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MeTA Jordan Executive Summary Baseline data is an important source for policy makers to diagnose the pharmaceutical and health sector situation in order.

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1 MeTA Jordan Executive Summary Baseline data is an important source for policy makers to diagnose the pharmaceutical and health sector situation in order to identify major gaps in the system and to set priority areas for work. The baseline assessment will enable country specific indicators to be identified by the national MeTA Council, which can be used by them to track their own national progress and demonstrate the level of engagement of different stakeholders to the MeTA process. These indicators will provide the foundation for longer term evaluation of outcomes and impact beyond the pilot phase. The Data Disclosure Survey is part of MeTA baseline component one which aims to create an inventory of exciting pharmaceutical sector data that is then made publicly available. The Data Disclosure process is as important as the data because it indicates how well the stakeholder group is working together and their willingness to disclose data around medicines. DATA DISCLOSURE AN ONGOING PROCESS TOWARDS MORE TRANSPARENCY Background Key Findings Conclusions Recommendations Abeer Rabayah, National Secretariat Coordinator The main hypothesis of MeTA in the pilot phase is: “Transparency (disclosure of robust information) and mutual accountability (stakeholders in the supply chain holding each other to account) results in informed policy change leading to greater efficiency and improved access to medicines.” The Data Disclosure Process tackled the first variable of the hypothesis through a scientific survey that looked into data around the following core components:  Medicines Registration and Quality Assurance  Availability of Medicines  Price of Medicine  Polices and Practices concerning the promotion of medicines In Jordan like many other countries there are limited systematic processes to collect pharmaceutical data on regular bases which make it difficult for policy makers to track changes or progresses in terms of data availability. On the other hand, the public in Jordan is still not aware of the availability of much data regarding the medicines supply chain, and more effort is needed to create awareness among the public and the different stakeholders of the pharmaceutical sector. Objective The Data Disclosure Survey Tool aims to achieve the following objectives: 1.Assess the current status of data disclosure in the four core MeTA categories 2.Disclose the currently available data in the four MeTA core categories 3.Identify where there are gaps in information For further reading : The Medicines Transparency Alliance Council in Jordan, Data Disclosure Survey Report, Final version, 2010 Saed, S. MeTA & Data Disclosure presentation, Country sharing meeting, London, (2009). Retrieved from: / Improving level of engagement with the Multi-Stakeholder Process ( MSP) Improving Communication and collaboration between stakeholders Stimulating discussion and creating a medium to raise question s Lessons learned from the Disclosure process in Jordan The data disclosure process helped the MeTA Council in highlighting some challenges and that they have to work jointly to overcome them: Limited contribution from CSO members limited access to some data due to requirement of fees Engaging the private sector in disclosing data  The disclosure survey results showed that only 20% of the key disclosure data around the four key MeTA components is available and publicly disclosed, while 60% is available but not publicly disclosed and 20% is not available  Most of the unavailable data was related to medicines promotion and standard treatment guidelines polices and practices.  Most of polices/laws, regulations, and practices covering medicines registration, quality assurance and pricing are available, disclosed and enforcing by law MeTA Jordan should work on establishing a national committee with authority to monitor adherence to pharmaceutical promotion codes of ethics. MeTA Jordan should work with related parties on establishing a national committee to develop evidence based standard treatment guidelines. The national MeTA secretariat along with the national Council should update and review the disclosure status in their country regularly in order to monitor progress through classifying data into A, B, and C categories as follows: A : available and publicly disclosed B : Available C : Available

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