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Think management system Personnel Management System Financial Management System Risk Management System Environmental Management System.

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Presentation on theme: "Think management system Personnel Management System Financial Management System Risk Management System Environmental Management System."— Presentation transcript:


2 Think management system Personnel Management System Financial Management System Risk Management System Environmental Management System

3 Performance based management system to: Increase environmental performance on daily business activities Reduce environmental costs by identifying risks and implementing best practices Greater efficiency and control over the organization’s environmental performance

4 Success requires: Top-down commitment on a regular basis Employee buy-in thru use of cross functional teams Auditing program reviewed by senior management

5 Compliance with relevant laws and regulations Prevention of pollution Continual improvement COMPLYCOMPLY P R O E L V L E U N T T I O N IMPROVEIMPROVE ENV. POLICY

6 Reviewing the organizational environmental goals Analyzing your environmental impacts and legal requirements Setting environmental objectives and targets to reduce environmental impacts and comply with legal requirements Establishing programs to meet these objectives and targets

7 Monitor and measure progress in achieving the objectives Ensure employees’ environmental awareness and competence Review progress of the EMS through auditing and implement improvements

8 Continual improvement act check do plan

9 Cost savings Avoid future legal liabilities Reduce insurance premiums Improved bond ratings

10 Savings: $116,533 Bus idling monitoring campaign Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Boston, MA

11 Annual Savings: $814,000 Operating procedures, reduced bus idling time, print shop issues Utah Transit Authority

12 Annual Savings: $2,162,000 Reduced equipment idling time, reclaimed water, water meter charge savings City of San Diego

13 EMS helps avoid future liability EMS promotes better working relationships with regulators Ensures organizations a better understanding of their legal requirements Provides a consistent method for finding the root causes of non-compliance

14 EMSs help reduce environmental and workplace safety & security risks EMS approach has created verifiable, credible environmental results that have led to better overall organizational environmental performance An EMS has the potential to significantly influence financial institutions as they assess risk

15 #1 Top Management Commitment, Visibility and Involvement An EMS cannot succeed without the full support and backing of senior management Commitment can be difficult to obtain where there is lack of understanding of the standard and the benefits

16 #2Strong Implementation Team Essential for development and implementation of the EMS policy and procedures Needed to assemble the various working teams Should have specialized training and knowledge Responsibilities and authorities of this team need to be defined and supported by management

17 #3An Informed and Involved Workforce Successful implementation of an EMS requires the input and action of employee teams across the organization Training on EMS should begin immediately upon the decision to implement

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