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Live Healthy Napa County Creating and Sustaining a Common Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "Live Healthy Napa County Creating and Sustaining a Common Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Live Healthy Napa County Creating and Sustaining a Common Agenda

2 LHNC Vision In Napa County, community members will take responsibility for improving and sustaining health through shared leadership, strategic planning, meaningful community engagement and coordinated action.

3 Why Live Healthy Napa County?  Increase health and quality of life for all individuals, families, and communities in Napa County.  Move away from a focus exclusively on sickness and disease to one based on prevention and wellness.  Create opportunities to have collective impact in the community

4 Getting Started 2013 Community Health Assessment (CHA) A comprehensive assessment that establishes the foundation for sustainable improvements in health in Napa County. Included three assessments:  The Community Themes, Strengths, and Forces of Change Assessment  A Local Public Health Assessment  The Community Health Status Assessment

5 Planning Structure: Roles and Responsibilities Steering Committee Provides draft vision and goals, frames planning process, formally adopts documents Core Support Team Oversees communications, monitors planning process, reviews documents and makes recommendations for steering committee Community Stakeholders Provide input on existing conditions, community needs, and potential solutions to inform the Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan May also be part of the steering committee

6 Defining the Agenda  2014 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) The CHIP is a long-term, systematic effort to address public health based on the results of the CHA and a community health improvement process. It provides support for developing new policies and determining health promotion strategies.

7 2014 CHIP Priority Areas Improve Wellness & Healthy Lifestyles Address the Social Determinants of Health Create & strengthen sustainable partnerships for collective impact Ensure access to high quality health services & social supports across the life course

8 Moving to Action 2014 Community Health Action Plan P rovides a roadmap for stakeholders to begin implementing the CHIP. The plan details strategic steps that put the four broad priority areas into action, prioritizing the health of Napa County residents while simultaneously aligning with health improvement efforts at the state and national levels.

9 Component Plans Obesity Prevention  Our community embraces a culture of health where every person has access to and is aware of nutritious food, opportunities for exercise, and safe outdoor places that inspire people to be active and thrive. Behavioral Health  A community of enduring strength where every person lives a healthy, thriving, meaningful life and has access to integrated and compassionate services Poverty Prevention and Reduction

10 Successes  Obesity Prevention Plan and Healthy Bodies Coalition  Charter for Compassion  Bridges out of Poverty Event  Completion and/or Progress with Strategies  New Partnerships Formed

11 Challenges  Developing collaborative structure of LHNC  Defining roles, responsibilities and decision making process  Creating parameters for plans, strategies, and activities under a broad vision

12 Questions?

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