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SARMS is funded by the Australian Government and delivered by the Government of South Australia How to develop a successful regional sustainability program.

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Presentation on theme: "SARMS is funded by the Australian Government and delivered by the Government of South Australia How to develop a successful regional sustainability program."— Presentation transcript:

1 SARMS is funded by the Australian Government and delivered by the Government of South Australia How to develop a successful regional sustainability program Moderator Denis Sparrow Primary Industries and Regions South Australia IAL Conference Gold Coast June 2014

2 How to develop a successful regional sustainability program Agenda Meeting Industry Expectations- A Roberts Conceptual Model –A Johnson Define the Proposal- Group session 1  Group Feedback Develop the Business Case- Group Session 2 Group Feedback and Review

3 Project Negotiation and Delivery Community or Industry Priority Develop Business Case Regional Development SARMS Collaboration between Industry and Government A new paradigm? Responsible Industry Government Industry Government Industry Supporting SARMS is funded by the Australian Government and delivered by the Government of South Australia

4 SA River Murray Sustainability Program Program Governance Redevelopment of the Loxton Research Centre Irrigation Industry Improvement Program (3IP) Minister (or Delegate) Program Steering Committee Responsibilities include: Overarching strategic direction and policy advice to the Minister and the SARMS Program Endorsement of funding package recommendations Monitoring Program performance Community and Industry Engagement Reference Group Responsibilities include: Provision of strategic industry and community intelligence and feedback in relation to on- ground implementation SARMS Program Expert Assessment Panel Responsibilities include: Well-informed, independent and unbiased prioritisation of funding package for the Program Steering Committee LRC Management Reference Group Responsibilities include: Provision of consolidated industry and community intelligence and feedback on the LRC LRC Regional Consultative Reference Group Responsibilities include: Provision of industry and community feedback on the redevelopment of the LRC SARMS is funded by the Australian Government and delivered by the Government of South Australia

5 Session 1 Defining the Proposal 1.Identify the catalyst and the window of opportunity 2.Establish the community/industry leader(s) 3.Develop the mechanism/process needed to establish an agreed proposition and direction 4.Establish an engagement process and define the community of interest 5.Understand critical timeframes Break into regional groups and discuss the points above to outline your proposal Select a spokesperson to report back to the room

6 Session 2 Combine two groups and select one proposal as basis of the session Identify a scribe and a spokesperson Consider the following and outline your Business Case and Delivery Arrangements 1.What is the justification for the proposal-what is the issue/problem 2.Define the outcomes clearly in simple language-what do you want to achieve 3.Define the Governance of the Initiative as well as governance of Business Case Development 4.Identify who is responsible for the Bid development process 5.Agree the scope of the Business Plan including funding for each stage 6.Agree a negotiation strategy What are the opportunities What are the constraints Timing Determine optimal outcome Determine your walk away position Risk management

7 General Review and Feedback Present the outline of your proposal to a review panel for critical evaluation General discussion of each proposal- open to all What are the strong points What are the weaknesses Would you invest in this proposal Why wouldn’t you fund this proposal

8 For more information on the South Australian River Murray Sustainability Program visit SARMS is funded by the Commonwealth Government and deliveredby the SA Government SARMS is funded by the Australian Government and delivered by the Government of South Australia

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