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Disclosure Statement of Financial Interest I, John Buckley, DO NOT have a financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any healthcare related companies.

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Presentation on theme: "Disclosure Statement of Financial Interest I, John Buckley, DO NOT have a financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any healthcare related companies."— Presentation transcript:


2 Disclosure Statement of Financial Interest I, John Buckley, DO NOT have a financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any healthcare related companies that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this presentation.

3 Please attend our symposium tomorrow at 0830 hrs

4 Thank you HFATW Especially Dr Eduardo Rivas Estany, Cuba

5 Outline Review Our history Our aims Our achievements since conception in 2010 Where we’re going or would like to go….

6 2009 Share communication resources

7 2010 October, 2010 Dr Darren Warburton Let’s go global with our CACR-BACPR communications and form a GAP for CR October, 2010 Dr Darren Warburton Let’s go global with our CACR-BACPR communications and form a GAP for CR


9 Vancouver, October, 2011 Inaugural International Symposium of starting GAP-CR

10 Autumn 2011 GAP-CR Charter at AACVPR, Anaheim, California, USA Dr Jim Stone (CACR), Dr Bonnie Sanderson (AACVPR)

11 2012 Charter finalised and endorsed

12 2012 Charter accepted/present at WCC, 2012, Dubai BACPR, Edinburgh

13 January – May 2013 ICCPR Established Charter published in JCRP Associated International member of WHF 16 Endorsing member associations of ICCPR

14 J Cardiopulmon Rehabil Prevent, 2013; 33:128-131

15 2013 ICCPR, a leadership group member of ESC/EACPR led CVD Global Alliance on Prevention Now the WHF Global Alliance

16 April 2014, 20 Association Members

17 Visit us Visit us

18 ICCPR Aims 1.To bring together national associations from around the world, to harmonize efforts in promoting cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation 1.To work towards on-going consensus among national associations globally, regarding the internationally-common core elements and standards of cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation 2.To promote cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation as an essential, not optional service to ensure broader access to these proven services; 3.To support low and middle-income countries to establish and augment programs of cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation (e.g., technical support, sharing tools), adapted to local needs and conditions, and 4.To consider and communicate the emerging evidence base for cardiac rehabilitation, and support research in this field.

19 WHO Prioritized Research Agenda for Prevention and Control of NCDs Top 20 priority areas: Research to assess gaps in availability and affordability of CR, and develop strategies to address these gaps 19; 2011

20 Other Priority Areas where ICCPR aims to contribute Research to identify contextual factors in relation to KT to facilitate research use, including policy diffusion and readiness and capacity of health systems to accept and implement policies and programmes Research to define health system-related opportunities and barriers to access for rehabilitation, and develop feasible and integrated approaches to apply cost-effective CR/NCD interventions at all levels of health care Research to develop cost-effective approaches to deliver patient education, improve adherence and strengthen self-care 20

21 For details on our developing work Please attend our Symposium, tomorrow 7 th May - 0830 hrs Thank you

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