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Welcome to the KYGOEC’s Webinar Series! The presentation will begin shortly. Join by Phone: 1-502-782-5962 Conference ID: Conference ID: 895127 Best viewed.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the KYGOEC’s Webinar Series! The presentation will begin shortly. Join by Phone: 1-502-782-5962 Conference ID: Conference ID: 895127 Best viewed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the KYGOEC’s Webinar Series! The presentation will begin shortly. Join by Phone: 1-502-782-5962 Conference ID: Conference ID: 895127 Best viewed in Internet Explorer 8.0 and above.

2 Looking Forward, Looking Back January 9, 2014

3 Community Early Childhood Councils Agenda Race to the Top (RTT) Overview RTT Requirements Context History KY All-STARS Plan Moving Forward Strengthening Families Toyota bornlearning® Academies Professional Development

4 KY All Stars Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Requirements Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System (TQRIS) – Includes all programs Enhanced Family Engagement Robust Professional Development Longitudinal Data Systems (LDS)

5 Building on Past Successes KY’s Long History of Early supporting Early Childhood Development 1990 Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) 2001 STARS for KIDS NOW KIDS NOW Scholarships 2000 KIDS NOW! 2003 KY Early Childhood Standards 2005 Continuous Assessment Guide (CAG) 2013 2004 Parent Guides Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge

6 A New Business Model Children Enter Kindergarten Ready High Quality Early Learning Environments Supportive Families Access to Data for Community Planning Participation in STARS A great early childhood workforce Families understand child health and developmental needs Common Kindergarten Entry Screener Scholarships & PD Plans Families are engaged Children have access to appropriate services Data is shared by early childhood programs A New Business Model

7 Renewed Emphasis on Families and Data Half of all kids not in organized settings Toyota bornlearning® Academies CECC’s expand engaging families Interest in Strengthening Families Monthly messages Longitudinal Data Systems (LDS)

8 Our Theory of Change All children deserve access to high quality early care and education programs All parents deserve to know the quality of care their children are receiving If all children have the benefit of high quality care, more children will arrive at kindergarten ready to succeed!

9 Expanded Rating System and system of rewards Expansion of Toyota bornlearning® Academies Integration of Strengthening Families Enhanced Professional Development Integration of PD Registry Expansion of the Longitudinal Data System KY All Stars: Our Proposal

10 STARS For KIDS Now (Current System) Evaluated by Child Trends in 2011 2011-12 3 rd Party Evaluation STARS workgroup of the ECAC The Foundation for our Recommendations Opportunities for Enhancement Enhance Family Engagement practices and measurement Emphasize quality of adult-child interaction Use early childhood standards as foundation Promote screening and assessment Promote continuous improvement and PD Transparent and meaningful to parents Required Elements of RTT-EL Inclusive of Head Start, Preschool and Childcare More high needs children in high quality programs

11 Kentucky’s QRIS Proposal includes One Set of Standards for all programs Five STARS with licensing as 1 STAR Indicators vary by program type Licensed Childcare Type 1 Type 2 Certified Homes Head Start/Early Head Start School-based preschool Registered providers* * Registered providers will have a path to quality

12 Kentucky’s Proposal (cont.) All programs in the expanded system by 2017 Enhanced training and technical support (aligned with priority areas) Graduated system of rewards based on Quality Rating Mandatory display of rating at all locations PD Monitored through ECE-TRIS (including Pre-K)

13 Kentucky’s Highest Priority … 93% of grant funds will support enhancement and expansion of STARS

14 KY All Stars Supports for Engaging Families Strengthening Families Embedded in the TQRIS All programs that work with at-risk families CECC Learning Circles Expansion of Toyota bornlearning® Academies Enhanced communications to parents Development of E-tools Professional Development Leveraging the current system Focused on priority areas Expansion of ECE-TRIS

15 KY All Stars Providing Data Continue to incorporate Early childhood data in the KY longitudinal data system Integration of the training registry Enhanced Early Childhood Profiles Expanded analysis of Kindergarten entry screen data Validation of the QRIS

16 KY All Stars Implications for CECCs Toyota bornlearning® Academy Recruit parents Promote awareness in the community Support FRYSCs Strengthening Families Training for CECCs Training for providers Promote use across State KY Early Childhood Standards Training for Providers Promote effective use in environments Enhanced PD Based on priority areas Provide provider training Supported by RFA process Expanded TQRIS All providers included (no promotion) Supporting quality Raising awareness with parents

17 Continuing the Trend Activity Summary 2010-11 to Current FY 2010-11 FY 2012-13 FY 2011-12

18 Questions and Discussion Upcoming Events: Next Webinar: Building Your Council Communication Plan February 13, 2014 at 2:00 pm est. Regional Trainings: 2014 Request for Application Trainings Date TBD Times TBD Always keep an eye out for our CECC Newsletter for tricks of the trade, upcoming events, and other information for your CECC.

19 Kentucky’s premier professional learning opportunity for early childhood professionals & advocates June16-18, 2014 Galt House Hotel - Louisville, Ky. Follow us on Twitter @Ready_kids Kentucky’s premier professional learning opportunity for early childhood professionals & advocates June16-18, 2014 Galt House Hotel - Louisville, Ky. Follow us on Twitter @Ready_kids SAVE THE DATE

20 Thank you! Http:// Twitter: @kygoec

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