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LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! Weathering, Erosion, Deposition.

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2 LET’S PLAY JEOPARDY!! Weathering, Erosion, Deposition

3 Bell ringer 12/16/14 1. Identify each as either CONSTRUCTIVE OR DESTRUCTIVE: weathering EROSION DEPOSITION

4 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy

5 $100 Question What is a good definition of “Weathering”? 1. Breaking down rock into smaller bits 2. An excessive amount of rain during the year 3. When water creates a channel in the earth 4. When wind blows sand into a pile

6 $100 Answer 1. Breaking down rock into smaller bits

7 $200 Question 1.Constructive 2.Destructive 3.Both constructive and destructive 4.Neither constructive nor destructive Weathering is:

8 $200 Answer 2. Destructive

9 $300 Question Which of the following is NOT abrasion? 1.Ice gets inside a rock, freezes and cracks it open 2.Water washes fragments of rock down a stream channel making it deeper 3.Wind blows sand against a rock tower to sculpt it into rock formations 4.A glacier scrapes rock bits against a hill causing scratches in the rocky surface

10 $300 Answer 1. Ice gets inside a rock, freezes and cracks it open

11 $400 Question DOUBLE JEOPARDY What is the universal solvent? 1.Water 2.Wind 3.Acid 4.Lye 5.A calculator

12 $400 Answer 1. Water

13 $500 Question Which of the following is an example of Chemical Weathering? 1.Wind sandblasts a hole in a rock over a many-year period 2.Water slowly dissolves a rock tombstone 3.Ice causes a rock to split into fragments 4.A plant root causes a sidewalk to buckle

14 $500 Answer 2. Water slowly dissolves a rock tombstone

15 $100 Question Which of the following is mechanical weathering by Non-living things? 1.Ground squirrels digging burrows 2.Water cracks a road’s surface by freezing and expanding 3.The roots of a plant go through a crack in the rock and make it wider 4.A mole digs a tunnel under the earth

16 $100 Answer 2. Water cracks a road’s surface by freezing and expanding

17 $200 Question 1.Constructive 2.Destructive 3.Both constructive and destructive 4.Neither constructive nor destructive Erosion is:

18 $200 Answer 2.Destructive

19 $300 Question Which of the following would NOT be needed for oxidation ? 1.Water 2.Metal 3.Oxygen 4.Rock

20 $300 Answer 4. Rock (It’s not the rock, but the iron IN the rock which oxides)

21 $400 Question What living organisms often cause chemical weathering? 1.Dogs and wolves 2.Lichens and fungi 3.Squirrels and mice 4.Jellyfish and seaweed

22 $400 Answer 2. Lichens and fungi

23 $500 Question What would be an example of chemical weathering from non-living causes: 1.Acids from decaying plants break down rocks 2.Acid rain eats away stone pillars 3.Glacier movement leaves striation in rocks 4.The pounding waves at the seashore cause tiny sand grains

24 $500 Answer 2. Acid rain eats away stone pillars

25 $100 Question DOUBLE JEOPARDY Carbonic Acid is chemical weathering which can create … 1.Caves 2.Sink holes 3.Caverns 4.All of the above

26 $100 Answer 4. All of the above

27 $200 Question 1.Oxygen 2.Nitrogen 3.Carbon dioxide 4.Carbon monoxide Carbonic acid is a mixture of water and …

28 $200 Answer 3. Carbon Dioxide

29 $300 Question Which of the following is NOT caused by deposition? 1.A sandbar in a river 2.A sand dune in the desert 3.Islands in a river delta 4.Striations in rock caused by glacial movement

30 $300 Answer 4. Striations in rock caused by glacial movement

31 $400 Question In the picture, which forces are involved in shaping the earth? 1.Abrasion 2.Erosion 3.Deposition 4.Both 2 and 3 5.1, 2, and 3

32 $400 Answer 5. 1, 2, and 3 Erosion, abrasion and deposition

33 $500 Question A “U-shaped valley” is a geologic formation caused by erosion by… 1.Wind 2.Ice 3.Water 4.Acid rain

34 $500 Answer 2. Ice

35 $100 Question What is deposition? 1.The break down of rocks into smaller pieces 2.The movement of sediment 3.Sediment being dropped off 4.The wind carving a furrow in a rock

36 $100 Answer 3. Sediment being dropped off

37 $200 Question DOUBLE JEOPARDY 1.Constructive 2.Destructive 3.Both constructive and destructive 4.Neither constructive nor destructive Deposition is:

38 $200 Answer 1. Constructive

39 $300 Question Which of these will NOT cause mechanical weathering? 1.Water 2.Wind 3.Ice 4.Acid rain

40 $300 Answer 4. Acid rain (Acid rains dissolves)

41 $400 Question When caves and sinkholes form, it is because water has dissolved… 1.Sandstone 2.Limestone 3.Granite 4.Feldspar

42 $400 Answer 2. Limestone

43 $500 Question When a river continually overflows its banks and erodes the land around it, the result is… 1.A floodplain 2.A very deep river 3.Igneous rock 4.A sinkhole

44 $500 Answer 1. A floodplain

45 $100 Question The physical force which causes the movement of water and ice is called… 1.Tilt 2.Gravity 3.Slope 4.Momentum

46 $100 Answer 2. Gravity

47 $200 Question Karst landscape is often full of… 1.Sink holes 2.Caves 3.Limestone 4.All of the above A

48 $200 Answer 4. All of the above

49 $300 Question When rock is chemically dissolved and carried away by groundwater, the result is… 1.Mudslides 2.Caves 3.Beaches 4.Sand dunes

50 $300 Answer 2. Caves

51 $400 Question Stalactites and stalagmites in caves are formations created from 1.Deposition 2.Erosion 3.Abrasion 4.Weathering

52 $400 Answer 1. Deposition

53 $500 Question DOUBLE JEOPARDY Which is NOT the result of a Glacial deposition? 1.Moraine 2.Hill 3.Lake 4.Cave

54 $500 Answer 4. Cave

55 Final Jeopardy When the wind is carrying sediment and drops it, deposition occurs because the wind…

56 Final Jeopardy Answer When the wind is carrying sediment and drops it, deposition occurs because the wind… … slows down

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