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May 13, 2015 Aaron Bartlett Jessica Hutton. Background Destination Safe is the regional transportation safety coalition of the Kansas City Metro area.

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Presentation on theme: "May 13, 2015 Aaron Bartlett Jessica Hutton. Background Destination Safe is the regional transportation safety coalition of the Kansas City Metro area."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 13, 2015 Aaron Bartlett Jessica Hutton

2 Background Destination Safe is the regional transportation safety coalition of the Kansas City Metro area Partners include: DOTs, regional planning councils, highway patrols, public works, police departments, hospitals, mental health providers, schools and educators, bike and pedestrian advocates, transit providers, design consultants, research institutions, and others Includes 9 counties in Missouri and 4 in Kansas Celebrated our 10-year anniversary in 2014

3 So what have we accomplished in 10 years?

4 10. Growth and Diversity in Membership Americans for Older Driver Safety BikeWalkKC Blue Springs Police Department Cass County Sheriff’s Office Children’s Mercy Hospital Clay County Public Health Center Federal Highway Administration (Kansas and Missouri Divisions) Independence Police Department Jackson County Health Department Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Kansas City Area Transportation Authority Kansas City Fire Department Kansas City Scout Kansas City, Mo, Police Kansas DOT Kansas Highway Patrol Kansas Safety Resource Office Lee’s Summit Police Louis Berger Group Consultants Mid-America Regional Council Missouri DOT Missouri Highway Patrol MRIGlobal Parsons Brinkerhoff Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission Platte County Health Department Safe Kids Trauma Society of Greater KC ThinkFirst of Greater KC Truman Medical Center Unified Government of Wyandotte County/KCK

5 9. Development of Blueprint Modeled after Missouri’s Blueprint Includes information from KDOT’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan Sets regional goals toward fatality and injury reduction Provides safety partners with data to justify their programs Defines priority areas and lists strategies to address those priorities Refreshed every 5 years

6 8. Clear Mission and Vision


8 7. Quarterly Fatality Reports

9 6. Development of Annual Crash Report

10 5. Public Information and Education Task Team Purpose To provide a forum to coordinate and support education and outreach efforts of the Destination Safe partners To address high priority areas identified in the Regional Blueprint Goal – Reduce fatalities and disabling injuries in the Destination Safe region through effective education programs. Activities To develop and implement annual PI&E plan with reports to the Destination Safe leadership committee and the TTPC. To coordinate, document and evaluate the work of the Destination Safe partners around campaigns, common messages, and public events through the use of paid, earned, and social media.

11 Destination Safe Media Campaign - radio Two States - One Market 15 second drive-time messages [DISTRACTED DRIVERS - You’re 23 times more likely to lose control or crash if you text while driving. Play a smart hand and text later. - A message from Destination Safe, Arrive Alive and SafeKan.] DISTRACTED DRIVING IMPAIRED DRIVERS PEDESTRIANS SEAT BELTS

12 Arrive Alive Public Service Announcements Missouri Mavericks Head Coach Scott Tillman encourages hockey fans to buckle up to Arrive Alive in this 2012 MoDOT public service announcement. Missouri Mavericks Head Coach Scott Tillman encourages hockey fans to buckle up to Arrive Alive in this 2012 MoDOT public service announcement.

13 April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month – Social Media and Web Regionally, 15.5 percent of all fatalities involve distracted driving. Within the Greater Kansas City region, the number of fatalities and serious injuries resulting from distracted driving continues to fluctuate. This may be due, in part, to an inability to determine definitively whether a crash involves inattention. The Destination Safe Coalition believes distracted driving is a serious motor-vehicle issue and will continue to establish strategies that will decrease the numbers of future deaths and injuries resulting from distracted driving.

14 Distracted driving wrecks more than cars – Media Advisory Coalition partners routinely host special events to on important safety issues, to increase awareness through earned media. This event hosted a panel of five speakers including law enforcement, transportation officials, trauma services and a crash survivor. It was carried on three TV stations.

15 4. Capability to Perform Road Safety Audits The road safety audit team has conducted studies in Missouri and Kansas. A road safety audit is a formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, qualified and multidisciplinary audit team. The road safety audit team has conducted studies in Missouri and Kansas. A road safety audit is a formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, qualified and multidisciplinary audit team.

16 3. Transportation Safety Data Task Team Coordinate crash data collection from KS and MO Produce quarterly fatality reports and annual crash reports Review crash data produced by/for other committees Help identify safety priority areas Help measure progress toward crash reduction goals Field media requests for specific crash data Facilitate data access for partner organizations Review applications for safety funding for other committees (infrastructure)

17 2. Call for Projects—Funding our Partners’ Safety Programs Annual call for projects to fund activities such as: Overtime hours for enforcement agencies Equipment for enforcement Incentive items for education programs Speakers fees and travel for education programs Child safety seats for distribution at community events Training fees for car seat techs Printing of informational brochures for use of bike and ped facilities Many, many others Data Driven! Application form requests data to define the problem, gives points for addressing a high-priority focus area, requires identification of performance measures, rewards use of strategies listed in Blueprint Online applications!

18 BikeWalkKC Bike rodeo events teach children and parents about bicycle safety and the importance of a properly fitted helmet. Bike rodeo events teach children and parents about bicycle safety and the importance of a properly fitted helmet.

19 Safe KIDS Metro KC Ingles Elementary School celebrates walk to school day in October 2012. The event is designed to remove traffic congestion around schools leading to safer walking conditions for students. Ingles Elementary School celebrates walk to school day in October 2012. The event is designed to remove traffic congestion around schools leading to safer walking conditions for students.

20 ThinkFirst of Greater Kansas City Inspiring survivors provide compelling firsthand testimonies, youth learn about the consequences of traumatic injuries and how injuries can happen to anyone. Inspiring survivors provide compelling firsthand testimonies, youth learn about the consequences of traumatic injuries and how injuries can happen to anyone.

21 1. Lives Saved! Record low fatalities in 2014! On average, 36 fewer people lost their lives on the highways in our region in 2014 than in 2007! Using 2003-2007 as a baseline, 147 lives have been saved in the past 7 years!

22 What are our goals moving forward?

23 5. Website and Social Media Want to strengthen coalition branding in the region Need to provide up-to- date calendar of partner activities Need to provide a forum for safety partners to interact, cooperate, and share resources

24 4. Active Coordination Among Members We want to find ways to incentivize agencies coming together to solve the bigger problems in the region. Want to encourage innovative approaches that leverage the resources and activities of others. Want to share best practices and successes among membership.

25 3. Reliable, Accessible Safety Data Help foster quality data capture by officers in the field Help coordinate data aggregation between Missouri and Kansas for our region Support systems and efforts that provide our safety partners access to safety data Work with partners toward the ability to link new data sources, such as traffic citation databases and injury outcomes data from hospitals Continue to generate reports that help us measure our progress toward our goals

26 2. Strategic Multidisciplinary Approach Destination Safe is focused on the driver, and changing behavior through education and enforcement. The next step is to coordinate efforts with infrastructure groups. The constant improvement in vehicle technologies will continue to shift our safety priorities, and coordination among all the stakeholders will be critical.

27 1. Zero Highway Deaths Balanced Growing Membership Robust Law Enforcement Programs Effective Public Education Programs Systemic Safe Roadway Design Meaningful Safety Research

28 Questions? Aaron Bartlett Program Manager Mid-America Regional Council 816-474-4240 Jessica Hutton Senior Traffic Engineer MRIGlobal 816-360-5482

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