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Smoking, Alcohol and other drugs

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Presentation on theme: "Smoking, Alcohol and other drugs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smoking, Alcohol and other drugs
B1b Use misuse and abuse Smoking, Alcohol and other drugs

2 The effects of smoking and alcohol
In the table you have been given, decide if the statement is an effect of smoking or alcohol. Write the number in correct box in the table 5 Causes slower reaction, brain damage and loss of memory 1.Can make you aggressive brain 2. Causes chest infections and emphysema 6 Causes lung and mouth cancer lungs liver 4 Make you impotent – less able to make sperm 7. Can cause liver damage 3.Raises blood pressure

3 The effects of smoking and alcohol
2. Causes chest infections and emphysema 3. Raises blood pressure 5.Causes lung and mouth cancer Alcohol Can make you aggressive 4. Make you impotent – less able to make sperm 6.Slower reaction times, brain damage and loss of memory 7.Can cause liver damage Were you right?

4 Match the word to the definition
Your body gets used to the drug and you need more to get the same effect Sedative Stimulant drugs that slow down your reactions and make you less alert. Dependency block nerve impulses travelling to the part of the brain that deals with pain Tolerance drugs that speed up your reactions and make you more alert. Painkillers You become ADDICTED to the drug.

5 Match the word to the definition
Your body gets used to the drug and you need more to get the same effect Sedative Stimulant drugs that slow down your reactions and make you less alert. Dependency block nerve impulses travelling to the part of the brain that deals with pain Tolerance drugs that speed up your reactions and make you more alert. Painkillers You become ADDICTED to the drug.

6 Name the drug sedative stimulant painkiller alcohol cannabis coffee
Are the following drugs sedatives, painkillers or stimulants? Write the name of each drug in the correct box sedative stimulant painkiller alcohol cannabis coffee barbiturates paracetamol cocaine morphine amphetamines

7 Name the drug (answers)
sedative stimulant painkiller cannabis barbiturates coffee morphine alcohol amphetamines paracetamol cocaine

8 And finally… What chemicals are found in cigarettes?
Nicotine Tar Carbon monoxide What does each of these do to the body?

9 And finally… What chemicals are found in cigarettes? Nicotine Tar
Carbon monoxide What does each of these do to the body? Nicotine – is highly addictive Tar – contains carcinogens – chemicals that can cause cancer Carbon monoxide – takes the place of oxygen in the red blood cells. Breathlessness.

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