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Presentation on theme: "Coach Tondee CHAPTER 21 TOBACCO 9 TH GRADE HEALTH."— Presentation transcript:


2 TOBACCO Chapter 21 Lesson 1 Lesson Objectives Describe the harmful substances contained in tobacco and in tobacco smoke. Examine harmful effects of tobacco on body systems. Analyze the physical, mental, social, and legal consequences of tobacco use.

3 TOBACCO Trends in tobacco use are changing, and that is good for public health. Tobacco Use – A Serious Health Risk Tobacco use, particularly smoking, is the number one cause of preventable disease and death in the United States. Because of this risk, the United States government requires all tobacco products to carry warning labels. Avoiding ALL forms of tobacco can prevent many serious health problems.

4 TOBACCO Many people begin to use tobacco products thinking that they can quit anytime. Once a person has formed the habit, however, it’s very difficult to quit.

5 TOBACCO Nicotine One of the reasons tobacco users find it hard to quit is that tobacco contains an addictive drug. Addictive drug – a substance that causes physiological or psychological dependence. All tobacco products contain nicotine – addictive drug found in tobacco leaves.

6 TOBACCO Nicotine is classified as a stimulant. Stimulant – a drug that increases the actions of the central nervous system, the heart and other organs. Nicotine has the following effects on the body : 1. Raises blood pressure 2. Increases heart rate 3. Contributes to heart disease and stroke.

7 TOBACCO Cigarette Smoke – A Toxic Mixture Not only is tobacco addictive, but the smoke from burning tobacco is toxic. In 1992, the EPA, classified tobacco smoke and 2 nd hand smoke as a Group A carcinogen. Carcinogen – a cancer causing substance.

8 TOBACCO Tar and Carbon Monoxide Cigarette smoke contains tar. Tar - a thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns. Tar destroys cilia, that line the upper airways, protect from infections. Tar damages alveoli (air sacs in lung) and prevents absorption of oxygen

9 TOBACCO Tar destroys lung tissue. Lungs damaged by smoking are more susceptible to diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, cancer and emphysema. Carbon monoxide – colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas is found in cigarette and cigar smoke. Carbon monoxide replaces oxygen in the blood and deprives the body tissues and cells of much needed oxygen.

10 TOBACCO Harmful Effects of Cigars and Pipes Like cigarettes, cigars and pipes present major health risks. Cigars contain significantly more nicotine and produce more tar and carbon monoxide than cigarettes do. One cigar can contain as much nicotine as 1 pack of cigarettes. Cigar and pipe smokers have an increased risk of developing cancers of the lip, mouth and throat.

11 TOBACCO Harmful Effects of Smokeless Tobacco Smokeless tobacco – tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed. Smokeless tobacco IS NOT a safe alternative to smoking. Smokeless tobacco contains nicotine plus 28 other carcinogens. The levels of nicotine and carcinogens can be two to three times the amount in a single cigarette. Leukoplakia – thickened, white, leathery-looking spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop into oral cancer.

12 TOBACCO HOW TOBACCO AFFECTS THE BODY Short-Term Effects of Tobacco Use Some effects of tobacco use can occur immediately after use of the product. 1. Changes in brain chemist ry – the addictive properties of nicotine cause the body to crave more of the drug. 2. Increased respiration and heart rat e – nicotine may cause irregular heart rate 3. Dulled taste buds and reduced appetite – tobacco users often lose much of their ability to enjoy food. 4. Bad breath and smelly hair, clothes, and skin – these may cause others to avoid tobacco users.

13 TOBACCO Long-Term Effects of Tobacco Use Long-term tobacco use can lead to health problems such as: 1. Chronic bronchitis – tobacco use can damage cilia in the bronchi till they can no longer function – can lead to build up of tar in lungs causing chronic coughing and excessive mucus secretion. 2. Emphysema – destroys alveoli (air sacs) in the lung. This makes it more difficult to absorb oxygen. 3. Lung cancer – cancerous cells will multiply and grow. Unless detected early, lung cancer causes death. 4. Coronary heart disease and stroke – nicotine constricts blood vessels. This reduces circulation and builds up plaque inside blood vessels.

14 TOBACCO Chapter 21 Lesson 2 Lesson Objectives Explain benefits of a tobacco-free lifestyle Develop strategies for preventing the use of tobacco products.

15 TOBACCO REDUCED TOBACCO USE AMONG TEENS Smoking rates among teens have fallen sharply in recent years. Some factors contributing to this ongoing trend include: 1. Antismoking campaign 2. Financial cost 3. Societal pressures 4. Family influence

16 TOBACCO STRATEGIES FOR PREVENTING TOBACCO USE 1. Choose friends who don’t use tobacco 2. Avoid situations where tobacco products may be used 3. Practice and use refusal skills

17 TOBACCO WHY SOME TEENS USE TOBACCO Some teens think that smoking will help them control their weight or cope in times of stress and crisis. Other teens think that it will make them seem mature. These ARE FALSE! Tobacco may actually lead to serious health problems and nicotine dependency. It may also raise the user’s stress level. Peer pressure and media influences also may lead to tobacco use.

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