stratfor’s Fiscal Imperatives Offsite Meetings May 6-7, 2010 Jeff Stevens / Darryl O’Connor

2 May 6-7, 2010 Company Confidential Pg 2 Stratfor’s Fiscal Imperatives: May Offsite 2010 I. General Look at Cash Flow II.P&L Realities III.Anticipated Financial Difficulties IV.What Needs to be Done?

3 May 6-7, 2010 Company Confidential Pg 3 Stratfor’s Fiscal Imperatives: May Offsite 2010 I.General Look at Cash Flow As we look at our 6 week cash flow forecast, we can see that in the short-term we will soon be reliant upon a loan from our bank to make payroll and pay our bills. Assuming we hit our budgeted sales numbers, we will remain in the red until we receive payments from the Air Force and OSIS (both came in at the end of September last year). Conversely, if we miss our budgeted new sales numbers, we run the risk of burning through our available bank loan dollars before the OSIS and Air Force payments come in. NOTE: these numbers reflect projected collections based upon the dashboard, not budgeted sales. The next slide is based upon our budget numbers. 04/24/1005/01/1005/08/1005/15/1005/22/1005/29/10June Starting Cash Position107165(210)(113)(142)(30)(296) Total Incoming Cash13290114348267127819 Total Outflows(73)(465)(17)(378)(155)(392)(876) Ending Operating Cash Position165(210)(113)(142)(30)(296)(353) FORECAST

4 May 6-7, 2010 Company Confidential Pg 4 Stratfor’s Fiscal Imperatives: May Offsite 2010 II. P&L Realities An extension of the cash flow forecast in P&L format shows recovery in Q3 and Q4 such that we are once again able to meet all our obligations including the repayment of our bank loan. Note the bulk of the Q3 incoming dollars (OSIS, Air Force) are expected to come in during the last two weeks of the quarter. Finally, please note our expenditures by quarter are flat and even fall in the fourth quarter. The budget we are operating from assumes no growth in expenditures. All figures $KACTUALBUDGET Q1Q2Q3Q4 Total New Sales9471,3601,4921,545 Total Renewal Sales1,6351,2592,0691,286 Cost of Goods Sold115164180189 Gross Margin2,4672,4553,3812,642 Total Expenditures(2,576)(2,545)(2,542)(2,508) Net Profit(109)(89)840134

5 May 6-7, 2010 Company Confidential Pg 5 Stratfor’s Fiscal Imperatives: May Offsite 2010 III. Anticipated Financial Difficulties The underlying new sales assumptions need to be closely examined. While the new Consumer sales are very aggressive and present a fair amount of risk, they appear achievable, both nominally and based on all the activities/efforts currently being undertaken by Grant’s team.

6 May 6-7, 2010 Company Confidential Pg 6 Stratfor’s Fiscal Imperatives: May Offsite 2010 III. Anticipated Financial Difficulties Institutional sales appear to pose much greater risk. As you can see below there is a large spike in Q2 and then a flattening for the remaining quarters. This Q2 spike is caused by some larger, one-off deals (by no means certain). These deals are not part of the third quarter when new Institutional sales will need to be driven by new products. Note that Q3 sales are more than 4x what we actually did in Q1. Note after 3 weeks in April, new Institutional sales stand at $16K.

7 May 6-7, 2010 Company Confidential Pg 7 Stratfor’s Fiscal Imperatives: May Offsite 2010 IV. What needs to be Done? The largest risk here is the acceleration of institutional revenue failing to occur within the timeframe. It strikes us that we are behind where we should be to introduce and sell new products in sufficient numbers to cover our expenses as our bank loan may quickly prove inadequate. Our message is therefore primarily one of urgency and speed in execution in our efforts to bring on new Institutional products. This by no means ignores the necessity of meeting the consumer publishing sales budget. Additionally, we need to continue to selectively pursue non-publishing deals to help bridge the cash gap until new Institutional sales begin to grow.

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