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Karolinska Institutet´s environmental and sustainability efforts istockphoto.

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1 Karolinska Institutet´s environmental and sustainability efforts istockphoto

2 KI has along side other universities around the world a key role in achieving sustainable development. Recognizing this fact, the UN has proclaimed 2005 - 2014 the Decade of Education and Education for Sustainable Development. ”Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987 ” In the course of their operations, higher education institutions shall promote sustainable development to assure for present and future generations a sound and healthy environment, economic and social welfare, and justice.” From the Swedish Higher Education Act Universities have a key role

3 The mission of KI is to improve people’s health through research and education. Generating knowledge on health in the context of social and economic development is an important contribution to sustainable development. KI contributes to sustainable development through research and education istockphoto

4 We who work at KI shall … KI shall also provide an environment for work and study that is characterised by a concern for people and nature istockphoto

5 Save energy and reduce our climate impact  Collaborate with our property owners to improve the energy efficiency in our facilities  Buy energy efficient equipment  Use the power saving functions of our equipment  Turn off computers, lights and other equipment not in use DID YOU KNOW? KI switched to renewable electricity in 2010 resulting in a 30% cut in CO 2 emissions? istockphoto

6  Consider travel-free meetings  Bo by train rather than by air to Gothenburg and other nearby destinations  Choose eco-taxis  Rent eco-cars  Take the KI bus  Use public transport  Choose hotels that are eco-labelled, environmentally certified or that can prove in any other way that they conduct active environmental work From KIs travel regulations … also when travelling istockphoto DID YOU KNOW? KIs CO 2 footprint from air travel is nearly four times larger than from the energy used in our campus premises?

7  Use Miljöstyrningsrådet´s ( environmental and ethical requirements for procurement  Choose the Swan, Bra Miljöval, KRAV, the EU flower, Fair Trade, Energy Star and TCO, etc. when purchasing From KIs guidance for procurement and purchasing Set environmental and ethical requirements for our procurements and purchasing istockphoto

8 Handle chemicals and biological agents with concern for people and the environment  Register and make an inventory in KIs chemical register  Carry out risk analysis  Safe storage, handling and transportation istockphoto

9 Use resources efficiently and to sort our waste DID YOU KNOW? Using recycled materials instead of virgin materials when producing products saves up to 90 % of the energy? istockphoto

10 Continuous improvement KIs environmental and sustainability action plan includes set goals as well as targeted actions to achieve those goals. The action plan is available at KIs intranet. istockphoto

11 KI aims for ISO 14001 certification KIs goal is to certify our environmental and sustainability efforts against the international environment management standard ISO 14001. Internal and external audits will be carried out regularly to follow up our work.

12 What do I need to know? istockphoto

13 1) KIs environmental and sustainability guidelines = priority areas and overall goals  Through research and education contribute with knowledge on health and sustainable development,  Use energy efficiently and in the future become climate-neutral  Reduce the climate impact of our business trips  Set environmental and ethical requirements for our procurements and purchasing  Minimize the health and environmental risks in the laboratory activities  Sort waste at source and reduce the amount of waste

14 2) Rules of operation that concern your work If you travel  KIs travel regulations If you procure or purchase products and services  KIs guidance for procurement and purchasing If you carry out laboratory work*  KI rules regarding laboratory safety (health and environment)  The work environment authority regulations * KI departments located in hospitals should follow hospital rules regarding waste and sewage.

15 3) Where you find guidelines, rules of operation and other information on KIs environmental and sustainability work

16 Thank you for your time! istockphoto

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